100字范文 > 加固土体 reinforced soil英语短句 例句大全

加固土体 reinforced soil英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-10 10:14:22


加固土体 reinforced soil英语短句 例句大全

加固土体,reinforced soil

1)reinforced soil加固土体

1.Larger tunnel section brings larger exposed area and higher risks when shield departs from the working shaft,so the stability ofreinforced soil in this stage is the new challenge for the work.隧道断面越大,封门拆除时加固土体所暴露的面积也越大,施工风险也就越高。

2.The research on construction technique and mechanism ofreinforced soil for large scale shield of this stage is the new topic and challenge we have to face.因此,大型盾构进出洞施工技术及施工阶段加固土体的受力机理分析是地下隧道建设所必须面临的新的课题和挑战。

3.Shield machine launching is an accident-prone stage in shield tunnel construction and the problem must be solved in construction is how to ensure the safety and strength of thereinforced soil in order to determine the scope of soil reinforcement.盾构始发是盾构隧道施工中的事故多发阶段,如何保证该阶段加固土体的强度和安全性,从而确定土体加固的范围,是盾构隧道施工中必须解决的问题。


1.Soil Body Reinforcement Technology by Water Seal Curtain and Dewatering Design and Construction隔水帷幕加固土体技术与基坑降水设计和施工

2.Research on the consolidation ability of non-aqueous dispersion to sandy soil archaeological sites;非水分散体加固剂固结砂土能力的研究

3.Technical Code for of railway electric traction auto-trans-former feeding system粉体喷搅法加固软弱土层技术规范

4.The Optimization of Reinforcement in the Foundation Pit Considering the Effect of Time;考虑时间效应的基坑内土体加固优化

5.The Shaking Table Experimental Study on Liquefiable Sand Soil Improved by Pile;桩体加固液化砂土的振动台试验研究

6.Study on Settlement of Liquefiable Sand Soil Model Improved by Pile桩体加固液化砂土模型地基沉降分析

7.The Research of External Prestress Reinforcement Technology for Concrete Bridges混凝土梁桥体外预应力加固技术研究


9.Study on Different Forms of Vertical Reinforcement in Deep Excavated Pit in Soft-clay Area;软土地区深基坑坑内土体竖向加固形式研究

10.Shear Failure Model and Reinforcement Analysis of Soil Nail Wall on the Constructing Phase土钉墙施工阶段土体剪切破坏分析与加固处理

11.Study on Stress Increment of External Tendons of Strengthening Concrete Beams with External Prestressed Tendons;体外预应力加固混凝土梁体外筋应力增量研究

12.The Study of Seepage Control and Consolidation Technique for Completed Earth Dams by Fracturing Grouting土坝坝体劈裂灌浆防渗加固技术的研究

13.Influence of Addition of RE Element on Effect of Pack Boronizing With Borax稀土加入量对硼砂型固体渗硼效果的影响

14.The Shaking Table Experimental Study on Liquefiable Sand Soil Improved by Granular Sand Pile;散体材料砂桩加固液化砂土的振动台试验研究

15.Study of Failure Mechanism of Granular Soil Slopes and Soil Nail Reinforcement Technique;粒状体斜面破坏机理及土钉加固技术研究

16.The Research of Externally Prestressed in Reinforcement Concrete and the Application of Engineering;体外预应力加固混凝土技术研究及工程应用

17.Research of the Fatigue Performance of RC Beams Externally Prestressed with FRP Tendons;体外预应力FRP筋加固混凝土梁的疲劳性能研究

18.Investigation of Concrete Beams Locally Strengthened with External CFRP Tendons;体外预应力CFRP筋加固混凝土梁的试验研究


ground treatment土体加固

1.In this paper,the applicability,the characters and the formats of application ofground treatment in foundation excavations was analyzed and summarized.通过土体加固技术在基坑开挖工程中的应用条件、工艺特点及加固设计形式的分析归纳,结合近年来上海的基坑开挖工程实践来探讨应用土体加固技术改善土性,提高软土地层开挖的稳定性和控制基坑卸载的变形,从而解决疑难复杂地下工程的开挖稳定问题,满足周边设施的变形控制和保护要求。

