100字范文 > 外墙乳胶涂料 exterior latex paint英语短句 例句大全

外墙乳胶涂料 exterior latex paint英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-24 23:11:44


外墙乳胶涂料 exterior latex paint英语短句 例句大全

外墙乳胶涂料,exterior latex paint

1)exterior latex paint外墙乳胶涂料

1.In order to overcome the shortcoming of poor stain resistance of ordinary acrylic-basedexterior latex paint,soft core/hard shell acrylic composite emulsion and core-shell acrylic composite emulsion with fluoropolymer rich in shell were synthesized by use of seed emulsion polymerization.针对普通丙烯酸外墙乳胶涂料耐沾污性不足的缺陷,采用种子乳液聚合技术合成了内软外硬型丙烯酸酯核壳复合乳液和壳层含氟的丙烯酸酯核壳复合乳液。

2.To troubleshoot the defects of poor stain resistance of ordinary acrylic-basedexterior latex paint,soft core/hard shell acrylate compounded core-shell structured emulsion with fluoropolymer rich in shell was synthesized with acrylic emulsion modified by organic fluorine andexterior latex paint was prepared with the synthesized emulsion.针对普通丙烯酸外墙乳胶涂料耐沾污性不足的缺陷,利用有机氟改性丙烯酸乳液,合成了壳层含氟的内软外硬型丙烯酸酯核壳复合乳液。

3.In order to overcome the shortcoming of poor stain resistance of ordinary acrylic-basedexterior latex paint, soft core/hard shell acrylic composite emulsion and core-shell acrylic composite emulsion with fluoropolymer rich in shell were synthesized by use of seed emulsion polymerization.针对普通丙烯酸外墙乳胶涂料耐沾污性不足的缺陷,采用种子乳液聚合技术合成了内软外硬型丙烯酸酯核壳复合乳液和壳层含氟的丙烯酸酯核壳复合乳液。


1.Preparation and Properties of Anti-aging Exterior Wall Latex Coatings抗老化外墙乳胶涂料制备及性能研究

2.Formulation design of high weather-durability and stain-resistance exterior wall latex coating高耐候、耐污外墙乳胶涂料的配方设计

3.Study on the Synthesis of Organosilicon-modified Acrylic Emulsion and Preparation of Exterior Paint with High Weather-durability;改性硅丙乳液合成及高耐候性外墙乳胶涂料制备的研究

4.emulsified epoxy exterior wall coating水乳型环氧外墙涂料

5.Cause for the whitening of exterior wall latex coatings and solution to it外墙乳胶漆涂膜“泛白”原因及解决措施

6.The Type,Manufacturing,Construction of Silicon-Acylic Latex Outer Wall Coatings;硅丙乳液外墙涂料的类型、配制和施工

7.Research of Inorganic Nano-powders Modified Exterior Architectural Latex Coating;无机纳米粉体材料改性建筑外墙乳胶漆的研究

8.Self-crosslinkable latex at room temperature with high elasticity is prepared to overcome the drawback of crack on the wall surface.研制高弹性自交联聚合物乳液以克服常规乳胶涂料涂膜导致基层墙面开裂的弊端。

9.Suitable for low or medium viscosity paint, such as emulsion and water-base coatings.中低粘度涂料,如:乳胶漆、水溶性涂料等。

10.Bingxisuan Rujiaoqi, waterproofing paint, resin coating, really Shiqi paint production sales.丙稀酸乳胶漆、水涂料、脂涂料、石漆涂料生产销售。

11.Solvent-thinned coatings for exterior wallGB/T9757-1988溶剂型外墙涂料

12.Polyacrylate Core-shell Emulsion Polymerization and Its Application in the Stain-resisting Exterior Coating;丙烯酸系核壳乳液的合成及其在耐沾污外墙涂料中的应用

13.Preparation of Elastic Poly(acrylate) Latexes and It"s Application in Exterior Wall Coatings聚丙烯酸酯弹性乳液的合成及其在外墙涂料中的应用

14.Preparation of Emulsion Coatings with Cross-linkable Hollow Latex Particles;可交联中空乳胶粒乳液型涂料的制备

15.Preparation of Nano-ZnO/Styrene-Acrylic Latex Interior Wall Coating;纳米氧化锌/苯丙乳液内墙涂料的制备

16.Development of Styrene-Acrylic Emulsion Used for High Scrubbing Resistant Interior Wall Paint高耐擦洗内墙涂料用苯丙乳液的研制

17.Preparation and Performance of Dry-powdered Emulsion Paint Based on Redispersible Polymer Powder可再分散乳胶粉干粉乳胶涂料的制备与性能

18.Application of polymer latex powder to exterior insulation and finishing system (EIFS)聚合物乳胶粉在外墙外保温中的应用


exterior wall latex coating外墙乳胶涂料

1.Formulation design of high weather-durability and stain-resistanceexterior wall latex coating高耐候、耐污外墙乳胶涂料的配方设计

2.Study was carried out on improvement on weather resistance ofexterior wall latex coating and nanoTiO 2 was added to replace part of pigment and filler of the coating.对提高建筑外墙乳胶涂料的耐候性进行了研究 ,并加入纳米二氧化钛作为涂料的部分取代颜填料 ,利用纳米粉体材料对紫外光的吸收特性 ,研究其添加用量对乳胶涂料性能的影响 ,特别是对耐候性能的影响。

3)exterior wall latex paint乳胶外墙涂料

4)polystyrene acrylic exterior wall latex paint聚丙外墙乳胶涂料

5)vinyl acetate-acrylic exterior wall latex paint乙丙乳胶外墙涂料

6)indoors emulsion paint内墙乳胶涂料


