100字范文 > 警报系统 alarm system英语短句 例句大全

警报系统 alarm system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-02 09:36:39


警报系统 alarm system英语短句 例句大全

警报系统,alarm system

1)alarm system警报系统

1.The air pollutionalarm system of Mexico City provides Beijing much experience on establishing an air pollution alarm management system.墨西哥城的空气污染警报系统对北京市建立空气污染警报管理系统有很大的借鉴作用。

2.The power- plantalarm system is very complex as it generally involves a number of interconnected logic circuits com prising multiple AND,OR and NOT gates,flip- flops,time delay and other logic elements.发电厂警报系统的特点是其逻辑线路中包含了延时元件 ,从而引入了时间因素 ,要对这样的系统进行故障诊断 ,必须计及警报信息的时间特性。

3.It is simple and inexpensive and can therefore be used for the circuit design of the vehicle overspeedalarm system.该系统设计简单、成本低廉,可用于机动车超速警报系统的电路设计。


1.International Tsunami Warning System国际海啸警报系统(海啸警报系统)

2.Audio/Visual Advisory System声响/视像警报系统

3.satellite-based early warning system卫生载运先期警报系统

4.motion detector [alarm system]影像探测器〔警报系统〕

5.aircraft control and warning system飞机控制和警报系统

6.remote auto-dialing warning system遥距自动拨号警报系统

7.remote termination [alarm system]遥控终止器〔警报系统〕

puterized Fire Alarm Transmission System [CFATS]火警警报电脑传送系统

9.class B fire alarmb类火灾b>报警b>火灾b>报警b>系统

10.direct secondary distress alerting network直接第二遇险报警系统

11.AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control System)机载报警与控制系统

12.radio auto-alarm system无线电自动报警系统

13.process monitoring alarm system工艺过程监控报警系统

14.fixed fire alarm system固定式失火报警系统

15.anti two block warning system防滑车相碰报警系统

16.remote station fire alarm system远程站火灾报警系统

17.pneumatic tube fire alarm system气压管式火灾报警系统

18.privately operated automatic alarm system民用自动火灾报警系统


alarm system报警系统

1.Research of Embedded Sleep-Monitoring Alarm System;基于脉象传感器的睡眠监控报警系统研究

2.Realization ofalarm system based on short message system;基于手机短消息的报警系统设计与实现

3.Remotealarm system based on TC35i;基于TC35i的小区远程报警系统

3)warning system报警系统

1.Automatic monitoringwarning system of dams group;大坝群自动监测报警系统

2.A design proposal of Ethernet interface oriented on image monitoringwarning system一种图像监控报警系统的以太网接口设计方案

3.This paper analyzes the target and significance of installing the in telligent monitoring andwarning system in 1070 tunnel of Tashan Coal Mine of Da tong Coal Group, emphatically discusses on the main technical features and pract icing schemes of this system, and estimates the investment of this system.对同煤集团塔山矿井1070大巷安设智能监测报警系统的目的及意义进行了分析,重点讨论了该系统的技术路线和主要技术特征及其实施方案,并对系统的投资情况进行了估算。

4)alert system报警系统

1.Safety Alert System By DTMF Communication mode;采用DTMF方式通信的安全报警系统

2.This paper introduces the application of GPRS to hydrologie measurement andalert system and some key technologies.文中介绍了GPRS在水文监测和报警系统中的应用以及若干关键技术,分析了构建该类系统的若干难点,并给出了相应的解决策略,最后设计出了实际的水文监测和报警系统。

5)alarming system报警系统

1.Design and realization of multifunctionalalarming system;多功能报警系统设计与实现

2.Development of the Network Error Monitoring and Alarming System based on .NET;基于.NET的网络故障监测报警系统的设计

3.This paper briefly describes the developing tendency and significances of the study on bag filter leakagealarming system, and the study results of this system in laboratory are also introduced.简述了布袋收尘穿漏报警技术研究的意义及发展趋势,介绍了布袋收尘穿漏报警系统实验研究结果。

6)system alarm系统报警


