100字范文 > 材料成本管理 material cost management英语短句 例句大全

材料成本管理 material cost management英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-25 07:33:55


材料成本管理 material cost management英语短句 例句大全

材料成本管理,material cost management

1)material cost management材料成本管理

1.Six essentials ofmaterial cost management of construction project;施工项目材料成本管理六要点

2)material cost材料成本

1.Discussion onmaterial cost accounting of assay laboratory of gold geology;试论黄金地质化验室的材料成本核算

2.To reducematerial cost of building engineering according to the principle of function-cost analysis;运用功能成本分析法降低建筑工程材料成本

3.Discussion on the assessment method ofmaterial cost of ready-mixed concrete enterprises预拌混凝土企业材料成本考核办法的探讨


1.labour and material cost index劳工及材料成本指数

2.Index of Cost of Labour and Materials工资及材料成本指数

3.cost variance-direct materials account直接材料成本差异帐户

4.index numbers of the costs of labour and selected materials used in government contracts政府合约的工资及材料成本指数

5.material costs basis for manufacturing overhead rates制造费用率的材料成本法

6.He put up his prices to offset the increased cost of materials.他提高了售价以补偿材料成本的增加.

7.He puts up his price to offset the increase cost of material他提高了售价以补偿材料成本的增加

8.The cost of materials does not fall on the experience curve.材料成本不位于经验曲线上。

9.Research on Raw Material Costing Control Model for Steel Enterprise;钢铁企业原材料成本控制模型的研究

10.Strengthening the Scientific Management of the Materials to Reduce the Cost of the Raw Coal;加强物资科学管理 降低原煤材料成本

11.Modification for Parato Analysis Approach to Material Cost Control;材料成本控制的帕累托分析法之改进

12."This warranty shall cover the cost of labor and materials, excluding removal and reinstallation costs."质量保证应该包括人工成本和材料成本,但不包括拆卸和安装成本。

13.The price of the finished product consists of the cost of your material, making charges and handling charges .制成品的价格包括原材料成本、加工费及经营费。

14.The cost driver used to assign material-handling costs is the material-handling numbers用于分配材料处理成本的成本动因是材料处理的数量

15.The material is natural, tades orge. Non-hard.fire-resisting, heatproof, wearther-unchanging life.材料、工资、时间、成本经济、费用底。

bined costs of raw material and labor incurred in producing goods.原材料和雇工费的综合成本。

17.He raised his prices to offset the increased cost of materials.他提高售价以补偿材料增加的成本。

18.Discussion on Engineering Material Target Cost Realization Process Administration;工程材料目标成本实现过程管理探讨


material cost材料成本

1.Discussion onmaterial cost accounting of assay laboratory of gold geology;试论黄金地质化验室的材料成本核算

2.To reducematerial cost of building engineering according to the principle of function-cost analysis;运用功能成本分析法降低建筑工程材料成本

3.Discussion on the assessment method ofmaterial cost of ready-mixed concrete enterprises预拌混凝土企业材料成本考核办法的探讨

3)materials cost材料成本

1.Superficial discrssionmaterials cost control methodfor construction project;施工项目材料成本控制方法浅议

2.This paper probes into the engineering project cost control methods adopted by the construction enterprise from formulating the construction scheme, determining the rational construction period, reducing thematerials cost, controlling the operation cost of the construction equipment, and downsizing the project administrative structure, etc.从制定施工方案、制定合理工期、降低材料成本、控制施工机械的作业成本和精简项目机构等方面探讨了施工企业工程项目成本控制方法。

4)material costs材料成本

1.Optimize project resources and research reducingmaterial costs优化项目资源与降低材料成本研究

2.For this purpose, the paper studies on the dimensional stability and the screw-holding power of wood-based composites for window frame, and analyses thematerial costs of the composites.为了降低铝包木门窗的价格,本文从窗框材料入手,选择价格较低的中密度纤维板和刨花板为芯层,加拿大产S·P·F材为表层,制作成窗框用木质复合材料,并对其进行了尺寸稳定性和握螺钉性能研究及材料成本分析,取得以下主要结果。

5)cost of raw material原材料成本

6)material management材料管理

1.Cultivation and organization of thematerial management talents procession in the construction field;施工现场材料管理人才队伍的培养和组织

2.Onmaterial management in highway construction;浅谈公路施工中的材料管理

3.Improvingmaterial management,decreasing project cost;加强材料管理 降低工程成本


