100字范文 > 军事价值 military value英语短句 例句大全

军事价值 military value英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-21 17:28:45


军事价值 military value英语短句 例句大全

军事价值,military value

1)military value军事价值

1.The Orienteering cross-country training has many importantmilitary values.开展定向越野训练具有诸多重要军事价值。


1.Deterrent and Strategy --Military Value of Shelling Jinmen in Maintaining "One China";威慑与谋略——炮击金门行动在维护“一个中国”中的军事价值

2.On the Value Construction of the Military Law and Its Unity of Opposites--Basic Analysis of the Value Orientation of the Military Law;军事法的价值构成及其对立统一——军事法学价值取向的基础分析

3.Core Capacity of Military Logistics Based on Value-chain;基于价值链的军事物流核心能力刍议


5.On the Value of Mao Zedong s Military Thought In Contemporary Advanced Military Culture Construction;论毛泽东军事思想在当代先进军事文化建设中的价值

6.Instrumentalist Scientific and Technological Value and the Modernization of Military Technology in Late Qing Dynasty;工具主义科技价值观与晚清军事技术近代化

7.The Cause of Formation and Pragmatic Effect of Extensive Use of the Military Language;军事语言泛化现象产生缘由及其语用价值

8.Theoretical Value of Mao Zedong s MilitaryThinking and Historical Status;毛泽东军事思想的理论价值和历史地位

9.The Historical Material Value of some of the Military Activities of the Taiping Army Recorded in The Books of the Genealogies of the He Family in Fengshan;《凤山何氏宗谱》中太平军活动事略的史料价值

10.Preference and Balance:A Reasonable Solution to the Value Orientation of the Military Law;优先与平衡——军事法学价值取向的应然抉择

11.Fuzzy Clustering Evaluation of the Military Use of Civilian Ports and Wharves民用港码头军事利用价值的模糊聚类分析

12.On The Value Conflicts Of Martial Justice During War Time And Its Dynamic Balance Idea论战时军事审判的价值冲突及其动态权衡理念

13.The influence of military revolutions to the deportment and idea about value of the soldiers of early modern Europe;军事革命对近代早期欧洲军人行为方式和价值观念的影响

parison study on the vocational value of graduates choice for military occupation and military university students;军事择业大学生与军校大学生职业价值观的对比研究

15.Non war military operations expands the social value of military power, accords with world peace and social development.非战争军事行动拓展了军事力量的社会价值,顺应了维护世界和平、进社会发展的历史潮流。

16.In addition, Gu-Zhai-Baos were the application of ancient defense technology in civil society, so they had valve in ancient defense thought and cultural relic protection.此外,古寨堡是古代军事防御技术在民间的具体应用,对研究古代军事防御思想有一定参考价值;

17.Martial art sings war"s praises and prettifies brutal martial conquer. Military art not only invisibly offer martial education but also possesses high aesthetic value.军事题材艺术既起到了无形的军事教育作用,又具有极高的艺术审美价值。

18.Yiling as the Focus for the Three Kingdoms to Fight for Hegemony--A Brief Discussion on the Military Strategic Value of Yichang District in the Period of Three Kingdoms;三国争霸,争在夷陵——简论三国时期宜昌地区的军事战略价值


value of military law军事法价值

1.Thevalue of military law is a military law including the person s expectment, in which process that person took place interaction to persons, expresses the functions to person.军事法价值是包含着人的价值预期的军事法,在与人发生相互作用的过程中所表现出的对人的作用;军事法价值的要素包括主体、客体和要素三个方面;价值取向就是在价值方面的选取方向和目的性追求,我国军事法的价值取向包括三个方面的内容,即文明、责任和道德。

3)military value analysis军事价值分析

1.Applying the method ofmilitary value analysis analyzed the information support capability of satellites military applied system among the air-naval blockage mission.应用军事价值分析方法对海空封锁与反封锁作战任务中卫星军事应用系统的信息支援能力进行了深入分析 ,给出了信息支援能力指数影响主战装备作战过程的状态方程。

4)the subject of military value军事价值主体

1.Restricted by interests, the subject is alsothe subject of military value.军事认识主体受利害关系制约还是军事价值主体 ,需要科学标准与利益标准的统一。

5)military sport value军事体育价值

1.The author maintains that it s crucial for soldiers to foster proper outlook onmilitary sport value.从认识论的角度,对军事体育价值、军人体育价值观的核心以及功能进行了初步的理论探讨,认为军人树立正确的体育价值观具有非常重大的现实意义。

6)military ethical values军事伦理价值观

1.Its economic value is mainly determined by the characteristics of war, its manifestation being the function ofmilitary ethical values, military strategic thinking, and military organization and management on economic and technological development.军事文化的经济价值主要由战争特点所决定 ,具体表现在军事科学理论知识、军事伦理价值观、军事谋略与思维、军事组织管理对经济技术发展的作用


价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VAjiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分
