100字范文 > 关联曲线 Invariance Curve英语短句 例句大全

关联曲线 Invariance Curve英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-26 11:02:38


关联曲线 Invariance Curve英语短句 例句大全

关联曲线,Invariance Curve

1)Invariance Curve关联曲线


3)associate surface关联曲面

1.In the paper, we employ the joint tree model to immerse a graph on the plane,and obtain anassociate surface of the graph.应用联树模型,把图浸入平面,获得这个图的关联曲面,从而获得这个图的嵌入曲面的亏格。

2.In this paper,we obtain the relation ofassociate surfaces between dipoles and fan graphs by using the joint tree model of a graph embedding introduced by Yanpei Liu,then deduce the genus distribution and total genus distribution of fan graphs from those of dipoles which had been counted,and obtain the numbers of embeddings of fan graph on the nonorientable surfaces of genus 1-4 in .本文,利用刘彦佩提出的嵌入的联树模型,得到了双极图与扇图的关联曲面之间的关系,进而由已知结论的双极图的亏格分布和完全亏格分布推导出扇图的亏格分布和完全亏格分布,并给出了扇图在亏格为1-4的不可定向曲面上嵌入的个数的显式。

4)combination curve协联曲线

5)speed-pitch curve联控曲线

6)correlative curve相关曲线

1.The influence of fire duration on the residual bearing capacitycorrelative curves after fire are analysed by using the numerical model.在此基础上,利用数值计算方法,分析了钢管混凝土受火时间对构件火灾后剩余承载力相关曲线的影响。


1.Corresponding figures for lead were 27 and 4.7.铅的相关曲线为27和4.7。

2.These regressions must be suited to the curvilinear character of the relationships.这些回归方程必须符合相关曲线特征。

3.Research on the Reconstructing Correlation Curve Method to Eliminate GPS Multipath Error;消除GPS多径误差的重构相关曲线法研究

4.Research of Interaction Curves Model of Mortise-Tenon Joint in Historic Timber Buildings古木建筑榫卯连接M-θ相关曲线模型研究

5.Discussion about"Analysis of Correlation Curves between the Axial Force of Eccentrically Pressed Member with Rectangular Cross Section and the Bending Force Moment;关于“矩形截面偏心受压构件轴力——弯矩相关曲线分析”的探讨

6.Of or relating to a curve, such as a circle, having no endpoints.闭合曲线的无终点的曲线(如圆)的,或与之相关的

7.Surf-Surf Intersection Curve曲面与曲面相交求曲线

8.Of or relating to a surface having no boundary curves.闭合曲面的无边界曲线的面的,或与之相关的

9.Symmetrical Curve and Function Operation and Their Correlation;对称的曲线和函数的求法及相关性质

10.Study on NURBS curve interpolation and relative algorithms in CNC systemCNC系统中NURBS曲线插补及相关算法研究

11.The Study of Sodium and Ultrafiltration Profile and Midodrine to Prevent Hypotension in Hemodialysis;可调钠曲线与超滤曲线及口服米多君预防透析相关低血压的研究

12.Shibor curve movement and its correlation with the CMB yield curve;Shibor曲线变动模式及其与招银收益率曲线的相关性

13.Research on relation of curvature and ratio of span to rise for a curved steel-concrete composite girder bridge曲线钢-混凝土组合梁桥的曲率与跨高比相关关系研究

14.a curve that is tangent to each of a family of curves.与相邻的曲线相切的曲线。

15.The Character and Correlation Analysis on Lactation Curve of High-Yield Holstein Cows高产荷斯坦奶牛泌乳曲线的特征及相关分析

16.Plotting of volt-ampere characteristicsof light bulb and related experiments;测绘小灯泡的伏安特性曲线和相关的实验

17.Correlation Analysis between Starch Digestibility and Rapid Viscosity Analyzer Profile Characteristics淀粉的消化性能与RVA曲线特征值的相关性研究

18.Calculation of the Refinement Curve Length of Shrimp and Its Correlation with Weight虾仁图像细化曲线长度与体重相关性研究



3)associate surface关联曲面

1.In the paper, we employ the joint tree model to immerse a graph on the plane,and obtain anassociate surface of the graph.应用联树模型,把图浸入平面,获得这个图的关联曲面,从而获得这个图的嵌入曲面的亏格。

2.In this paper,we obtain the relation ofassociate surfaces between dipoles and fan graphs by using the joint tree model of a graph embedding introduced by Yanpei Liu,then deduce the genus distribution and total genus distribution of fan graphs from those of dipoles which had been counted,and obtain the numbers of embeddings of fan graph on the nonorientable surfaces of genus 1-4 in .本文,利用刘彦佩提出的嵌入的联树模型,得到了双极图与扇图的关联曲面之间的关系,进而由已知结论的双极图的亏格分布和完全亏格分布推导出扇图的亏格分布和完全亏格分布,并给出了扇图在亏格为1-4的不可定向曲面上嵌入的个数的显式。

4)combination curve协联曲线

5)speed-pitch curve联控曲线

6)correlative curve相关曲线

1.The influence of fire duration on the residual bearing capacitycorrelative curves after fire are analysed by using the numerical model.在此基础上,利用数值计算方法,分析了钢管混凝土受火时间对构件火灾后剩余承载力相关曲线的影响。


Hesse曲线(代数曲线的)Hesse曲线(代数曲线的)Hessian (algebraiccurve)11油限曲线(代数曲线的)【H台自11(.妙如允.抖e);recc咖,T~aaa,即r药pa一吸ee二o‘二p.助蓝]n次代数曲线(司罗玩水c~)的He丈祀曲线就是其极二次曲线能分裂为两条直线的点的集合,也是第一极曲线的二重点构成的集合.n次非奇异曲线的He丈七曲线是一条次数为3伪一2)、类为3(n一2)(3n一7)的曲线.设介O是这条n次曲线的齐次坐标方程,关丘=刁:f/刁xi刁、,则它的He丈犯曲线的定义方程为!不:关:五,}}五:关:五31=0.}人,人2人3}特征不等于3时的三次非奇异曲线的H既七曲线与这条曲线交于9个通常拐点.因O.H改e(l 844)而得名.A .E.H困阳。B撰
