100字范文 > 能量辐射效率 energy radiation efficiency英语短句 例句大全

能量辐射效率 energy radiation efficiency英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-22 18:50:19


能量辐射效率 energy radiation efficiency英语短句 例句大全

能量辐射效率,energy radiation efficiency

1)energy radiation efficiency能量辐射效率

2)Radiation Energy Flux辐射能量吸收率

3)radiation efficiency辐射效率

1.A uniform representation in the calculation of seismicradiation efficiency and rupture speed;震源辐射效率计算的一致性方法

2.The percentage of fuel in natural gas and air mixtures has large influence onradiation efficiency.催化燃烧是一个异相氧化过程,它的优点在于燃烧的排放接近零污染,燃气与空气之间的比例关系对系统的辐射效率有相当大的影响。

3.Theradiation efficiency will be reduced quickly if mode number is increased at low frequency.以简支矩形板为例 ,通过声辐射模态控制结构噪声 ,并分析了声辐射模态的数学和物理意义 研究发现在中、低频时 ,辐射模态对应的辐射效率随着模态阶数的增加而迅速降低 本文以点力作动器作为控制力源 ,以声功率最小化为控制策略进行主动控制 并且进行了数值计算研


1.Study on Gamma-Ray Burst Efficiency, Energy and Early Afterglow;伽玛射线暴辐射效率、辐射能及早期余辉研究

2.An Improved Formula for Calculating Radiation Efficiency of Plate Around the Cut-off Frequency平板截止频率附近辐射效率修正算法

3.equivalent isotropic radiated power等效无方向辐射功率

4.maximum effective isotropically radiated power最大有效各向同性辐射功率

5.Development of Power MOSFET Radiating Effect Test System;功率MOSFET辐射效应动态测试系统研制

6.Dose Rate Effects on Charge-Coupled Devices from Total Dose IrradiationCCD器件总剂量辐射损伤的剂量率效应

7.PMOSFET"s Enhanced Low Dose Rate Irradiation DamagePMOS管的低剂量率辐射损伤增强效应

8.Measuring method for electric-to-radiant power transfer efficiency of infrared heaterGB/T7287.7-1987红外辐射加热器电—热辐射转换效率测量方法

9.The electromagnetic mass is another effect of the time rate of change of radiant reacting force.电磁质量是辐射反作用力变率的另一作用效果。

10.Breakdown Phenomena of Semiconductor Devices under the Impact of Hemp;高功率电磁脉冲辐射下半导体器件的击穿效应

11.ERP Measurements Phased Array Antenna by power injection method宽带相控阵系统等效辐射功率注入法测试方法

12.Study on Radiation Sterilization of Electron Beam Accelerator大功率电子加速器的辐射灭菌效果研究

13.The Issue of Gamma Spectral System Sourceless Object Calibration Software Using in Radioactive Environment Measurement环境辐射监测中γ谱仪无源效率刻度方法探讨

14.Effects of ~(60)Co γ-ray on Percent Oil in Micro-endosperm Super-high Oil Corn~(60)Coγ-射线辐射对微胚乳超高油玉米含油率的效应研究

15.Cloudtop properties include cloudtop pressure, cloudtop temperature and cloud effective emissivity.云顶性质包括云顶气压、云顶温度和有效云量或有效比辐射率。

16.external gamma dose rate外来伽马辐射剂量率

17.radiation-enhanced burning rate辐射增强的燃烧速率

18.low resolution infrared radiometer低分辨率红外辐射计


Radiation Energy Flux辐射能量吸收率

3)radiation efficiency辐射效率

1.A uniform representation in the calculation of seismicradiation efficiency and rupture speed;震源辐射效率计算的一致性方法

2.The percentage of fuel in natural gas and air mixtures has large influence onradiation efficiency.催化燃烧是一个异相氧化过程,它的优点在于燃烧的排放接近零污染,燃气与空气之间的比例关系对系统的辐射效率有相当大的影响。

3.Theradiation efficiency will be reduced quickly if mode number is increased at low frequency.以简支矩形板为例 ,通过声辐射模态控制结构噪声 ,并分析了声辐射模态的数学和物理意义 研究发现在中、低频时 ,辐射模态对应的辐射效率随着模态阶数的增加而迅速降低 本文以点力作动器作为控制力源 ,以声功率最小化为控制策略进行主动控制 并且进行了数值计算研

4)radiant efficiency辐射效率

1.An infrared gas range with ceramic plaque has a radiant ceramic plaque which raises itsradiant efficiency, and needs fewer excessive air that results in higher theory combustion temperature and fewer venting heat loss, and its shorter panrest increases the heat exchange and reduces the thermal radiation to surroundings.分析了陶瓷板红外线燃气灶热效率比大气式燃气灶高的原因:具有陶瓷板辐射体,辐射效率高;燃气燃烧需要的过剩空气系数小,致使理论燃烧温度高,增强了换热,减少了排烟损失;锅支架高度小,有利于增加换热量和减小向周围的辐射散热损失。

2.With the rapidly developing of microstrip antenna in the military and commercial fields,narrowband and lowradiant efficiency become the bottlenecks for its further development.随着微带天线在军事和商业领域内迅速发展,微带天线的频带窄以及辐射效率低成为制约其发展的两大“瓶颈”,因此展宽频带和提高辐射效率成为当前微带天线的研究热点。

5)radiation efficiencies辐射效率

1.It is presented radiation modes andradiation efficiencies using relationship between surface normal velocities and surface sound pressure of vibrating structures and gives one definition of the weight coefficient of sound radiation.本文通过振动结构表面的法向速度和表面声压之间关系,得到了振动结构的声辐射模态和辐射效率并给出了声辐射模态伴随系数的定义。

2.In this paper, it is presented radiation modes and correspondingradiation efficiencies using relationship between surface normal velocities and surface sound pressure of vibrat.通过振动结构表面法向速度和表面声压之间的关系,给出板、梁振动结构的声辐射模态及其对应的辐射效率,并给出声辐射模态伴随系数的定义。

6)radiation value辐射值;辐射效率


辐射能量转移分子式:CAS号:性质:由给体分子的辐射失活和受体分子对发射光的再吸收组成的激发能转移过程。转移的概率可近似地等于Prt∝ [A]xJ。其中了为光谱重叠积分,[A]为受体浓度,x为试样厚度。这种类型的能量转移过程和所用容器的形状及大小有关。
