100字范文 > 企业成本 enterprise cost英语短句 例句大全

企业成本 enterprise cost英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-20 12:11:22


企业成本 enterprise cost英语短句 例句大全

企业成本,enterprise cost

1)enterprise cost企业成本

1.Innovation ofenterprise cost management;企业成本管理的变革与创新

2.Brief talk on effective way of decreasingenterprise cost浅谈降低企业成本的有效途径

3.Because of input of pay,input of labor safety and health devices,input of labor interest guarantee and input of SA8000 examination,labor standards will certainly changeenterprise cost.劳工标准问题是一个广受争议,且已逐步成为我国企业进入国际市场所面临的现实问题,劳工标准的实施对我国企业的影响是长远而深刻的,其对企业成本的影响体现在工资投入、劳动安全卫生投入、保障工人其他权益投入和SA8000标准认证的投入这4个方面。


1.Logistic company cost management based on activity-based cost;基于作业成本法的物流企业成本管理

2.An Application of Activity Based Costing in Enterprise Cost Management;作业成本法在企业成本管理中的应用

3.Japan s Cost Planning and Its Enlightenment for Chinese Businesses Cost Management;日本的成本企划及对我国企业成本管理的启示

4.Application of Modern Enterprises Cost Management in Power Grid Enterprises;现代企业成本管理在电网企业的应用

5.Strengthen cost control to enhance enterprise s competitive power;加强企业成本管理 提升企业竞争能力

6.Primary Analysis of Cost Management and Its Present Situation of Enterprises;浅析成本管理及企业成本管理的现状

7.Standard Cost in the Cost Management of Corporation推行标准成本核算 加强企业成本管理

8.Cost Design s Supply in Design-Build Enterprise s Cost Management;成本企划在工程总承包企业成本管理中的应用

9.Study on Third Party Logistics Cost Accounting under Activity-Based Costing;作业成本法下第三方物流企业成本核算的研究

10.Research on Application of Activity-Based Costing Calculation in Logistics Providers;作业成本法在物流企业成本管理中应用研究

11.Enterprise logistic cost budget based on operation cost;基于作业成本法的企业物流成本预算

12.Study on the Business Logistics Cost Based on Operation Cost Method;基于作业成本法的企业物流成本研究

13.cost accountant [ clerk ](工商企业的)成本会计员

14.A Study of Relations between Private Entrepreneur Capital and Enterprises Growth;民营企业家资本与企业成长关系研究

15.Research on the Impact of Entrepreneurial Social Capital on Enterprise Growth企业家社会资本与企业成长关系研究

16.Researching on combination of ABCM and TC作业成本管理与成本企画的融合研究

17.The Research on the Integration of Cost Design and Activity-based Cost Management;成本企画与作业成本管理的融合研究

18.Firm: the Total Costs of Productions and Transactions are Saved;企业:生产成本和交易成本总和的节约


business cost企业成本

1.According to the basic content of green supply chain management,this paper analyzes the mpact onbusiness cost and how to strengthen cost management,thus enhance the economic efficiency and the environment benefit of business management.本文根据绿色供应链管理的基本内容,分析了其对企业成本的影响以及如何加强绿色供应链管理下的成本管理,提高企业管理的经济效益和环境效益。

3)enterprise cost management企业成本管理

1.Cost accounting is an important method for strengtheningenterprise cost management.成本核算是强化企业成本管理的一项重要手段。

2.At present there exist big problems inenterprise cost management in China,which are mainly manifested in the aspects of the idea,system and method of management.目前我国企业成本管理问题突出,主要表现在管理观念、管理制度和管理方法三个方面。

3.The centre of gravity of Chineseenterprise cost management is reviewed in this paper.文章在对我国企业传统成本管理和现代成本管理的重心进行回顾的基础上,指出了我国企业成本管理的战略成本管理、业务流程重组、供应链管理、企业资源计划系统、客户关系管理等五个方面的发展趋势。

4)enterprise"s individual cost企业个别成本

5)enterprise micro-cost企业微观成本

6)cost of enterprise components企业组织成本


