100字范文 > 有毒气体含量 the amount of toxic gases英语短句 例句大全

有毒气体含量 the amount of toxic gases英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-25 23:48:35


有毒气体含量 the amount of toxic gases英语短句 例句大全

有毒气体含量,the amount of toxic gases

1)the amount of toxic gases有毒气体含量

1.This article mainly probes into the influence of waxed paper shell onthe amount of toxic gases after the powdery explosive explosion.文中主要探讨蜡纸筒对粉状炸药爆炸后有毒气体含量的影响。

2)toxic gas volume有毒气体量

1.The theoretical explosion heat, specific volume andtoxic gas volume of AN explosive without TNT, AN explosive containing TNT and fuel oil, as well as AN explosive containing aluminum powder and TNT at different oxygen balance values have been calculated respectively.通过建立粉状硝铵炸药配方设计的数学模型 ,研究了在不同氧平衡条件下无梯硝铵炸药、铵梯 (油 )炸药和含铝铵梯油炸药的理论爆热、有毒气体排放量和炸药比容 ;证实降低粉状硝铵炸药的氧平衡 ,炸药的爆热降低 ,有毒气体CO排放量增加 ,炸药的比容略有增加 ;本文提供了一种设定氧平衡条件下 ,获得最大爆热的配方设计方法和有毒气体量、爆热、比容的预估计算方法 ,对炸药配方的最终确定具有一定帮

3)noxious gas有毒气体

1.After being purified by soaking with HCl of 15%, expanded pearlite served as skeleton ofnoxious gas adsorbents.将膨胀珍珠岩用 15 %HCl浸泡除杂后 ,作为有毒气体吸附剂的载体骨架。

2.It is showed that the main reason of error on measure results ofnoxious gas content after blasting is the use of cannon expanding.实验表明,钢炮扩孔是造成小直径炸药爆炸后有毒气体含量测定结果产生误差的重要原因。

3.In view of high cost in investment operation and maintenance of the instrument determining nitrogen oxide content innoxious gas after commercial explosive exploded,the study was carried out on determining nitrogen oxide content ofnoxious gas by chemical neutralization titrimetric method.针对工业炸药爆炸后有毒气体中氮氧化物含量的测定仪器投资成本大、运行和维护成本高等特点,用化学中和滴定的方法对有毒气体中的氮氧化物测定进行了研究,并引入空白校正的方法消除酸性气体CO2对中和滴定结果的干扰,提高了测定结果的准确性和可靠性。


1.Foul or poisonous gas that sometimes pollutes the air in coal mines.矿井瓦斯,有毒气体矿井中有时污染空气的恶臭气体或有毒气体

2.portable poisonous gas monitor便携式有毒气体监测仪

3.a poisonous red-brown gas (NO).一种红棕色的有毒气体(NO)。

4.The air in the work is purified of poisonous gases with the machine.用机器除去工厂里空气中的有毒气体。

5.Poisonous or explosive gases must be removed, especially in coal mines.有毒气体或爆炸性气体必须排除,尤其是煤矿。

6.If (it is) burnt, rubber can give off a poisonous gas.橡胶如果燃烧起来,会发出有毒气体。

7.Students Running into Track Troubl学校里的塑胶操场会放出有毒气体?

8.an apparatus that senses the presence of toxic gases能检测出有毒气体存在的仪器.

9.chemicals that produce a noxious vapor when mixed.化学物质混合后会放出有毒气体

10."Slurry pit, toxic gas, no entry"泥浆贮备点,当心有毒气体, 请勿入内

11.full of petrol fumes, coal dust, and toxic gases,街道上充斥着汽油味和有毒气体,

12.a colorless poisonous gas; made by the oxidation of methanol.一种无色有毒气体,由甲醇氧化制成。

13.Study on Photocatalytic Degradation of the Poisonous Aldehyde Gas in Indoor;光催化清除室内醛类有毒气体的研究

14.Toxic gases in the air such as car exhaust, are adsorbed onto it, so I don" t breath so much of it in.空气中的有毒气体,比如汽车废气可以被吸附在上头,这样我就不会吸进去那么多有毒气体了。

15.Phosphine is a toxic gas which ignites spontaneously in air.磷化氢是一种有毒气体,在空气中可以自燃。

16.Ways must be found to prevent the poisonous gases from polluting the air.一定要找到办法防止有毒气体污染空气。

