100字范文 > 大型充填袋 large filling bags英语短句 例句大全

大型充填袋 large filling bags英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-19 02:34:14


大型充填袋 large filling bags英语短句 例句大全

大型充填袋,large filling bags

1)large filling bags大型充填袋

1.According to characteristics of sea area,protection embankment useslarge filling bags as the slope of core of embankment.根据海域特点,防护堤采用了大型充填袋作堤芯的斜坡式的结构型式,进行了防护堤的数模、物模试验研究,掌握了软基筑坝的技术,研究成果可供同类型的工程参考。

2)large mud bag大型充泥袋

1.This paper introduces the application oflarge mud bag in Huanghua Port Phase I Project and analyzes its advantages and disadvantages.介绍大型充泥袋结构(又称大袋沙)在黄骅港一期工程中的应用情况,分析其优点和不足。

3)large-size sand-filled bags大型充砂袋

4)filled geotube充填管袋

5)geo-tube filling管袋充填

1.For the construction of a freshwater reservoir on the beach of the Yangtze River Estuary for the prevention of saltwater intrusion, a field experiment was performed on the techniques for bank construction with spoil, includinggeo-tube filling, spoil dredging, sun-dried spoil rolling, etc.试验结果表明,细粒含量高的土体的充填和吹填工艺不能满足潮汐施工要求与正常工期要求,粉细砂可满足管袋充填的潮汐施工的安全要求,弃土可采用翻晒干填碾压工艺满足坝体质量与工期要求。

6)filling bag充填袋



2.automatic form-fill-seal packaging machine自动制袋充填包装机

3." Bag forming, filling and sealing machine"GB/T17313-1998袋成型充填封口机

4.A heavy stuffed cylindrical bag used for blocking and tackling practice.沙袋橄榄球中用于阻挡和擒捉练习的重的圆柱形填充袋

5.On the modular design of the form - fill - seal packaging machine based on reverse engineering;基于反求工程的制袋—充填—封口包装机模块化设计

6.Application of Sand-bag Cofferdam by Hydraulic Filling for NAJMAT Project in UAE水力填充砂袋围堰在阿联酋NAJMAT码头工程中的应用

7.Application of Nano-calcium carbonate Filling Masterbatch in production of plastic woven bags纳米碳酸钙填充母料在塑料编织袋生产中的应用

8.To fill plentifully, as with money or food.填充用钱或食物填满

9.To stuff, as for roasting.填充填料,可供烤炙

10.When using padding, anchor the pillow down with a sand bag or a non-reflecting heavy object so it doesn"t move.当使用填充物的时候,要用沙袋或者不会有声反射的重物把它压着,这样它就不会移动。

11.The bag size( length), quantitative filling and range providing can be adjusted in no-step in order to package various volumes.制袋长度和定量充填可在设计范围内进行无级调节,以达到包装不同容量的要求。

12.THis machine with calculate to equip to match each other the set, can immediately automatically complete the calculating of product, send material, fill and packing, date print complets set packing procedure.本机于计量装置相配套,即可自动完成产品的计量、送料、充填制袋、日期打印的全套包装程序。

13.Analysis of filling effect and filling ratio of backfill mining in longwall face长壁工作面充填开采的充填比与充填效应分析

14.smaller scour-and-fill feature小型充刷-充填形态

15.0 - Clip (Default);1 - Isometric;2 - Stretch-剪裁(默认值);1-等比填充;2-变比填充

16.Study on Ion-exchange Packing Materials in EDI Stacks and the Packing Forms;EDI膜堆填充材料及其填充方式的研究

17.indirect-pressure interlayer-inflated transfusion bag夹层充气加压式输血袋

18.The act of inflating or the state of being inflated.充气充填气体的动作或被充气的状态


large mud bag大型充泥袋

1.This paper introduces the application oflarge mud bag in Huanghua Port Phase I Project and analyzes its advantages and disadvantages.介绍大型充泥袋结构(又称大袋沙)在黄骅港一期工程中的应用情况,分析其优点和不足。

3)large-size sand-filled bags大型充砂袋

4)filled geotube充填管袋

5)geo-tube filling管袋充填

1.For the construction of a freshwater reservoir on the beach of the Yangtze River Estuary for the prevention of saltwater intrusion, a field experiment was performed on the techniques for bank construction with spoil, includinggeo-tube filling, spoil dredging, sun-dried spoil rolling, etc.试验结果表明,细粒含量高的土体的充填和吹填工艺不能满足潮汐施工要求与正常工期要求,粉细砂可满足管袋充填的潮汐施工的安全要求,弃土可采用翻晒干填碾压工艺满足坝体质量与工期要求。

6)filling bag充填袋


