100字范文 > 组合加劲混凝土桩 composite reinforced concrete pile英语短句 例句大全

组合加劲混凝土桩 composite reinforced concrete pile英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-28 09:31:58


组合加劲混凝土桩 composite reinforced concrete pile英语短句 例句大全

组合加劲混凝土桩,composite reinforced concrete pile

1)composite reinforced concrete pile组合加劲混凝土桩

stiffened concrete pile加劲混凝土桩

1.The paper combines with practical engineering to introduce the support engineering essentials of foundation pit co-strengthened bystiffened concrete pile and prestressed anchor bolt,aiming at presenting the safety,economic and technical value of this compound support system and providing reference to similar work later.文章主要结合安高广场(三期)基坑支护工程介绍组合加劲混凝土桩、预应力锚杆复合支护结构的施工要点,阐明该类支护的安全性、经济性及技术价值,为今后的深基坑支护工程提供参考。

3)plain concrete reinforced cement-soil mixing pile素混凝土劲性水泥土复合桩(MC桩)

1.Analysis of load-bearing mechanism of composite foundation ofplain concrete reinforced cement-soil mixing piles在软基中先施打半刚性水泥土类桩(M桩),水泥未硬凝时再施打劲性桩,形成素混凝土劲性水泥土复合桩(MC桩)。

4)Concrete stiffening girder混凝土加劲梁

5)built up arch钢筋混凝土桩组合拱

1.A new design method which can be applied to thebuilt up arch structure with RC piles for deep excavation is presented,which is executed by the analysis of space frame.介绍了一种新的钢筋混凝土桩组合拱基坑支护结构的计算法———框架分析法。

6)steel-concrete composite stiffening girder钢-混组合加劲梁

1.Yunnan Xianglin Lancang River Bridge is a single span suspension bridge with main span of 380 m and appliessteel-concrete composite stiffening girder.云南祥临澜沧江特大桥为主跨380 m的单跨钢-混组合加劲梁悬索桥,在加劲梁段的架设阶段,由于中跨加劲梁段的吊装等因素导致主跨侧主缆的水平分力要大于边跨侧。


