100字范文 > 滑移稳定性 resistance to stability英语短句 例句大全

滑移稳定性 resistance to stability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-07 07:29:39


滑移稳定性 resistance to stability英语短句 例句大全

滑移稳定性,resistance to stability

1)resistance to stability滑移稳定性


1.Research on Stability Against Overturning and Slope of Portal Water Injection Sheet Pile;门架式水力插板桩抗倾覆抗滑移稳定性研究

2.Plastic slip stability analysis of gangue granular media矸石散体塑性滑移的稳定性评价分析

3.Study on the Formation Mechanism and Stability of the Toppling-Thrusting Nappe-Sliding Geological Body;崩塌—推覆滑移地质体成因机理及其稳定性研究

4.With the features of mono-block cast type wallboard, slippage press roller structure, strong rigidity, better stability and suitable for high-speed operation.整体铸造式墙板,滑移式压辊结构,刚性强,稳定性好,适用于高速运转。

5.Algorithm Research of Vehicular Lateral Stability Control System Based on Slip Control;基于滑移率控制的汽车横向稳定性控制算法研究

6.The Research on Rock Slope Stability Analysis and Search of Its Dangerous Slide Path;岩质边坡稳定性分析及其危险滑移路径搜索研究

7.Study of Land Utilizes Problem on the Basis of Landslides Stability in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region of Yangtze River;基于滑坡稳定性的三峡库区移民迁建区土地利用问题研究

8.Minimal potential energy method for analyzing slope stability of arbitrary sliding surface on a single stratum单一地层任意滑移面的最小势能边坡稳定性分析方法

9.Landslide stability analysis and control at portal of tunnel隧道洞口滑坡稳定性分析及滑坡治理

10.Searching for Slip Surface and Stability Analysis of Colluvial Slope堆积层滑坡滑动面搜寻及稳定性评价

11.Landslide Stability Discrimination Based on Borehole Deep Displacement Measuring Production Curve;滑坡深部位移曲线特征及稳定性判识——以崇尊高速公路龙井滑坡为例

12.And the characteristics of homogeneous loess landslide and loess-mudstone cutting layer landslide are high sliding velocity, long sliding distance and high stability after sliding except its scarp.黄土层内滑坡、土泥岩切层滑坡的滑速高、滑距长,滑体稳定性高。但后壁不稳定,易再次滑动。

13.drift-cyclotron resonance instability漂移回旋共振不稳定性

14.Study of Stability of Underwater Glider Non-acceleration Linearly Gliding水下滑翔器定常直线滑翔运动稳定性分析

15.testing method for seam slippage of woven fabrics : maximum seam opening method机织物中纱线抗滑移性测定方法:最大滑移法

16.The analysis of course stability and the turning quality about the skimming boat滑行艇航向稳定性与旋回性理论分析

17.Three-dimensional Critical Slip Filed of Slope Stability Analysis and Its Application;边坡稳定三维滑移场分析方法及其工程应用

18.The Study of Landslide Stability and Optimization for Anti-sliding Piles Based on ABAQUS;基于ABAQUS的滑坡稳定性研究与抗滑桩优化设计


anti-slip stability抗滑移稳定性

1.In the project,the major checking points are the top section flexural strength and the bottomanti-slip stability of the wall.其中,墙顶截面抗弯强度与墙底抗滑移稳定性是工程验算重点。

3)landslide stability滑坡稳定性

1.Dual evaluation method oflandslide stability based on stochastic analysis;基于随机分析的滑坡稳定性二元评价方法

2.Application of fuzzy mathematics onlandslide stability assessmen模糊数学在某滑坡稳定性评价中的应用

