100字范文 > 电压滞后 voltage delay英语短句 例句大全

电压滞后 voltage delay英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-17 13:22:37


电压滞后 voltage delay英语短句 例句大全

电压滞后,voltage delay

1)voltage delay电压滞后

1.There were two main problems in the application of the Li/SOCl2 battery:voltage delay and safety performance problems,which affected the commercial application.Li/SOCl2电池在应用中主要存在电压滞后和安全性能方面的问题,这影响了它的商业化应用。

2.The improvement ofvoltage delay might be related with the higher open-circuit voltage of BCX cell.测试表明,锂电极阻抗在放电初期迅速减小了80%~90%,直到放电末期,阻抗几乎不变;碳电极阻抗至放电末期才迅速增大;BCX电池有较高开路电压可改善放电电压滞后;电池并联超级电容器可抑制放电电压滞后。


1.Voltage Delay on Li/SOCl_2 and BCX Cells during DischargeLi/SOCl_2、BCX电池放电电压滞后研究

2.In electronics, the delay in change of an output with respect to changes in the input voltage, current, or power.在电子技术中,输出电压、电流或功率的变化滞后于输入变化的现象。

3.creeping of aneroid barometer空盒气压表的滞后现象

4.temperature-hysteresis effect of standard cel标准电池温度滞后效应

5.phase lead-lag network相位超前-滞后电路

6.The Calculation of Inlet Guide Vane Deviation Angle for an Axial Compressor轴流式压气机进口导叶滞后角的计算

7.Lag and Telescoping: Featuring Fertility Transition in China;滞后与压缩:中国人口生育转变的特征

8.Research on Hysterics Characteristics and Controlling Means of PbZrTiO_3PbZrTiO_3压电陶瓷迟滞特性及控制研究

9.Modeling and feed-forward control based on piezoelectri cceramic hysteretic压电陶瓷迟滞特性的建模及复合控制

10.In a word, the induced e. m. f. lags behind the current.总之, 感应电动势滞后于电流。

11.Effect of preliminary pressure on the displacement and hysteresis of the piezoelectric actuators预压力对压电致动器位移和迟滞影响的分析

12.The linear sampling circuit of direct current bus and the hysteresis voltage comparator circuit are confirmed.确定了直流母线电压线性采样电路以及迟滞电压比较电路。

13.A Novel Current Control Method for Voltage-source Three-phase Inverter with Constant Switch Frequency电压型三相逆变器定频滞环电流控制新策略

14.Dynamic Hysteresis Preisach Model of a Piezoceramic Actuator Based on Asymmetric Exponential Function Hysteresis Operators基于不对称指数函数迟滞算子的压电陶瓷执行器动态Preisach迟滞模型

15.control circuit with transfer lag具有传输滞后的控制电路

16.Analysis and improvement on signal hysteresis of the third electrode for Ni-Cd batteries镉镍电池组第三电极充电信号滞后分析及改进

17.Cyclic Performance of Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular Columns after Exposure to Fire;火灾后钢管混凝土压弯构件的滞回性能研究

18.The reason of on-off action lag of turbine lube oil pressure switch and treatment汽轮机润滑油压力开关动作滞后原因及处理


lagging voltage滞后电压

3)voltage lagging angle电压滞后角

4)The current lags behind the voltage.电流滞后于电压。

5)delay voltage延迟电压,滞后电压

6)pressure lags压力滞后


标准操作冲击电压波形(见冲击电压发生器)标准操作冲击电压波形(见冲击电压发生器)standard switching impulse voltage waveformb .oozhun CooZuo ChongJld,onyo boxlng标准操作冲击电压波形(standard switchingimpulse voltage waveform)见冲击电压发生器。
