100字范文 > 多彩涂料 multicolor paint英语短句 例句大全

多彩涂料 multicolor paint英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-02 17:24:37


多彩涂料 multicolor paint英语短句 例句大全

多彩涂料,multicolor paint

1)multicolor paint多彩涂料

1.A interior decorativemulticolor paint is obtained by chitosan, as paint membrane, mixing with short color fibers and crosslinking agent.与常用的该类多彩涂料相比,其具有低温干燥快,不易霉变、无需较贵的添加剂等优点。

2.A waterbornemulticolor paint is prepared by chitosan in acetic acid solution, mixing with short fiber and crosslinked by glutaric dialdehyde.甲壳糖醋酸水溶液为成膜剂,掺入短纤维后用戊二醛交联得到多彩涂料。

3.A new type of decorativemulticolor paint with the functions of both wall paper and wall paint has been developed,which can be used for interior application.研制成一种兼具壁纸、涂料功能的新型装饰性多彩涂料,适用于内墙涂装。


1.This paper sketchy to introduced uses, function, characteristic and technological manufacture, For the" O/ Wtype Ploychrome Paint".本文简略介绍了O/型多彩涂料”的用途、能、点和制作工艺等。

2.The result paint has some advantages over usual one in shorter of dry time, and more mild-proof, and no needing expensive additives.与常用的该类多彩涂料相比,其具有低温干燥快,不易霉变、需较贵的添加剂等优点。

3.A waterborne multicolor paint is prepared by chitosan in acetic acid solution, mixing with short fiber and crosslinked by glutaric dialdehyde.甲壳糖醋酸水溶液为成膜剂,掺入短纤维后用戊二醛交联得到多彩涂料。

4.colour-glazed sand paint for building decoration建筑装饰彩釉砂涂料

5.A large, multicolored graffito.大幅涂鸦巨大的、多彩的乱涂乱画

6.To mix(powdered pigments or colors)with water and size.将(粉状颜料或色彩)与水和涂料混合

7.Study on white and colored PVAc coatings based on anhydrite powders with different granularities硬石膏粉体为填料制备白色及彩色涂料初探

parison between Primitive Rock Art Materials and Modern Rock Painting Materials原始涂绘岩画材料与现代岩彩画材料之比较

9.First of all, silicon a crylic-acid elastic thick film coating is better than granite in its bright and colorful luster, and unity and homogeneity of exterior decoration.首先硅丙弹性厚膜涂料的色泽丰富多彩,外墙的统一性和均一性也要好于花岗岩。

10.The Effect of Thickening Agent on the Coating Color and Coating Film Characteristic of Multi-pigment Formulation增稠剂对多颜料配方涂料及涂层性能的影响

11.The application of thick layers of pigment to a canvas or other surface in painting.厚涂法将颜料厚层色彩涂于画布或其他绘画作品的表面上的应用

12.Study on Ink Jet Color Printing Coating Formulation by Orthogonal Test彩色喷墨打印纸涂料配方的正交试验研究

13.Advances on Development of Nano-Silica in Color Ink-jet Printing Paper Coatings纳米级SiO_2在彩喷纸涂料中的应用研究进展

14.Chromo paper: A smooth, heavily coated paper, usually only coated on one side, often used for the printing of multi-colours such as labels, etc.彩印纸:一种平滑,涂层特厚的纸.此种纸多数涂布一面,常用于多色彩印如标签等.

15.sag resistance of paints using a multinotch applicator多切口涂板器对涂料抗下垂的试验方法

16.Wuyi caihong coatings co., Itd is engaged in professional Nonstick silicone coating Teflon and professional firms.武义彩虹涂料有限公司是专业从事聚四氟乙烯和有机硅不粘涂料的专业厂商。

17.Don"t soak the brush with paint, just put a little on.刷子上别沾太多的涂料,沾一点就行了。

18.covered with or as if with a glossy and usually brightly colored coating.覆盖了或者好像覆盖了一层光滑的、通常色彩明亮的涂料。


multicolor coating多彩涂料

position,affect of each component, process routes, choice of technic parameters and application otmulticolor coating are described.介绍了水包油型多彩涂料的组成、各组份的作用、生产工艺路线和工艺参数的选择。

2.This article produces a water-in-watermulticolor coating by utilizing protective colloid and tackifier composite system to form colorful particles.多彩涂料是涂料中含有和漆料不相容的色彩不同、大小与形状各异的颗粒状物质,组成的一种复合的悬浮分散体涂料。

3)full water-borne multicolour coatings全水性多彩涂料

4)multi colour pattern coating多彩花纹涂料

5)color coated metal coatings彩涂板涂料

1.The paper gives a brief introduction of the present situation and development of color coated metal ,color coated metal coatings and process both at home and abroad.简述了国内外彩涂板、彩涂板涂料和工艺现状及其发展。

6)cloud pattern coating云彩涂料

1.Characteristics,raw materials used,basic formula,manufacturing process,performance indexes of thecloud pattern coating were described.阐述了云彩涂料的特点,采用的原材料及基本配方生产工艺、性能指标,介绍了施工方法,施工用量及单方材料成本。


