100字范文 > 书库 Stack room英语短句 例句大全

书库 Stack room英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-21 03:40:55


书库 Stack room英语短句 例句大全

书库,Stack room

1)Stack room书库

1.This paper probes into the management of open stack room from three aspects of the changes of reader retrieval method, literature layout structure and the management methods under the network environment.从读者检索方式、文献布局结构和管理方式三方面的变化探讨了网络环境下开放式书库的管理。

2.This paper analyzes on the necessity of hierarchical planning,discusses on the concrete scheme of hierarchical planning while library removes the stack room or replaces the stack room,and probes into the advantages of obligating the vacant sites by forecasting scientifically and the applicability of hierarchical planning.分析了图书馆书库管理中分层规划的必要性,讨论了图书馆在书库搬迁或倒库时分层规划的具体方案,对科学预测预留空位的优越性、分层规划的适用范围进行了探讨。

3.This article resumes the work of the circulating department, analyses the importance of a circulating department head s working place, considers he should take turns beside the circulation desk and in the stack room, and that he should be in he stack room mainly.简述图书馆流通部工作,分析流通部主任的工作位置的重要性,认为他们应轮流在出纳台、书库,而且主要在书库。


1.Libraries call the shelves "the stacks".图书馆把书架叫做书库。

2.accumulate books, a library收藏书籍、 集成书库

3.Open-shelf Reading and Administrating of Stack Room Stocks in University Library;大学图书馆库本书库的开架借阅与管理

4.An institution or a foundation maintaining such a collection.书库拥有这种藏书的机构或基金会

5.Most libraries have open and closed stacks.多数图书馆有开架和闭架两种书库。

6.Study on Library LED Illumination in Chongqing Colleges and Universites;重庆市高校图书馆书库LED照明研究

7.The Management of Network-oriented Sample Stack of University Library;网络环境下大学图书馆样本书库管理

8.On the Construction and Managemant of Sample Book Stacks in University Library论高校图书馆样本书库的建设与管理

9.Analysis on Recessive Missing of the Books in the Circulating Reading Room of College Library高校图书馆流通书库隐性丢书现象浅析

10.an extensive arrangement of bookshelves in a library where most of the books are stored.书库里存放书的地方,它们一般都把书放在书架上。

puter data storage eventually will completely replace boxed card catalogs and book storage.计算器数据库将完全取代目录片盒与书库。

12.I couldn"t find this book in the stacks. Would you help me to find it?我在书库里找不到这本书。你能帮我找吗?


14.archives of the United Nations Secretariat联合国秘书处档案库

15.The library is a treasure house of knowledge.图书馆是知识的宝库。

16.UNBIS Thesaurus《书目信息系统术语词库》

17.Korkut Ata and Collection of Kuorkut Ata;关于阔尔库特阿塔及《阔尔库特阿塔书》

18.Certificates and Private Keys (Certificate Database)证书和专用密钥 (证书数据库)



1.This paper discusses several phenomena of thestacks and the concrete problem of analyzing management.从开架书库的几个现象入手分析了书库管理的具体问

3)Book Stack Management书库管理

1.Currently,the book stack management of university libraries is suffered from four difficult problems: high shelf volume,mis-shelving of books,reader s intentional concealment of books and difficult inventory-checking,which impair the management efficiency and quality.当前高校图书馆书库管理普遍存在图书上架量大、图书错架乱架、读者有意藏书及图书盘点难等四大难题,从而影响书库管理的效率和质量。

4)Stack room environment书库环境

5)sample stack样本书库

1.The low utilization ratio ofsample stack is an existing problem lies in many university libraries.样本书库利用率偏低是不少高校图书馆存在的问题,主要原因是重藏轻用的观念束缚以及只增不剔导致文献老化,随着信息时代的到来,这种以"藏"为主的观念已不适应现代图书馆"以用为主,为用而藏"的要求,如何提高样本书库利用率,是高校图书馆藏书建设面临的重要课题。

2.This paper introduces the contents of the inventory work insample stack, analyzes the benefits brought about by the inventory work insample stack, and points out that the stack inventory could be developed as a basic work for evaluating and perfecting thesample stack.介绍了样本书库清点工作内容,分析了进行样本书库清点所产生的效益,指出书库清点可以作为样本书库评估和完善的一项基础工作来开展。

3.This paper introduces the functions ofsample stack, analyzes the problems existing in the open-shelves stack room, and advances some methods for solving these problems.介绍了样本书库的功能,分析了开架书库存在的问题,提出了解决这些问题的办法。

6)temperature of stack room书库温度


书库1.藏书的房屋。 2.比喻博学的人。
