100字范文 > 溜煤 Coal slip英语短句 例句大全

溜煤 Coal slip英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-24 11:59:58


溜煤 Coal slip英语短句 例句大全

溜煤,Coal slip

1)Coal slip溜煤

1.Coal slip and coal sprinkling is avoided with the use of vibrating feeder self-locking system,lift skirt plate and optimizing lead flow area.在沿海燃煤电厂,桥式抓斗卸船机振动给料系统频繁出现溜煤、洒煤现象,造成了环境污染并影响了系统的稳定运行。


1.Practice and the Understanding About High and Low Interlocks Slides the Coal Eye to Slide the Coal上下交错溜煤眼溜煤串联治理实践与认识

2.The straw, the bean and the coal sneaked past the old lady and headed out the front door.稻草、豆子和煤炭悄悄溜过老婆婆身边,往前门出去。

3.Having set it to draw, he took off the kettle and crushed the pan flat on the live coals and watched the lump of butter slide and melt.沏好了,他就把开水壶挪开,将锅平放在煤火上,望着那团黄油滑溜并融化。

4.Before they all left, Tigress button-holed Mr. Feng of Tian Shun Coal Shop. " Mr. Feng, you have room in your shop, don"t you?没等大家都溜净,虎姑娘抓住了天顺煤厂的冯先生:“冯先生,你们铺子里不是有地方吗?

5.Are the "Hui liu liu" And "Hua liu liu" the Same "Liu liu"--The Inquiry about Overlapping Affix of Modern Chinese“灰溜溜”与“滑溜溜”是同一个“溜溜”吗?——关于现代汉语叠音词缀

6.the sport of skating on a skateboard.在溜冰板上溜冰的运动。

7.Do you skate at the skating centres?你去溜冰中心溜吗?

8.The roads were slick with oil.道路因油而滑溜溜的。

9.with a good slick, and refreshing taste.滑溜溜,清清凉,好口味。

10.How about going for a bike ride?骑车出去溜溜好吗?

11.It"s a little yo-yo.这是一个小溜溜球。

12.Li Dong is playing with a yo-yo.李东正在玩溜溜球。

13.Hi! Li Dong, this is my yo-yo.嗨!李东,这是我的溜溜球。

14.I decided to walk our dog.我决定把狗带出去溜溜

15.The white flowing hair was newly trimmed.滑溜溜的银发刚经修剪。

16.His eyes rolled strangely/He rolled his eyes strangely.他那双眼睛滴溜溜地转动, 甚是古怪[他滴溜溜转动着眼睛, 甚是古怪].

17.As soon as I could creep away, I crept upstairs.一到我能溜溜湫湫地走开的时候,我就溜溜湫湫地上了楼。

18.My foot came into contact with something slippery on the floor.我的脚接触到地上滑溜溜的东西。


delivery drum溜煤筒


4)section coal bin溜煤眼

1.0section coal bin,not only alleviates the relation problem between mining and drifting,but also reduces transportation personnel and lifts driving economic benefit.开凿0#溜煤眼,不仅缓解采掘关系紧张问题,而且减少运输环节人员,增加经济效益。

2.The main affect factor ofsection coal bin jam is analyzed,some methods to solve and prevent the jam problems are put forward.溜煤眼是运输环节的咽喉,在煤炭运输过程中发挥着重要作用。

5)coal chute煤溜槽

6)coal drop溜煤槽


