100字范文 > 自动删除算法 automatic censored algorithm英语短句 例句大全

自动删除算法 automatic censored algorithm英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-05 19:52:54


自动删除算法 automatic censored algorithm英语短句 例句大全

自动删除算法,automatic censored algorithm

1)automatic censored algorithm自动删除算法

1.Smallest of CFAR detection method based onautomatic censored algorithm is applied to its structure of detector.针对Barnard等人提出的非高斯混响背景下的恒虚警检测器在非均匀环境中性能下降的缺点,将基于自动删除算法的最小选择恒虚警检测方法运用于其检测器结构中,提出了非高斯混响背景下基于自动删除算法的最小选择恒虚警检测器。

2.The performance of the detector is compared with the smallest of constant false alarm rate(CFAR) detector based onautomatic censored algorithm.比较了该检测器与基于自动删除算法的最小选择恒虚警检测器的性能,分析了这2种检测器各自适用的场合。


1.Generalized Variability Index CFAR Detector Based on Automatic Censored Algorithm基于自动删除算法的广义变化性指标恒虚警检测器

2.A Word-deletion Error Detection Method for English Automatic Pronunciation Assessment英语发音自动评测中单词删除错误的检测方法

3.The item could not be deleted.It may have already been deleted or moved.无法删除此邮件,它可能已被删除或移动。

4.Cannot delete "%1": only "Not present" drives can be deleted.无法删除 "%1": 只有“不在场”驱动器才可被删除。

5.Sets the AutoDelete rules. After rules have been run, the messages corresponding to the message types you specified will be automatically deleted.设定“自动删除”规则。运行规则之后,将自动删除属于所选类型的消息。

6.Cannot insert or delete a column in an area in which the AutoFilter command is turned on.无法在“自动筛选”命令处于打开状态的区域中插入或删除列。

7.The store has been removed. You must remove the database files from your computer manually.存储已被删除。您必须从计算机中手动删除数据库文件。

8.To remove the selected program from both your device and this computer, click Remove.单击"删除"按钮将从移动设备和此计算机中删除选定的程序。

9.Automatically delete stored usage data after自动删除存储的使用率数据时间:

10."Automatically delete stored usage analysis information""自动删除存储的使用情况分析信息"

11.To delete Autocomplete entries from the Address bar list从地址栏列表删除自动完成项目

12.This will remove the AutoFormat from the list.该选项将从列表中删除自动套用格式。

13.Automatic Deletion of Subdirectory by Using PASCAL Language用PASCAL语言实现自动删除子目录

14."Cannot remove the drive letter of your system or boot volume."无法删除系统或启动卷的驱动器号。

15.The listed software can be automatically removed. To remove a program, select it from the list and then tap Remove.此处列出的软件可被自动删除。要删除软件,请在列表中选中该软件,再点击“删除”。

16.Use Automatic if you want unused log files to be automatically deleted.若要自动删除未使用的日志文件,请使用“自动”。

17.The media in the drive cannot be removed from the catalog.无法从编录删除驱动器中的媒体。

18.Unable to delete the printer driver "%1" for %2 from %3.无法从 %3 删除 %2 的打印机驱动程序 "%1"。


self deleting algorithm自删除算法

1.In this paper, recent development ofself deleting algorithm of feedforward neural networks is surveyed.综述了利用删除法进行前馈神经网络设计的研究现状 ,并在重点分析根据隐节点输出相关性进行自删除的几种算法的基础上 ,在一个较高层次上提出了一种新的隐节点自删除算法 。

3)puncturing algorithm删除算法

4)vertex deletion algorithm点删除算法

5)dynamic storage/deletion algorithm动态存储/删除算法

6)detection-deletion algorithm识别删除算法


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