3)soil reinforcement土体加固

1.Application ofsoil reinforcement technology in the construction of the foundation pit above the underground;土体加固技术在跨地铁基坑施工中的应用

2.The article introduces the application of the high-pressure spiral-spayed pile as the water stop curtain and thesoil reinforcement in the pit enclosure.该文介绍了高压旋喷桩在基坑围护中作为止水帷幕和土体加固的应用,并提出了有关的注意事项。

4)soil body reinforcement土体加固

1.Aimed at key problem of the soil body failure and creepage caused by large-diameter shield setting out in the soft-soil area,based on the construction of Tunneling Project of Fuxing East Road crossing the Huangpu River,some commonsoil body reinforcement methods are discussed respectively,and stability analysis of the soil body of shield starting shaft is applied with different mechanical models.针对软土地区大直径盾构出洞施工中洞口土体易失稳、渗水这一难题,以复兴东路越江隧道工程为背景,分别介绍了出洞段土体加固的常用方式,并采用不同计算模型对出洞段土体稳定性进行了理论分析。

5)soil reinforcing technique土体加固技术

6)reinforcing soil in the passive area被动区土体加固


土体加固土体加固improvement of soil masst LJt一l旧gU土体加固(improvement of 5011 mass)对不能满足工程要求的人工填土或天然土体采用物理化学方法进行人工处理,改善其力学性质的工程措施。在建筑物地基处理中,除采用桩、地下连续墙、沉箱等深基础外,也可采用土体加固处理措施,以提高其强度、减小变形、控制渗流,从而适应工程建筑物安全和正常运行的要求。土体加固处理分为表层处理和深层处理两大类。前者一般涉及表层3~sm以内的土层,常用的有挖除、换土、垫层、挤淤、压实、挤密桩、树根桩、排水固结、掺胶凝材料等措施。深层软弱土体加固方法主要有排水固结、挤密砂桩、强夯、振冲、高压喷射注浆、深层搅拌、灌装等项。前4项主要是使土体加密,后3项是以不同方式向土体内加人胶凝材料,使其固化。其他还有冻结法、热处理法、电渗排水法、电化学加固法等,可在特殊条件下采用。20世纪70年代以来用土工合成材料加固土体已得到很大发展。排水固结近代沉积的高含水量低密度软猫土层,力学性质很差。在土体自重或外载荷(堆载、抽真空、降低地下水位等)作用下,使土体预先排水固结,可以提高土的密度和粒间有效应力,从而提高强度,减小压缩性。因软私土渗透性弱,不易固结,常在土体中设置砂井、土工排水板等,以缩短渗径,加速固结过程。一些对沉降不太敏感的建筑物,如堤坝、路基、油堆等,也可以用控制施工速率或加载速率的方法,使软土的强度增长与加载过程相适应,保持软土地基的稳定性。挤密砂桩用振动打桩机将带有桩靴的钢套管打入土体内,边拔管,边灌砂,并用振动或捣实法压实,形成密实的桩柱体,与周围被挤密的土体一起,组成复合地基,以提高地基承载力。桩体材料也可用土或灰土,形成土桩或灰土桩复合地基。这种方法对松砂、非饱和松散猫性土、湿陷性黄土等的挤密作用是明显的。对饱和软勃土地基,其挤密作用不大,但较高的置换率(例如30%~70%)使砂桩在复合地基中起主要作用,同时也有利于土体的排水固结。强夯以重锤在大落高下夯击地面,使土体在巨大冲击能量下压密,以提高强度,减小压缩性。其有效深度取决于夯击能量.可达10m以上。对易液化的饱和松砂,强夯可使土体液化,土粒在重新沉积过程中排列得更为密实。对低密度的非饱和土体,如湿陷性黄土、未经压实的填土、松散无猫性土等,强夯可使松散土体压实。对饱和软乳土配合排水后是否适用尚无一致意见。强夯法施工时振动大,在附近有建筑物的地区要慎用。
