100字范文 > 长江干线 the Yangtze River英语短句 例句大全

长江干线 the Yangtze River英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-29 04:20:03


长江干线 the Yangtze River英语短句 例句大全

长江干线,the Yangtze River

1)the Yangtze River长江干线

1.The economic belt alongthe Yangtze River is the most important economic corridor of high-density, which plays a very important role in the social and economic development of our country.这就导致了石油化工产业的迅猛发展,进而直接促进了长江干线危险品物流港口的快速发展。

2.As being constructed for more than ten years,the VTS ofthe Yangtze River make good progress.长江VTS系统在经过十几年的建设后取得了一定的成果,提高了长江干线船舶航行的安全、保障了水域清洁。


1.Safety Evaluation of Navigation Environment in Adjoining Waters of Bridges over the Yangtze River长江干线大桥水域通航环境安全评价

2.A Simulation Approach to Typical Waterway Capacity on the Trunk Line of the Yangtze River长江干线典型航道通过能力仿真研究

3.On Mathematical Theory of Yangtze River Transportation Safety Early-Warning长江干线水上交通安全预警模型研究

4.Research on Ships Routing from Anqing to Wuhu in Yangtze River;长江干线安庆至芜湖河段船舶定线制研究

5.Safety Evaluation of Navigation Environment in Adjoining Waters of Bridges over Yangtze River;长江干线大桥水域通航环境安全评价的研究

6.The Research about Constructing the Navagation Marks on the Main Channel of the ChangJiang River;长江干线航道航行标志设施建设的研究

7.The Optimization of International Container Transportation System of Yangshan Port along Yangtzi River Main Line;长江干线—洋山港国际集装箱运输系统优化

8.Study on the Safety Guarantee System of Dangerous Goods Transportation in Yangtze River长江干线危险品运输安全保障体系研究

9.Study on the Optimization for Transport Organization Mode of Dangerous Goods in Yangtze River长江干线危险品运输组织方式优化研究

10.The Adaptability between Waterway Navigation Capabilities and Logisitics Demands of Yangtze River长江干线航道通航能力与物流需求适应性研究

11.The Optimization Research of Ship Economical Operation in the Changjiang River and Sanxia Reservoir三峡库区及长江干线船舶经济航行优化研究

12.Construction and Data Processing of D-evel Control Network with GPS Technology along Yangtze River Trunk长江干线D级GPS控制网的布设和数据处理

13.Modeling and Validation of Location Selection for Search and Rescue Integrated Base of the Yangtze River Route长江干线搜救综合基地选址建模及实践验证

14.Study on Optimization of Transport Organization Modes of Dry Bulk from Chongqing to Shanghai Sea-route Section in Yangtze River长江干线重庆至上海航段干散货运输组织方式优化研究

15.Requirements on services of passenger transport by water--Passenger ships sailing in coastal waters and the main routes of the Yangtze riverGB/T16890.2-1997水路客运服务质量要求沿海、长江干线客船

16.The major route of Changjiang river and Jinghang is the biggest canal for shipping volume.长江干线、京杭运河成为世界上运量最大的通航河流和运河。

17.Container Turnover Forecast of Link Ports alongside the Yangtze River Based on GRNN;基于GRNN神经网络的长江干线港口集装箱吞吐量预测

18.Financial crisis makes an impact on enterprise production and management in port status in Changjiang River"s Main Line金融危机对长江干线港口企业生产经营现状的影响


the port of the Changjiang River trunk line长江干线口岸

3)Yangtze main dyke长江干堤

1.Review and assessment on strengthening Hunan section ofYangtze main dyke;长江干堤湖南段加固工程效果回顾与评价

4)the Yangtze River mainstream长江干流

1.δ~(15)N of dissolved nitrate (NO_3-) and suspended particulate matters (SPM) in surface water ofthe Yangtze River mainstream and its estuary were analyzed by using the preparation method in .确立了一套完整的水体中氮的稳定同位素分析预处理方法,并运用该方法对长江干流以及长江口海域表层水体中的溶解态硝酸盐和悬浮颗粒物的δ~(15)N特征进行分析,根据不同季节、不同区域内其δ~(15)N值的变化研究水体中氮的迁移、转化等生物地球化学过程,揭示其环境行为,从而对该海域的氮循环机制进行探索。

5)lines of Yangtes River长江航线

6)along the Yangtze River长江沿线

1.Study on the development trend of refinery distributionalong the Yangtze River;长江沿线炼油厂布局发展趋势探讨


长江三峡(见长江)长江三峡(见长江)Changjiang SanxiaChangiiang Sanxia长江三峡(Chan幻iang sanxia)见长江。
