100字范文 > 双频旁侧声纳 dual-frequence sonar flanking英语短句 例句大全

双频旁侧声纳 dual-frequence sonar flanking英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-29 23:32:20


双频旁侧声纳 dual-frequence sonar flanking英语短句 例句大全

双频旁侧声纳,dual-frequence sonar flanking

1)dual-frequence sonar flanking双频旁侧声纳


1.Application of Four-beam Echo Sounder & Dual-frequency Sonar Flanking to Sweeping Engineering四波束测深仪与双频旁侧声纳在扫海工程中的应用

2.dual channel side scan sonar双通道侧向扫描声纳

3.Target speed vector estimation based on bistatic Doppler shift基于多普勒频移的双基地声纳目标速度测量

4.The Effects of the Radical Family Size and High Frequency Phonetic Radical Family Member on Phonogram Recognition;形旁家族、声旁家族和高频同声旁字对形声字识别的影响

5.Catheter electrode localization during radiofrequency ablation of left-sided accessary AV pathways左侧房室旁道射频消融治疗中的导管定位问题

6.Radiofrequency catheter ablation with retrograde through the aorta method in the accessory pathway of left anterior septal经主动脉逆行法射频消融左侧前间隔旁道

7.The conclusion is correspondences of radicals showed facilitate effect on radical naming, but inhibitory effect on character naming depending on the number of components in and frequency of the radical.说明是声旁规则性对声旁命名有易化作用; 对整字命名有干扰作用,但与声旁频率与部件数有关。

8.Long-range and short-range side-scan sonar长距离和短距离侧扫描声纳

9.bottom side-scan sonar with a parametric profilograph装有参量剖面测量仪的侧扫海底声纳

10.side-scan surface sonar with a parametric profilograph装有参量剖面测量仪的侧扫地表声纳

11.The frequency effect of a low-MHz bi-beam ultrasonic irradiation;低频双束超声辐照的频率效应(英文)

12.2-wire, 2-way repeater with low-frequency bypass. One or two line can be specified..具有低频旁路的双线双向中继器。可指定单线或双线。

13.2-wire, 2-way repeater with low-frequency bypass. Right-click for one or two line.具有低频旁路的双线双向中继器。右击指定单线或双线。

14.She lets out gasp and puts her hands to the sides of her head.她惊叫一声,用双手捂住头的两侧。

15.Multiple System Atrophy with Bilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis: A Case Report多系统萎缩伴双侧声带麻痹1例报道

16.Ultrasonographic diagnosis of bilateral tubal interstitial pregnancy:Case report超声诊断双侧输卵管间质部妊娠1例

17.Problems with Displacement,Transfiguration and Noise in Side Scan Sonar System Graphing侧扫声纳系统成图中的位移、变形和噪声问题

18.Experimental research on cavitation effects of single-frequency ultrasound and dual-frequency ultrasound单频超声和双频复合超声的空化效应实验研究


sidescan sonar旁侧声纳

3)side-looking sonar旁视声纳

4)dual channel side scan sonar双通道侧向扫描声纳

5)side scan sonar侧扫声纳

1.The application of physical prospecting techniques of globe such as the subbottom profile probing,earthquake image exploration;side scan sonar and magnetic survey etc.通过工程实例,论述了浅地层剖面探测、地震映像勘探、侧扫声纳、磁力测量等地球物理勘探技术在海域工程勘探中的部分应用,并简要分析物探方法的适用范围和缺陷。

2.The chief technical characteristics of E-SEA SCAN 800 portableside scan sonar and its application in detection of seabed oil pipes & flexible mattresses and sea sweeping are introduced.介绍E -SEASCAN 80 0便携式侧扫声纳的主要技术特征 ,及在探测海底石油管线、软体排和扫海中的应

6)Side-Scan Sonar侧扫声纳

1.The Detection of Echo Signal with the Multi-Beam andSide-Scan Sonar;关于多波束与侧扫声纳回波检测方法的探讨

2.TheSide-Scan Sonar has a widespread application in the oceanographic engineering.侧扫声纳在海洋工程等各方面都有广泛的应用,实际工作中经常采用拖曳方式作业,由于海洋环境的特殊性,风流对拖体的水中姿态有明显的影响,声纳测量和显示的是从拖曳载体到反射物体的距离,反射物体的实际位置依据拖体的水平姿态特性,所以其定位精度受海流等各方面影响较大。

3.We describe the history,typical applications,basic principle,acoustic image characteristics and future developments of side-scan sonar.侧扫声纳是探测海底地形地貌的重要工具,计算机技术的广泛应用极大地促进了侧扫声纳的发展。


