100字范文 > 企业策略 enterprise strategy英语短句 例句大全

企业策略 enterprise strategy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-15 10:20:14


企业策略 enterprise strategy英语短句 例句大全

企业策略,enterprise strategy

1)enterprise strategy企业策略

1.In this paper, based on the research of price fixing related to addition cost, a government control model and anenterprise strategy model are built respectively.就基于我国政府在对医药企业的管制中,存在信息不对称,从政府加成成本定价出发,建立政府管制模型和企业策略模型。

2)business strategy企业策略

3)enterprise development strategies企业运作策略


1.Study on the Application of Data Mining for Operation Strategy;数据挖掘在企业运作策略中的应用研究

2.Study on Operating Strategy for Timber Enterprises Based on the Virtual Management;基于虚拟经营的木材企业运作策略初探

3.Study on Enterprise Development Strategies and Government Action Choice of Ningxia New Material Industry Development;宁夏新材料产业发展的企业运作策略与政府行为选择研究

4.Application of Association Rule Mining in Questionnaire Data about Enterprises Operation Strategies;关联规则挖掘在企业运作策略调查问卷中的应用

5.Cyber marketing based operations model and tactic;基于网络营销的企业运作模型及策略

6.An Operation Tactics Research of the Supply Chain Management which Focuses on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises;以中小企业为核心的供应链管理运作策略研究

7.The Research on the Evaluation of Efficiency and Operational Strategy of Enterprise s Cybermarketing;企业网络营销运作策略与效益评价研究

8.The Research of the Current Status of Logistics Operation, its Issues and Developmental Strategy;现代企业物流运作现状、问题及其发展策略研究

9.A game analysis in the cooperation and competition strategy for telecommunication enterprises;电信运营企业竞争与合作策略的博弈分析

10.Discussion on the Strategy of Pharmaceutical Enterprises in Marketing Management of OTC;浅谈医药企业非处方药品的市场运作策略

11.A Study on the Strategies to industrialize the Chinese Productivity-promoting Centers;中国生产力促进中心的企业化运作策略研究

12.The thinking from road transportation to three party logistics;公路货运企业向3PL企业转型策略

13.Tactic Analysis of Capital Operating in the State-owned Shipping Enterprises with Large Scale;国有大型航运企业资本运营策略分析

14.Management tactics of staff s career in telecom operating enterprises;电信运营企业员工职业生涯管理策略

15.The findings of this research can provide the industry the reference to select the proper logistics strategy to raise the organizational performance and the competition advantages.研究结果可供企业界作为进行运筹管理之依据,以提升运筹策略效率,增进企业竞争力。

16.Production Logistics Optimization Study of Anhui Manufacturing Industry安徽省制造企业生产物流运作现状及优化策略研究

17.Enterprise System of Minsheng Industrial Corporation and Its Operation;略论民生实业公司企业制度及其运作

18.Study on the Transportation Enterprises Strategy of Third Party Logistics;运输企业发展第三方物流策略的研究


business strategy企业策略

3)enterprise development strategies企业运作策略

4)developping tactics of business企业的发展策略

5)enterprise stratagem企业战略对策

6)enterprise security policy企业安全策略

1.It gives an example to illuminate the implementation of data synchronization over different platforms using Socket communication based B/S module underenterprise security policy in the design of Intranet automatic tools.在企业安全策略的前提下 ,给出了一种基于 C/S模式的 Socket通讯系统框架 ,并给出了在 Intranet自动化工具中的实现方法 。


