100字范文 > 指数超标法 index exceeding method英语短句 例句大全

指数超标法 index exceeding method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-24 17:27:51


指数超标法 index exceeding method英语短句 例句大全

指数超标法,index exceeding method

1)index exceeding method指数超标法

1.A synthetic evaluation method of urban public traffic system based on the set pair analysis theory is proposed by utilizingindex exceeding method to bear out objective weights of evaluation indexes,which confirms the synthetic evaluation level of the system through calculating the relative degree of "identicalness,differentness and reverse".完善了城市公共交通系统多层次综合评价指标体系及相应的等级标准限值,利用指数超标法确定评价指标的客观权重,提出了一种基于集对分析理论的城市公共交通系统综合评价方法,通过计算评价指标的"同、异、反"联系度确定系统综合评价等级。


3)super-exponential algorithm超指数算法

4)identification index method标识指数法

1.First we use theidentification index method to assess the water quality which obtained from one monitorial section′s water quality of the Hunhe river across Shenyang city,and the.以浑河沈阳城区段某断面的监测水质为例,采用标识指数法的水质灰色动态模型群计算,通过实际监测数据检验预测精度。


1.Application of water quality identification index to environmental quality assessment of Dianshan Lake水质标识指数法在淀山湖水质评价中的应用

2.%9 can"t identify or specify the path to the system database.%9 无法标识或指定系统数据库的路径。

3.In DL/1, a method of identifying specific data within a DB/DC data base.在数据语言DL/1中,标识DB/DC数据库内指定数据的一种方法。

4.A Method of Change-Point Identification for Short Sample Multivariate Economic Time Data;短样本多指标动态经济数据变点的一种识别方法

5.An identifier that indicates the location of an item of data.指示一个数据项的位置的一种标识符。

6.A New Algorithm for Target Recognition Based on Log-Polar Transform基于对数极坐标变换的目标识别算法

7.Study on Indexes and Methods of Detection and Identification for Biological Attack;生物袭击察觉识别指标及方法的研究

8.Evaluation Indexes and Methodology for Competence of Knowledge Workers;知识型员工胜任力的评价指标与方法

9.The digital ID can’t be validated because its revocation status can’t be determined.由于数字标识的吊销状态无法确定,无法验证数字标识。

10.Enterprise Knowledge Management Estimated Index Weight Coefficients and Re-evaluate Model Based on Entropy Weight Coefficients Method;基于熵权系数法的企业知识管理评价体系指标权重修正再评价模型

11."The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."驱动程序无法识别指定的命令参数。

12.Pointer is an identifier that indicates the location of an item of data .指示字(符)是提示某个数据项位置的一种标识符。

13.Specifies the item ID of the item that appears in the top-most position in a list.指定出现在列表最上方位置的数据项的标识。

14.Index row (%d:%d:%d) with values (%ls) points to the data row identified by (%ls).索引行(%1!:%2!:%3!)(其值为 %4!)指向由 %5! 标识的数据行。

15.Lake Eutrophication Assessment:Comprehen-sive Water Quality Identification Index湖泊营养状态的综合水质标识指数评价及检验

16.Study on the Algorithm of Digital Marks Recognition for CyberCar;CyberCar数字标示符识别算法研究

17.Research on Measuring Method of Parameter of Laser Holographic Anti-Counterfeiting Label;激光全息防伪标识参数测量方法研究

18.An Identification Method of Data in Lorry Tag一种铁路货车电子标签数据识别方法



3)super-exponential algorithm超指数算法

4)identification index method标识指数法

1.First we use theidentification index method to assess the water quality which obtained from one monitorial section′s water quality of the Hunhe river across Shenyang city,and the.以浑河沈阳城区段某断面的监测水质为例,采用标识指数法的水质灰色动态模型群计算,通过实际监测数据检验预测精度。

5)the standard index evaluating method标准指数法

1.With the mornitoring data done by Yantai Central Marine Station iin March,1997 and usingthe standard index evaluating method, this paper evaluata the present state of enviroment of the dumping zone for speciaI chemical wharf in Muping.根据烟台中心海洋站1997年3月的调查资料,采用标准指数法对牟平化工专用码头倾倒区海域的环境现状进行评价。

6)exponential scale method指数标度法

1.In this paper, Based on the characteristics ofexponential scale method and (0,2) scale method, exponential (0,2) scale method is proposed, The practical application shows that this method is simple, convenient, flexible and reliable.:结合指数标度法和(0,2)标度法的特点,提出了指数(0,2)标度法,实际应用表明,此法不仅简单易行,而且灵活性和可信度都较高。


指数指数①表示一个数自乘若干次的数字,记在数的右上角,例如32,43, 6n,右角上的小数字2,3,n。②根据所测量值以表达不能精确测定值的公式。如*心指数。