3.With a case study, this method is applied to 3D analysis onlandslide stability with confirmed sliding zone in this paper.结合工程实例,将这种方法应用于已知滑动面条件下的滑坡稳定性分析中,得到滑坡体天然状况下的二维、三维安全系数,同时对内摩擦角和粘聚力参数进行了敏感性分析,对比并分析了传统极限平衡法和FLAC3D强度折减法的计算结果,得出以下结论:①利用二维FLAC3D强度折减法计算的滑坡安全系数略高于传统极限平衡法;②利用三维FLAC3D强度折减法所得滑坡安全系数略高于二维FLAC3D的计算结果;③滑坡安全系数都是随着内摩擦角和粘聚力的增大而增大,其中内摩擦角和粘聚力的变化对三维FLAC3D强度折减法比二维求解安全系数影响更大一些。

4)stability of landslide滑坡稳定性

1.After having experienced a lot of difficulties and problems in stability calculation of landslide through computer,the authors find out that it s simple and easy to calculatestability of landslide on transient coefficients via AutoCAD VBA,which is a useful reference for similar calculation in other places.针对滑坡稳定性计算软件存在诸多使用上不方便的问题,采用AutoCAD VBA编制了折线形滑坡的传递系数法稳定性计算分析程序,结合工程实例对比计算,为滑坡的稳定性评价提供了较为方便的计算方法。

2.Based on the analysis of relationship between the level of reservoir water andstability of landslide,a reservoir landslide is investigated.本文在分析库水位与滑坡稳定性的一般规律的基础上 ,对某水库滑坡进行了考察 ,分析其初期蓄水过程中滑坡的位移动态和代表性测点位移的规律 ,确定最危险水位 ,进行稳定性计算中的参数反演 ,在此基础上 ,考虑地下水渗透的滞后性 ,进而预测了未来蓄水及潜在的库水位下降情况下滑坡稳定性与库水位的关系。

5)stability against sliding抗滑稳定性

1.The traditional definite dam safe monitoring target method all used the small distortion and the continuous supposition,we can not regard thestability against sliding of the gravity dam and the deformation of the dam organically combined.在研究影响混凝土重力坝安全的因素和预警指标体系的基础上,引入基于块体理论的非连续变形分析,考虑坝体和坝基整体抗滑稳定,采用强度折减系数法分析了三峡大坝左岸厂房3#坝段的整体抗滑稳定性,得到了安全系数与大坝位移之间的内在联系。

2.Based on a series of the site testing for stability of retaining wall,this paper presents the action of a notched sill and affection of the various depth of notched sill for thestability against sliding.以一系列的现场试验为基础 ,研究了齿坎对挡土墙抗滑稳定性的作用 ,以及不同齿长对挡土墙抗滑稳定性的影响 ,并用极限平衡理论进行分析计算 ,从而得出结论 :尽管齿坎较短 ,但对挡土结构物的抗滑作用甚大 ,在试验齿长范围内 ,抗滑力与齿长呈正比 ,当抗滑力达到极限值时 ,齿前土压力达到被动土压力值 ,而齿后主动土压力为

3.An application of the new program to analyze thestability against sliding of Xiangjiaba gravity dam is presented.介绍了程序的新功能、新特点以及程序在向家坝重力坝抗滑稳定性研究中的应用。

6)slope stability滑坡稳定性

bined with project geological conditions of tunnel outlet slope area,it analyzes the slope features and forming principle,calculates theslope stability,and brings forward the method that slope governing by sliding proof pile and light cave arch reinforced steel net,so as to make reference for familiar projects.结合隧道出口滑坡区的工程地质条件,分析了滑坡特征与形成机制,并对滑坡稳定性进行了分析计算,提出在隧道明洞设计时采用滑坡治理常用的抗滑桩与明洞仰拱钢筋网相结合的方法,取得了较好的效果。

2.Forslope stability problem with complex geometry and geological condition,this paper puts forward a 3Dslope stability analysis method based on 3D geological modeling and implements the corresponding system.针对具有复杂几何形状和地质条件的滑坡稳定性分析问题,提出实现基于滑坡地质体三维建模的稳定性三维分析方法与系统。

3.Every layer of sliding masses when calculating theslope stability and landslide-thrust distribution is analyzed.各层分别核算其滑坡稳定性,抗滑结构物设计中的滑坡推力及其分布形式。


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
