100字范文 > 换气系统 ventilation system英语短句 例句大全

换气系统 ventilation system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-30 11:15:27


换气系统 ventilation system英语短句 例句大全

换气系统,ventilation system

1)ventilation system换气系统

1.Mechanicalventilation system is one of the most efficient methods to the problem.由于节能的需要,我国城镇新建住宅的气密性能逐渐提高,自然渗透的换气量不能满足新风量要求,采用机械换气系统是解决问题的有效方法之一。


1.Greenwood Air Management Ltd.绿林通风换气系统公司

2.Application of fuzzy fault diagnosis in gas exchanging system of marine diesel engine模糊故障诊断在船舶柴油机换气系统中的应用

3.Application of DDS technology in system of shift gas desulphurizationDDS脱硫技术在变换气脱硫系统的应用

4.The exchange of carbon dioxide between crop system and atmosphere in Guangzhou City广州市农作物系统与大气的CO_2交换

5.VBA-Based Transformation System of Surface Meteorological Data基于VBA的地面气象资料转换系统

6.Reconstructing for large scale air circulating recuperative preheating furnace大型空气循环换热预热炉的系统改造

7.An Analysis on Rotary Gas-Gas Heater in Gas Desulfurization Systems浅析烟气脱硫系统中的回转式烟气换热器

8.As opposed to gas-liquid systems, there is an interchange of gas between bubble and continuous phase in fluidized beds.与气-液系统不同的是,在流化床中气泡和连续相之间有气体交换。

puter Analysis on Supplying Ability of Urban Gas Pipe Networks System after Gas Source s Alteration;燃气气源更换后城市管网系统供气能力的计算机分析

10.Gas exchange measurement system based on chamber method and its applications in gas exchange research of plant ecosystems箱式气体交换观测系统及其在植物生态系统气体交换研究中的应用

11.Research and Development on Air-driving Generator for Air Energy Recuperation of Pneumatic System;气动系统能量转换回收装置的研究与开发

12.A Heat and Moisture Transfer Analysis of Lime Wet Flue Gas Desulfurization Technology;石灰湿法烟气脱硫系统中的热湿交换分析

13.Research on Air Pressure Compensation System for Transducer Underwater;换能器用水下气体压力补偿系统的研究

14.Research on Power Conversion System of Micro-gas-turbine Power Generating Sets;微型燃气轮发电机组的电力变换系统研究

15.Electronic and Pneumatic Transmission and Cruise Control System;客车电控气动换档及定速巡航系统的研究

16.Research on Automatic Switching of Hybrid FSO/RF System Based on Atmospheric Channel;基于大气信道的混合FSO/RF系统自动切换的研究

17.The Control System of Piezoelectric Electro-pneumatic Transducer and the Study of It s Reliability;压电式电—气转换器控制系统及其可靠性研究

18.The development of heat exchange system for a diesel-hot-air stove of exhaust gas recirculation in greenhouses;废气再循环式柴油热风炉热交换系统的研制


Gas exchange system换气系统

1.The model of three-dimensional flow in circular bend tube which is widely used in gas exchange system of internal combustion engine is developed in this paper.建立了内燃机换气系统普遍使用的弯曲圆形管道气体流场计算的三维模型及有关边界条件。

3)multi-function airchanging system多功能换气系统

4)vapour exchange system水气交换系统

5)air exchanging and conditioning system换气调温系统

1.Frequency Control Technology, which can be used as automaticair exchanging and conditioning system in flower cultivation greenhouse, has high reliability and excellent control performance.变频调速技术以其高可靠性及优良的控制性能,可以作为自动换气调温系统应用在花卉培育温室大棚中。

6)ventilation & purging通风换气系统