17.The Computer Safety Monitor System in Gas Station煤气站有毒气体的计算机安全监控系统

18.a colorless poisonous gas that smells like new-mown hay; used in chemical warfare.一种无色的有毒气体,有新鲜干草味,用于化学战。


toxic gas volume有毒气体量

1.The theoretical explosion heat, specific volume andtoxic gas volume of AN explosive without TNT, AN explosive containing TNT and fuel oil, as well as AN explosive containing aluminum powder and TNT at different oxygen balance values have been calculated respectively.通过建立粉状硝铵炸药配方设计的数学模型 ,研究了在不同氧平衡条件下无梯硝铵炸药、铵梯 (油 )炸药和含铝铵梯油炸药的理论爆热、有毒气体排放量和炸药比容 ;证实降低粉状硝铵炸药的氧平衡 ,炸药的爆热降低 ,有毒气体CO排放量增加 ,炸药的比容略有增加 ;本文提供了一种设定氧平衡条件下 ,获得最大爆热的配方设计方法和有毒气体量、爆热、比容的预估计算方法 ,对炸药配方的最终确定具有一定帮

3)noxious gas有毒气体

1.After being purified by soaking with HCl of 15%, expanded pearlite served as skeleton ofnoxious gas adsorbents.将膨胀珍珠岩用 15 %HCl浸泡除杂后 ,作为有毒气体吸附剂的载体骨架。

2.It is showed that the main reason of error on measure results ofnoxious gas content after blasting is the use of cannon expanding.实验表明,钢炮扩孔是造成小直径炸药爆炸后有毒气体含量测定结果产生误差的重要原因。

3.In view of high cost in investment operation and maintenance of the instrument determining nitrogen oxide content innoxious gas after commercial explosive exploded,the study was carried out on determining nitrogen oxide content ofnoxious gas by chemical neutralization titrimetric method.针对工业炸药爆炸后有毒气体中氮氧化物含量的测定仪器投资成本大、运行和维护成本高等特点,用化学中和滴定的方法对有毒气体中的氮氧化物测定进行了研究,并引入空白校正的方法消除酸性气体CO2对中和滴定结果的干扰,提高了测定结果的准确性和可靠性。

4)toxic gas有毒气体

1.Atoxic gas content calculation model is established in explosion smoke of ammonium nitrate blasting agent.建立了硝铵炸药爆炸后炮烟中有毒气体含量的数学模型,模型使用了BKW方程,由于硝铵炸药的碳含量较低,取γ=0。

2.The reason for shapingtoxic gas and its disadvantages are discussed briefly,In addition,methods on preventing the shaping oftoxic gas and ways on how to reduce its content are proposed.作者简要叙述了煤矿采掘爆破中产生有毒气体的原因及其有害性,提出了预防爆破作业中有毒气体产生及降低有毒气体含量的措施。

3.The paper discusses the required airflow of explosive for eliminating fumes from the aspect of generated quantum oftoxic gas of coal mine permitted explosive.文从煤矿许用炸药有毒气体生成量角度研究掘进工作面排除炮烟所需通风量。

5)Poisonous gas有毒气体

1.Application of poisonous gas diffusion models to rescue of chemical accidents有毒气体扩散模型在事故救援中的应用

2.The paper starts with an introduction to the checking principle of combustible gas, the poisonous gas, the oxygen, followed by explaining how to choose, how to use and how to avoid the problem of the portable gas detecting alarm in the application to the petroleum and chemistry enterprises.分别介绍了可燃气体、有毒气体、氧气的检测原理,说明了便携式气体检测报警仪在石油石化企业运用时应如何选择、使用以及需要注意的问题。

3.Adopting the method stipulated by GB18098-2000 Standard,the content of poisonous gas had been determined after single compound was detonated which was bottled with glass tube.用GB18098-2000标准规定的方法,采用玻璃管装药,测定了单质炸药梯恩梯爆炸后有毒气体的含量。

6)gas content气体含量

1.Relative density andgas content in spray formed superalloys;喷射成形高温合金沉积坯致密度与气体含量

2.Technological research on 32CrMnSi2Ni6MoV with lowgas content by vacuum induction melting真空感应熔炼低气体含量32CrMnSi2Ni6MoV的工艺研究


体量1.禀性。 2.气量;器度。 3.指建筑物的规模。 4.犹体谅。
