100字范文 > 氟碳涂层 fluorocarbon coating英语短句 例句大全

氟碳涂层 fluorocarbon coating英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-27 15:33:47


氟碳涂层 fluorocarbon coating英语短句 例句大全

氟碳涂层,fluorocarbon coating

1)fluorocarbon coating氟碳涂层

1.The qualitative test method using FT-IR and DSC for architectural decorationfluorocarbon coatings such as FEVE and PVDF has been introduced.介绍了利用傅里叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)和差示扫描量热法(DSC)对FEVE与PVDF系建筑装饰用氟碳涂层进行定性鉴定的方法,并用实例加以说明。

2.Effect of different climates on anti-corrosion offluorocarbon coating have been studied in this paper,which were exposed in plateau climate with amounts of ultraviolet radiation at Western China and in subtropical climate with high humidity at central of China.通过检测在拉萨和武汉地区户外曝晒的氟碳涂层的界面电化学腐蚀特征、吸水率和耐盐雾腐蚀性,研究不同大气环境对涂层的耐蚀性能的影响。

3.The variations in the po-rosity offluorocarbon coating and electric resistance of the coated metal substrate with exposure duration and seasons were investigated by means of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS),aiming at revealing the effect of exposure angle on the corrosion resistance of the coating in Wuhan region.以氟碳涂层为研究对象,采用交流阻抗测试,通过分析涂层孔隙率、膜下金属电荷传递电阻的变化研究了武汉地区不同曝露角度对涂层材料耐蚀性能的影响。


1.Study of Test Methods for PVDF Content of Hot-melt Fluorocarbon Coatings (Dry-film)热熔型氟碳涂层(干膜)中PVDF含量测试方法的研究

2.The color of fluorine-carbon aluminum single sheet is subject to that of the surface coating.氟碳铝单板的颜色决定于表面涂层的颜色。

3.Anticorrosion properties of polyaniline/fluorocarbon emulsion composite coatings聚苯胺/氟碳乳液复合涂层的防腐蚀性能

4.Anticorrosive coating accessory system and construction quality control of air-curable fluorocarbon paints-part two常温固化氟碳涂料防腐涂层配套体系及施工质量控制(二)

5.Anticorrosive coating accessory system and construction quality control of air-curable fluorocarbon paints-part one常温固化氟碳涂料防腐涂层配套体系及施工质量控制(一)

parative Study on Dirt Resistance of Ambient-Cured Coating of FEVE Fluorocarbon Resin Paint提高FEVE氟碳涂料常温固化层耐粘污性方法的比较

7.Study on Structures and Properties of Air Curing Feve Paints and Preparation of High-Performance Feve Paints常温固化FEVE氟碳涂料结构与性能研究及高性能FEVE氟碳涂料的制备

8.Study on Thermal Stability of Air Curing FEVE Coatings常温固化FEVE氟碳涂料热稳定性研究

9.Study on Surface Hydrophilicity of Ambient Cure FEVE Fluorocarbon Coatings Film常温固化FEVE氟碳涂膜表面亲水性研究

10.Applications of GHSF-30 Fluorocarbon Emulsion and Paint TherefromGHSF-30氟碳乳液及其涂料的应用

11.Study on Mechanical Properties of Air Curing FEVE Paint常温固化FEVE氟碳涂料力学性能研究

12.Research on Nano-TiO_2 Modified Fluorocarbon Coating and Painting Process;纳米二氧化钛改性氟碳涂料及涂装工艺的研究

13.An Investigation in Processes and Properties of Detonation Gun Sprayed WC Coatings爆炸喷涂碳化钨涂层工艺及性能研究


15.Development and Application of Ambient Cured Anti-corrosion Fluorocarbon Coatings常温固化防腐蚀氟涂层的研制及应用

16.Study on Influence Factors of Environmental Friendly Nano-composite Coating of Emulsion Containing Fluorine;影响氟碳乳液型纳米环保涂料因素的研究

17.Coating engineering quality control of imitation aluminum-plastic board with fluorocarbon metal paint;浅谈仿铝塑板氟碳金属漆涂装工程质量控制

18.Study on Heavy-Duty Fluorocarbon Coating System for Steel Structure钢结构重防腐氟碳涂料配套体系的研究


fluorine-resin coating氟碳涂层材料

3)Fluorocarbon resin coating氟碳树脂涂层

4)fluorine carbon coating氟碳涂料

1.This text has briefly introdused the main variety offluorine carbon coating on the market,and proposed some suggestions on the developing of fluorine carbon c oating.我国氟碳涂料的发展十分迅速。

2.The article reported the development situation of fluorine resin andfluorine carbon coating in domestic market,along with the current application of the mainfluorine carbon coatings.概述了我国氟树脂及氟碳涂料的发展情况,氟碳涂料中主要品种的应用状况。

5)fluorocarbon paint氟碳涂料

1.Dispersion of nano-TiO2 and modification offluorocarbon paint;纳米二氧化钛的分散及对氟碳涂料的改性

2.Fabrication of new typefluorocarbon paint and its application research on railway vehicles;新型氟碳涂料的开发及其在轨道车辆上的应用研究

3.The application prospects offluorocarbon paint in the exterior heat-protective system and the development trends thereof are also described.介绍了我国关于推广使用外保温技术的有关政策,我国氟碳涂料在外墙外保温体系的应用前景及今后氟碳涂料的发展方向。

6)fluorocarbon coatings氟碳涂料

1.Field exposure test and date analysis offluorocarbon coatings for the anticorrosion engineering of Main Gymnasium of Olympic Games;奥运主体育场防腐工程用氟碳涂料天然曝晒试验与分析

2.The paper described basic principle of film adhesion, briefly introduced matching application method offluorocarbon coatings and discussed influences of many factors, such as degree of cross-linking, composition of solvents and adhesion promoter etc.叙述了漆膜附着的基本原理,简要介绍了氟碳涂料的配套应用方案,探讨了交联度、溶剂组成、附着力促进剂等因素对涂层层间附着力的影响。


