100字范文 > 倍率放电 rate discharge英语短句 例句大全

倍率放电 rate discharge英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-13 06:15:57


倍率放电 rate discharge英语短句 例句大全

倍率放电,rate discharge

1)rate discharge倍率放电

1.The influence factors of highrate discharge performance of Li-ion battery锂离子电池高倍率放电性能的影响因素

2.The influence factors of the highrate discharge performance of li-ion battery were studied.研究了极片面密度、隔膜厚度以及电解液等因素对锂离子电池高倍率放电性能的影响。


1.The influence factors of high rate discharge performance of li-ion battery锂离子电池高倍率放电性能的影响因素

2.Separator: made of absorbing super-thin fiberglass( patent: ZL01127020.9), its internal resistance is low and the discharge performance at high rate is good.采用吸收式超细玻璃纤维隔板(L01127020.9)其内阻低,高倍率放电性能好。

3.Study on Co Free and over Stoichiometric AB_5 Type Hydrogen Storage"s High Rate Discharge Performance;快速凝固过化学计量比无钴AB_5型储氢合金高倍率放电性能的研究

4.The Research of the High-rate Charge and Discharge Performance of MH/Ni Battery;MH/Ni电池高倍率充放电性能的研究

5.PD (Power-Double)功率倍增(放大器)

6.Effects of Calcium Zincate morphology on high-rate charge/discharge of Zinc negative锌酸钙形貌对锌负极大倍率充放电的影响

7.If the cable is urgent,the rate will is doubled.如果电报加急,费率加倍。

8.collection efficiency of photomultiplier tube光电倍增管的收集效率

9.A measure of the magnification of an optical instrument, such as a microscope or telescope.倍率光学仪器,如显微镜或望远镜的放大倍数

10.Of an electronic circuit or device ; having an output proportional to input ; amplifying or attenuating all frequencies equally.说明一种电子电路或器件,其输出和输入成比例,对所有的频率都放大或衰减同样的倍数。

11.Microscope: An instrument which provides much greater enlargement than is possible with a magnifier. Microscopes are available in monocular (for viewing with one eye) and binocular (for viewing with both eyes) models.显微镜:一种放大率较放大镜高出多倍的仪器。

12.Men are6 times more likely to be struck by lightning than women!男人被闪电击中的概率比女人高5倍。

13.control circuit with variable amplification具有可变放大倍数的控制电路

14.The n that it extends compares pacemaker big millions times.它发放的电量比起搏器大数百万倍。

15.An increase in signal power, voltage, or current by an amplifier, expressed as the ratio of output to input.扩大率,倍率扩大器中功率、电压、电流输出量的增加值与输入量之比

16.Military application of high rate chargeable Li-ion battery可高倍率充电的锂离子电池的军事应用

17.Analysis and Simulative Study of Voltage Gain in Common Emitter Amplifier;共射电路电压放大倍数的分析及其仿真研究

18.Characteristics and Suppression of Multipactor Discharge in Microwave Space Systems;空间微波器件二次电子倍增放电的特性与抑制


discharge rate放电倍率

1.Influence ofdischarge rate on cycling performance of lithium-ion battery;放电倍率对锂离子蓄电池循环性能的影响

3)high-rate discharge高倍率放电

1.The results show that the addition of CNTs in the positive electrode modifies the batteries performance underhigh-rate discharge conditions.对正极中添加多壁碳纳米管 (CNTs)的MH/Ni电池的高倍率放电性能进行了研究。

4)Charge-discharge rate充放电倍率

5)high discharge rate高倍率放电

1.More recently, the development is focused on enhancing the performance of the batteries athigh discharge rate to meet the high demand of the new electric equipments.近来则集中在提高电池的高倍率放电性能,以满足新型电子设备的高功率要求,并简略地指出碱锰电池未来发展的方向。

6)high rate discharge高倍率放电

1.Study onhigh rate discharge properties of nanocrystalline rare earth hydrogen storage alloys;纳米晶稀土贮氢合金高倍率放电性能的研究

2.Improvement ofhigh rate discharge performance of small-sized VRLA batteries;小型阀控式铅酸蓄电池高倍率放电性能的改进实践

3.Research on AB_5 type hydrogen storage alloys is reviewed with an emphasis on element substitu- tion,surface treatment and multi-phase composite,which are also helpful for thehigh rate discharge property of AB_5 type hydrogen storage alloys.针对AB_5型储氢合金高倍率放电性能介绍了在上述3方面所开展的研究情况。


高倍率放电分子式:CAS号:性质: 电池放电时,电流值不小于1C放电率的放电(C指电池的额定容量)。又称大电流放电。
