100字范文 > 铰链排 hinged mattress英语短句 例句大全

铰链排 hinged mattress英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-22 09:18:54


铰链排 hinged mattress英语短句 例句大全

铰链排,hinged mattress

1)hinged mattress铰链排

1.This paper mainly discusses the current situation and problems ofhinged mattress,and puts forward countermeasures for the problems according to the project to be implemented in the near future.主要介绍铰链排的研究现状及存在的问题,并根据近期将实施的工程提出了对策。


1.Application of Hinge Concrete Sinking Platoon to Waterway Regulation Engineering from Huaibin to Sanhejian in Huaihe River淮河淮滨—三河尖航道整治中混凝土铰链排的应用研究

2.To attach by or equip with or as if with hinges or a hinge.给…装铰链,用铰链接合

3.brass-plated iron square hinge镀黄铜抽心铁方铰链

4.hood hinge rod bracket机罩的铰链拉杆支架

5.stainless steel nylon ring square hinge不锈钢尼龙垫圈方铰链

6.copper link for non-articulated chain铜环,用于非铰接链

7.garnet (hinge) of base metal装卸滑车铰链,贱金属制

8.bronze-plated iron square hinge镀青铜抽心铁方铰链

9.hydrautorque-hinge hatchcover液压扭转铰链舱口盖

10.Rust is eating away the iron hinge.铁锈正腐蚀着铁铰链。

11.wrench a window off its hinges; wrench oneself free from somebody"s grip; also metaphorically: a deep sigh was wrenched from his chest.把窗子从铰链上拧下来。

12.take the door off its hinges and rehang it把门从铰链上卸下重装

13.a galvanized bucket, nail, hinge, etc镀锌的铁桶、 钉子、 铰链等

14.Separate hinge from door.从车门上拆开铰链。

15.Hinges work better with oil.铰链上油后就灵活了。

16.The gate swings on its hinges.大门靠转动铰链开关。

17.stainless steel square hinge loose pin with ball bearing不锈钢抽心轴承方铰链

18.remove the hinges from, as from a door.把像门的铰链取下来。


hinged sinking mattress铰链沉排

3)Concrete hinged sunken fascine mattress砼铰链排

4)concrete hinge mattress砼铰链沉排

1.The paper introduced Jiangxingzhou embankment collapse and its project harnessing measures and construcction ofconcrete hinge mattress were discussed.叙述了江新洲江岸崩岸及其工程治理情况,对洲头砼铰链沉排江岸工程治理措施及施工方法进行了探讨。

5)hinged concrete slab mattress铰链混凝土沉排

1.According to the experiment on application of two kinds of new bank protection materials(hinged concrete slab mattress and mold-bagged concrete) and the characteristics of flow movement and sediment transport in the middle and lower Yangtze River,this paper analyses the effect of the two new materials on the bank protection,the damage mechanism and applicable conditions.通过对铰链混凝土沉排与模袋混凝土两种护岸新材料应用技术的试验,结合长江中下游河道护岸区及附近的水流泥沙运动、护岸材料及防护体的特性,分析研究了其护岸工程的效果、破坏机理及适用条件。

6)hinged fascine mattress混凝土铰链排

1.Simulation experiments are performed on several structural types, including the riprap, tetrahedron frame structure,hinged fascine mattress, and so on.对不同护岸结构型式的护岸机理进行分析,结合南京河段护岸整治现状,选用抛石、四面六边体框架群、混凝土铰链排等护岸型式进行模拟比较试验。


