100字范文 > Gompertz曲线模型 Gompertz curve model英语短句 例句大全

Gompertz曲线模型 Gompertz curve model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-30 21:16:11


Gompertz曲线模型 Gompertz curve model英语短句 例句大全

Gompertz曲线模型,Gompertz curve model

1)Gompertz curve modelGompertz曲线模型

1.Gompertz curve model in settlement prediction of soft foundation on sea embankmentGompertz曲线模型在海堤软土地基沉降预测中的应用研究


1.Gompertz curve model in settlement prediction of soft foundation on sea embankmentGompertz曲线模型在海堤软土地基沉降预测中的应用研究

parisons on Logistic Curve and Gompertz Curve;Logistic曲线与Gompertz曲线的比较研究

3.Optimization Method for Parameter Fitting of Gompertz Curve for Soft Ground Settlement软基沉降Gompertz曲线的参数优化拟合方法

4.Amending Gompertz Model at Very High Ages and Simulating;Gompertz模型在高龄阶段的修正及模拟

5.Research on Prediction of Final Rolled Steel Output Based on Gompertz Model;基于Gompertz模型的成品钢材产量预测研究

6.CAR OWNERSHIP FORECAST IN CHINA --An Analysis Based on Gompertz Equation;中国汽车需求预测:基于Gompertz模型的分析

7.Persistence of Gompertz Systems in a Polluted Enyiroment with Impulsive Effect and Delay具有时滞脉冲的Gompertz污染模型的持续性

8.Improvement and Implementation of Gompertz Model for Transportation PredictionGompertz模型改进及其在交通预测中的应用

9.An Analysis of Bacteriophages Attacking and Splitting Bacteria with Gompertz Increase and Standard Incidence Model;具有Gompertz增长和标准发生率的嗜菌体感染细菌模型的分析

10.The Statistical Analysis of Gompertz Distribution Based on Tampered Failure Rate Model under Multi-step Stress Accelerated Life TestingGompertz分布TFR模型多步步进应力加速寿命试验的统计分析

11.Application of hyperbolic curves to prediction of embankment settlements双曲型曲线模型在路基沉降预测中的应用

12.The Studying on the Fuzzy Optimization Models of Portfolio Selection Under the Characteristic Curve特征曲线下的模糊最优投资模型研究

13.A Research into the Construction China s "U" Curve Model of Fairness-efficiency;论我国公平—效率“U”型曲线模型的构建

14.Research on Trigonometric Polynomial Curve Model and Surface Rendering Methods;三角多项式曲线模型及曲面绘制方法的研究

15.Numeric and curve parameters for freeform surface feature models自由曲面特征模型中的数值和曲线参数

16.Study on the Application of Logistic Curve Simulating Tourism Destination Lifecycle;旅游地生命周期曲线模拟的初步研究——Logistic曲线模型方法的应用

17.Application of Learning Curve to EOQ Model学习曲线在经济订购量模型中的应用

18.Geometrical Particle Models in Lorentz Space L_4 on Non-null Curves;Lorentz空间L_4中非零曲线的粒子模型


Gompertz curveGompertz曲线

1.Optimum combination predicted method and application to joint analysis of Logistic curve andGompertz curve. Journal of Zhejiang Agricultural University, 1998,24(4):443~446;最优组合预测方法及其在Logistic曲线与Gompertz曲线之综合拟合中的应用

2.A set of mathematics formulas based onGompertz curve and seasonal model is put forward in this paper.文中提出的基于Gompertz曲线,引入季节模型建立的成品钢材产量预测数学方程,具有数据处理简化及计算量小的特点,有较强的科学性和实用性。

3.The regional water resources complex system develops with S-type pattern,so the process can be described with Logistic curve(L-curve) andGompertz curve(G-curve).区域水资源复合系统在利导因子和限制因子的共同作用下呈S型增长模式,可以用Logistic曲线(L曲线)或Gompertz曲线(G曲线)描述其发展过程。

3)Gompertz modelGompertz模型

1.Evaluating to software quality and testing process based onGompertz model;基于Gompertz模型的软件质量与测试过程评估

2.Then the Virene method and least square method are adopted respectively to estimate the parameters of theGompertz model which is used to predict equipment’s future maintainability.为提高和完善装备的维修性,初步提出维修性增长的模型,分别利用Virene算法和最小二乘法估计Gompertz模型参数,通过Gompertz模型预测装备未来的维修性水平,最后结合维修性增长试验数据,运用实例说明了2种方法的合理性。

3.The settlement-time relation of foundation during the whole process of construction and operation can be described by a sigmoid or S-shaped curve,which can be modeled by the Logistic model and theGompertz model.地基的全过程沉降量与时间呈S形曲线关系,可用Logistic模型和Gompertz模型较好地描述。

4)the Gompertz modelGompertz模型

1.The paper examines the algorithm by some instances and compares with the results ofthe Gompertz model.Gompertz模型是可靠性增长的一个很好的预测模型。

5)Gompertz growth curveGompertz生长曲线

1.This paper founds the mathematical description of the relationship by means ofGompertz growth curve,and presents the basic method and procedure of model parameter estimation.文章利用改进的Gompertz生长曲线建立了CIMS投资-收益关系的数学描述,并给出了模型参数估计的基本方法。

6)gompertz mathematical modelGompertz数学模型


