100字范文 > 区域供冷 district cooling英语短句 例句大全

区域供冷 district cooling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-14 15:48:27


区域供冷 district cooling英语短句 例句大全

区域供冷,district cooling

1)district cooling区域供冷

parison research of unit cooling energy consumption of VRV air-conditioning anddistrict cooling;VRV集中空调与区域供冷单位冷量能耗的比较研究

2.Research on optimal radius of adistrict cooling system;区域供冷系统最佳供冷半径研究


1.The Research of Optimized Design of City District Heating and Cooling System;城市街区区域供冷供热系统优化研究

2.Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Cooling and Heating Source Scheme for DHC System区域供冷供热冷热源方案的寿命周期成本分析

3.Optimal Radius Research of the District Cooling System in ShangHai EXPO;上海世博园区域供冷系统的最佳供冷半径研究

4.Ice Thermal Storage Technology in DHC冰蓄冷空调技术在区域供冷系统中的应用

5.Cooling loss of the secondary piping network in district cooling system区域供冷系统二次管网的冷量损失分析

6.Application of Preserving Heat and Direct-buried Pipeline for DHC System区域供冷供热工程中的预制保温管道直埋应用

7.The Life Cycle Cost Evaluation of Schemes and Analysis of Key Parameters in District Cooling and Heating System;区域供冷供热方案的LCC评价及关键参数分析

8.Study on Energy Bus System--Semi-central DHC能源总线系统研究——半集中式区域供冷供热系统

9.Optimization of district heating and cooling system of Nanjing Gulou software garden南京鼓楼软件园区域供冷供热系统优化

10.Feasibility Analysis and Comparison of Heating and Cooling Source Schemes for DHC Systems区域供冷供热系统冷热源方案经济性分析与比较

11.Technology application of ice-storage district cooling in Sanya Yalong Bay Resort District三亚亚龙湾旅游度假区冰蓄冷区域供冷技术的应用

12.Application Study on Economic Operation of District Cooling System --Summary of Research on DHC Economic Operation in Pudong International Airport区域供冷系统经济运行研究及实践——浦东国际机场区域供冷系统经济运行研究总结

13.Study on Optimal Design of District Cooling System Pipe Network in Shanghai EXPO;上海世博园区域供冷系统管网优化设计研究

14.The Economic Operation Research of District Cooling VWV System;工厂区域供冷变流量系统的经济运行研究

15.Numerical simulation of the thermal discharge in Xiaopingdao seawater source heat pump project小平岛海水源热泵区域供冷温排水热扩散研究

16.Technical and Economic Analysis and Research of Shanghai Expo District Cooling System;上海世博园区域供冷冷源方案的技术经济分析与研究

17.Simulation of technology for transferring cooling capacity of the sea though an underground aquifer for large-scale district cooling用于大规模区域供冷的地下含水层输运海洋冷量技术模拟

18.Study on Optimal Analysis of District Cooling System of High-rise Residential Area in Nanjing南京地区高层住宅小区区域供冷系统的优化分析


district cooling system区域供冷

1.According to the refrigerating unit used by thedistrict cooling system,there aredifferent modes ofdistrict cooling systems:separate generation of cooling andpower and combined cooling heating and power.实行区域供冷根据选用的制冷机组不同可有不同的系统形式:冷电分产和热电冷联产。

2.Presents design of this project,and performs a detailed analysis and calculation for economical operation of thedistrict cooling system and the stress of direct buried heating water pipes,verifying the economical specific frictional resistance presented by related literatures.介绍了该工程的室外暖通管线设计,并对区域供冷系统经济运行、热力管网敷设的应力进行了详细的分析计算,进一步验证了相关文献给出的空调冷水管线的经济比摩阻。

3)district cooling/heating区域供冷/热

1.Optimizing design ofdistrict cooling/heating systems;区域供冷/热系统的优化设计

4)district cooling and heating区域供冷供热

1.The Life Cycle Cost Evaluation of Schemes and Analysis of Key Parameters in District Cooling and Heating System;区域供冷供热方案的LCC评价及关键参数分析

2.Take a residential areasdistrict cooling and heating system as example.以某居民小区的区域供冷供热系统为例,对电、蒸汽、燃油、天然气等四种不同的冷热源配置方案从初投资、年运行费用等方面进行比较和分析,从而确定各个方案的可行性。

3.In this paper,the concept of life cycle cost and the method of life cycle cost analysis were briefly introduced,and then,several cooling and heating source schemes fordistrict cooling and heating system in Dalian Xinghai bay were estimated.本文简要介绍了寿命周期成本的概念和寿命周期成本的分析方法,并利用该方法对大连市星海湾区域供冷供热项目的冷热源设计方案进行评价。


1.Feasibility of RealizingDHC Using Heat Pump in WWTP;污水处理厂采用热泵技术实现区域供冷供热的探讨

2.Feasibility Analysis and Comparison of Heating and Cooling Source Schemes forDHC Systems;区域供冷供热系统冷热源方案经济性分析与比较

6)district heating and cooling区域供冷供热

1.Analysis of load prediction ofdistrict heating and cooling in Japan浅析日本区域供冷供热的负荷预测

2.Describes the heating and air conditioning equipments anddistrict heating and cooling facilities of the main buildings.概要介绍了日本 2 0世纪 90年代兴建的重要项目———东京临海新都心 (副都心 ) ,并对其中的主要建筑物的暖通空调设备、区域供冷供热设施作了描述 ,还涉及其他公用设施如区域性垃圾输送处理系统、交通建设等。

3.The evolution ofdistrict heating and cooling in USA and Japan is described Some lessons in the development are summarized,which compares with our idiographic conditions,The advice to promote the development of our country sdistrict heating and cooling are put forward.介绍了美国、日本等国家区域供冷供热技术的发展 ,总结了其发展过程中的若干经验 ,与我国的具体情况做比较 ,提出了促进我国区域供冷供热发展的建议。


