100字范文 > 高压电力设备 HV electric equipments英语短句 例句大全

高压电力设备 HV electric equipments英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-17 07:23:51


高压电力设备 HV electric equipments英语短句 例句大全

高压电力设备,HV electric equipments

1)HV electric equipments高压电力设备

1.The discharge detection system has high sensitivity and linearity,and can be applied to discharge detection ofHV electric equipments.该系统灵敏度高,线性度好,能够应用于高压电力设备的放电检测。


1.External insulation pollution classes of high-voltage electric power equipmentsGB/T5582-1993高压电力设备外绝缘污秽等级

2.Design of Discharge Detection System Based on Photomultiplier Tube for HV Electric Equipments基于光电倍增管的高压电力设备放电检测系统的设计

3.Two modules are used to monitor the temperature of high voltage equipment, thus power system accidents can be avoided.系统通过两个模块实现对高压电力设备温度的在线监测,防止电力系统安全事故的发生。

4.High Elevation Influence on SF_6 Gas Density Relay and SF_6 Gas Charging Pressure of Electrical Equipment高海拔对SF_6密度继电器及电器设备中SF_6充气压力值影响的研究

5.converter , high tension ,for radio apparatus高压发电机,无线电设备用的

6.electrical equipment universal testing stand高压电路电器设备检查器

7.Fabrication of force-sensitive resistor strip for high temperature pressure sensor高温压力传感器的力敏电阻条的制备

8.Study on Elextro-slag Pressure Welding Equipment of vertical Reinforced Bar…竖向钢筋电渣压力焊研究——设备部分

9.Electrotechnical terminology--High-voltage switchgearGB/T2900.20-1994电工术语高压开关设备

10.Insulation co-ordination for high voltage transmission and distribution equipmentGB311.1-1997高压输变电设备的绝缘配合

11.Icing Test Techniques of EHV and UHV Transmission and Transformation Equipment超特高压输变电设备的覆冰试验技术

12.What is the voltage sensitivity of down stream equipment?* 下游负载设备耐过压的能力有多高?

13.Test methods for measuring radio interference from high voltage equipmentGB/T11604-1989高压电器设备无线电干扰测试方法

14.Research of HV Transmission and Power Transfer Discharge Based on UV Imaging Method;基于紫外成像法的高压输变电设备放电研究

15.Altitude Correction of Corona Characteristic of UHV DC Transmission Electrical Devices特高压直流输电设备电晕特性的海拔校正

16.Analyzing On-line Monitoring Technology of High Voltage Equipment of Rural Power Grid农村电网高压电气设备在线监测技术分析

17.High-voltage Displaying Device Used in Preventing Electric Maloperation on Power Distribution Equipment高压带电显示器在配电设备“五防”中的应用

18.Design and Function of Long Term Live Examination Field for UHVDC Equipments特高压直流设备长期带电考核场的设计和功能


highvoltage transformer高压电力变电设备

3)high voltage equipment高电压设备

1.Study of temperature testing forhigh voltage equipment based on fiber-optic transmission;基于光纤传输的高电压设备温度测试研究

4)high voltage transmission and power transfer高压输变电设备

1.Environmental impact analysis on electromagnetic radiation fromhigh voltage transmission and power transfer;高压输变电设备电磁辐射环境影响分析

5)high-voltage electrical equipment高压电气设备

1.In order to analyze the partial discharge signals of thehigh-voltage electrical equipment, the time-frequency analysis method based on Short Time Fourier Transform(STFT)is presented.为了分析高压电气设备的局部放电信号,介绍了基于短时傅里叶变换(STFT)的时频分析方法及其重要性,并使用2种基于Matlab的方法仿真分析了局放信号。

2.In this paper,the establishment ofhigh-voltage electrical equipment calculating model is discussed.建立了高压电气设备的计算模型,应用子空间迭代法对几类典型的高压电气设备进行了具体数值分析,比较了刚性节点体系与柔性节点体系力学计算模型之间的模态差异。

6)HV electrical equipment高压电气设备

1.This paper introduces the principles and functions of insulation online monitoring intelligent system forHV electrical equipment, and analyzes the application example.介绍了一种高压电气设备绝缘在线监测智能化系统的组成、原理及功能,并分析了应用实例。


