100字范文 > 水性木器涂料 water-borne wood coatings英语短句 例句大全

水性木器涂料 water-borne wood coatings英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-20 05:28:24


水性木器涂料 water-borne wood coatings英语短句 例句大全

水性木器涂料,water-borne wood coatings

1)water-borne wood coatings水性木器涂料

1.Development status of two-packwater-borne wood coatings and problems presented;双组分水性木器涂料发展现状及存在问题

2.Development of antibacterialwater-borne wood coatings modified by nano materials;纳米材料改性抗菌水性木器涂料的开发

3.Research development and prospect of Chinawater-borne wood coatings;我国水性木器涂料的研究进展及前景


1.Discussion on the application line technology of water-borne wood coatings水性木器涂料流水线涂装生产工艺探讨

2.Study on UV-curable water-borne wood coatings of abrasion-resistance耐磨紫外光固化水性木器涂料的研究

3.Use of nano silicasol in water-borne wood coatings纳米硅溶胶在水性木器涂料中的应用

4.Preparation of high gloss water-borne PU and water-borne wood coatings高光泽水性聚氨酯及水性木器涂料的研制

5.Current Status and the Future of the Water-Based Wood Coatings in China;我国水性木器涂料的研究现状与发展前景

6.Design & Opttimization Principle of High Hardness Waterborne Coating高硬度水性木器涂料的设计与优化原理

7.Study and discussion on the problem of indentation resistance of two package water-borne wood coatings双组分水性木器涂料抗压痕问题的研究与探讨

8.Preparation of Zinc Ion Crosslink Styrene-Acrylic Emulsions for Waterborne Wood Coatings锌离子交联水性木器涂料用苯丙乳液的研制

9.Study on acrylic later for water-borne wood coatings of new generation新一代水性木器涂料用丙烯酸乳液的研究

10.Analysis on the development trend of wood coatings from the status of wood coatings industry从木器涂料产业现状分析其水性涂料技术进展

11.Study on the preparation of epoxy modified water-borne PU wood coatings环氧树脂改性水性聚氨酯木器涂料的合成研究

12.Study on the Painting Process of the Water-based Coating for the Wood Furnitures;水性涂料应用于木家具涂饰工艺的研究

13.Study on Improvement of Micro-bubble Problem while Brushing Waterborne Wood Coatings涂刷水性木器漆微泡问题的改进研究

14.Studies on the Veneer-overlaying Process and Painting Process of Waterborne Wood Coats on Poplar-based Panels for Furniture;家具用杨木板件的薄木贴面及其水性涂料涂饰工艺研究

15.Development of a New Kind of Waterborne Intumescent Fire-retardant Coatings for Wood Structure;新型木结构水性膨胀型防火涂料的研制

16."Polyurethane surface coatings are applied as sealants to wood, concrete, and machine parts"聚氨酯表面涂料可作为木材、水泥以及机器零件的密封剂。

17.Suitable for low or medium viscosity paint, such as emulsion and water-base coatings.中低粘度涂料,如:乳胶漆、水溶性涂料等。

18.Application of Silica Matting Powder in Wood Paint二氧化硅消光粉在木器涂料中的应用


waterborne wood coatings水性木器涂料

1.Wax additive is an important functional additive forwaterborne wood coatings.蜡助剂是水性木器涂料中使用的一种功能性助剂,本文研究了不同种类的蜡助剂在水性木器涂料中的使用对漆膜性能的影响。

2.The paper discussed application of additives,such as flatting agent,wetting and levelling agent,deforming agent and rheological agent inwaterborne wood coatings and their influences on the coatings performance.从消光剂、润湿流平剂、漆膜手感剂、消泡剂、流变助剂几个方面对助剂在水性木器涂料中的应用以及对水性木器涂料性能的影响进行了探讨。

3.This article points out the advantages and shortcomings ofwaterborne wood coatings, then puts forward suggestions on its future development.概述水性木器涂料的优势,指出水性木器涂料的不足之处,提出水性木器涂料发展的建议。

3)water-borne PU wood coatings水性聚氨酯木器涂料

1.In uence of soft segment onwater-borne PU wood coatings;软段对水性聚氨酯木器涂料性能的影响

4)wood coatings木器涂料

1.Synthesis of styrene/acrylic microemulsion forwood coatings;木器涂料用苯丙微乳液的合成

2.Synthesis and performance of UV-curable water-borne acrylicwood coatings;UV固化聚丙烯酸系水性木器涂料的合成与性能

3.This article has introduced a kind of new waterborne two-component isocyanate-freewood coatings,studied the crosslinker and the film curing mechanism,and discussed the influence of additives on the product performance.介绍了一种新型水性双组分无异氰酸酯木器涂料,研究了其固化成膜机理,并讨论了助剂的选择对产品性能的影响。

5)wood lacquer木器涂料

1.This article has described the principles of selection of defoamer s forwood lacquers based on definition of bubbles, causes of foam forming, mechan ism of defoamers, evaluation methods of defoamers and prevention of bubbles.通过对气泡的定义、气泡产生的原因分析探讨了消泡剂的作用机理、测试评价方法、气泡的防止方法,进而阐述了溶剂型木器涂料选择消泡剂的影响因素。

6)wood coating木器涂料

1.Research progress on modification in waterborne polyurethanewood coatings;水性聚氨酯木器涂料改性研究进展

2.The results of property measurements show that waterborne polyurethanewood coatings have excellent conglutination strength,water resistance and mechanical properties.性能测试结果表明:以此乳液再配以其它助剂制得的水性聚氨酯木器涂料,具有优异的附着力、耐水性和力学性能。

3.by the method of core-shell emulsion polymerization,which was used to forntulate the waterborne polyurethane-acrylatewood coatings.用5%~8%E-20改性的涂料性能能满足木器涂料的要求。


