100字范文 > 感潮水域 tide-sensitive water area英语短句 例句大全

感潮水域 tide-sensitive water area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-18 22:54:41


感潮水域 tide-sensitive water area英语短句 例句大全

感潮水域,tide-sensitive water area

1)tide-sensitive water area感潮水域

1.Water level correction in the processing of water-depthsurvey data in thetide-sensitive water area;感潮水域水深测量数据处理中的水位改正


1.tidal waters of the Shing Mun River [closed to dwelling vessels]城门河感潮水域〔不准住家船只进入〕

2.Calculation of tidal river environmental capacity using Taipu River in Taihu Basin as an example感潮河流水环境容量计算——以太湖流域太浦河为例

3.Letters of thanks flooded in感谢信潮水般地涌来。

4.a tidal river, estuary, harbour, etc感潮河道、 感潮河口、 潮港.

5.Hydraulics and Water Quality Model for Tidal River Network and Numerical Simulation感潮河网水量水质模型及其数值模拟

6.On Flood Forecast of Tidal Barrage of East Side of Dafengjiang Basin during Construction大风江流域东场挡潮闸施工洪水预报

7.Numerical model of three-dimensional shallow water flow in the Xiamen waters厦门海域浅水三维潮流场动力学模型

8.Effects of Spring-neap Tides in Regional Coastal Groundwater Flow Modeling;大小潮对沿海区域地下水模拟的影响

9.The Study of Tidal Level Forecasting in Tidal Reach of the Changjiang River Catchment and Its Application at Nanjing Tidal Station;长江流域感潮河段潮位预报研究及在南京站的应用

10.Ocean Color Remote Sensing Algorithms and Red Tides Detection in the High Frequency Red Tides Areas of the East China Sea;东海赤潮高发区水色遥感算法及赤潮遥感监测研究

11.Research on Influence of Bridge Engineering on Hydrodynamics in Tidal Reach;桥梁工程对感潮河段水动力影响研究

12.Study on Discharge Capacity of Water Gate in Tidal Plain Water Network Area平原感潮河网地区水闸泄流能力探讨

13.Simulation and Application about Hydraulic and Thermal Characteristic in Tidal Area;潮汐水域水力热力特性的模拟及工程应用

14.Analysis on characteristics of current and sediment movement in Humen estuary of Pearl River during spring tide in flood season珠江口虎门水域洪季大潮的水沙特点分析

15.Study on the Flood and Tide Forecast of Tidal River and Upstream Reservoir Inference Operating Mode感潮河段潮位与洪水预报及上游水库控制模式研究

16.Research on Calculation Methods of the Designed Navigable Stage and Water Stage Forecasting in Tidal Rivers;感潮河段设计水位方法确定与水位预报研究

17.Study on Water Functional Transition Zone and Water Environmental Carrying Capacity for Tidal River Network;感潮河网水功能过渡区及水环境承载能力研究

18.Analysis of hydrological and sediment field data in Luchaogang sea area of Shanghai上海临港工业区芦潮港海域水文泥沙分析


tidal areas潮汐水域

3)Cold water induced by tidal mixing潮致冷水域

4)tidal river exit感潮河口区域


6)ecology water area敏感水域

1.Design method for emergency drainage system of bridge acrossecology water area;跨越敏感水域桥梁应急排水系统设计计算方法


