100字范文 > 臭氧老化 ozone aging英语短句 例句大全

臭氧老化 ozone aging英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-23 18:04:08


臭氧老化 ozone aging英语短句 例句大全

臭氧老化,ozone aging

1)ozone aging臭氧老化

1.The heat oxygen aging property andozone aging property of clay/SBR and clay/NR nano-composites were studied,and the thermogravimetry and air isolation of clay/SBR nano-composite were also investigated.研究粘土 /SBR及粘土 /NR纳米复合材料的耐热氧老化和耐臭氧老化性能 ,并考察粘土 /SBR纳米复合材料的热失重和气体阻隔性。

2.Two adjustable CR vulcanizates toozone aging at different conditions have been studied and results have shown tnat ozone concentration, force and deformation etc have clear effect onozone aging Ozone aging at compression can also makc the vulcanizates produce crack and Thiol adjustable CR vulcanizate resistance toozone aging is much better than sulfur adjustable CR vulcanizte.通过对两种调节型的氯丁硫化胶在不同条件下的臭氧老化研究表明:臭氧浓度、受力状态、变形程度等对臭氧老化结果有明显的影响:压缩状态下的臭氧老化同样产生龟裂,硫醇调节型氯丁硫化胶抗臭氧老化性优于硫黄调节型氯丁硫化胶。

3.The investigation of theozone aging of SIR have been carried out under 3 different concentration of ozone(30ppm、300ppm、800ppm) with 3 varied relative humidity (25%、55%、85%).本文设计了臭氧老化试验装置及相应的测量系统,开展了不同臭氧浓度(分别为30ppm、300ppm、800ppm)、不同相对湿度(分别为25%、55%、85%)作用下硅橡胶材料臭氧作用的试验研究,并对臭氧作用后的试样进行了扫描电镜分析、红外光谱分析、憎水性测试和热刺激电流测试等评估测试。


1." Rubber, vulcanized--Resistance to ozone ageing--Static strain test method"GB/T7762-1987硫化橡胶耐臭氧老化试验静态拉伸试验法

2." Rubber, Vulcanized--Resistance to ozone ageing-Dynamic strain test method"GB/T13642-1992硫化橡胶耐臭氧老化试验动态拉伸试验法

3.To convert(oxygen)to ozone.使臭氧化把(氧气)变成臭氧

4.ozonation treatment of wastewater废水臭氧氧化处理法

5.G ood ozone-resisting and aging-resisting for10 years.◆ 优异的耐臭氧、候老化性能,可为用户提供保质使用寿命。

6.A Study on the Characteristics of Ozonation and Catalytic Ozonation of Pentachlorophenol;五氯酚的臭氧化及催化臭氧化特性研究

7.catalytic ozone destruction cycle臭氧的催化分解循环

8.economics of wastewater ozonation废水臭氧化的经济性

9.Treatment of 2, 4-dichlorophynoxyacetic Acid by Catalytic Ozonation;催化臭氧氧化2,4-二氯苯氧乙酸

10.Ozonation and Catalytic Ozonation of P-Chlorophenol and Sulfosalicylic Acid;臭氧及催化臭氧化降解对氯苯酚和磺基水杨酸

11.Kinetics of ozonation and Mn-catalyzed ozonation of dichlorprop臭氧及催化臭氧化降解2,4-滴丙酸动力学研究

12.Good aging-resisting and ozone-resisting performance to prove its heat-resisting performance.具有优良的耐天侯老化和抗臭氧化作用,显著地提高了丁腈橡胶的耐热老化性能。

13.Research Progress in Advanced Oxidation Process--Catalytic Ozonation;高级氧化技术——催化臭氧化研究进展

14.Study of Organic Wastewater Treatment Using Catalytic Ozonation;催化臭氧氧化法处理有机废水的研究

15.Research on the Influence of Catalytic Ozonation on Bromate Formation;催化臭氧氧化对溴酸盐生成影响研究

16.Catalytic Oxidation of DDNP Wastewater催化臭氧氧化处理DDNP废水的研究

17.Heterogeneous Catalytic Ozonation Process for Treatment of Wastewater from 1-naphthol Production多相催化臭氧氧化法处理甲萘酚废水

18.Ru/AC Catalyzed Ozonation of Recalcitrant Organic CompoundsRu/AC催化臭氧氧化难生物降解有机物


Antiozone aging耐臭氧老化

3)accelerated ozone ageing加速臭氧老化

4)ozone weather meter臭氧老化试验机

5)ozone box臭氧老化试验箱

6)ozone ageing tester臭氧老化测试器


