100字范文 > 闭合形式 closed form英语短句 例句大全

闭合形式 closed form英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-05 07:35:07


闭合形式 closed form英语短句 例句大全

闭合形式,closed form

1)closed form闭合形式

1.The Green s function is expressed in terms of aclosed form which consists of a series with finite terms and simple transcendent functions.提出了一种平面介质结构格林函数的快速计算方法 ,得到了由有限项级数和简单超越函数构成的闭合形式格林函数 。

2)closed-form solution闭合形式解

1.This paper analyses the geometry and principle of distributed InSAR(Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry) geolocation,and provides a completeclosed-form solution to the geolocation problem.本文对分布式InSAR(Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry)目标三维定位的空间几何关系和工作原理进行了分析,给出了完整的目标定位闭合形式解;对闭合形式解进行灵敏度分析,给出了定位精度指标与系统参数精度指标之间关系的解析表达式;分析表明目标定位几何结构的好坏主要取决于视线矢量、基线矢量和主星速度矢量的空间角位置关系,其中视线、基线平面与视线、速度平面间的二面角是一个关键参数,该二面角越大,几何结构越好。

3)closed forming闭式成形

1.Gear forming by traditional process of cold extrusion andclosed forming are introduced.介绍了应用闭式成形方法的齿轮成形,同时对闭式成形模具结构、缓冲装置、液压系统等进行了阐述。

2.The principle and process of spline gearclosed forming based on exchanging axles on the common hydraulic press are introduced.分析了精密圆柱齿轮的冷挤压成形特点,介绍了在普通液压机上基于芯轴交换的圆 柱齿轮闭式成形的基本原理与工作过程、模具结构设计以及模具缓冲与卸荷装置液压系统的 工作原理。

4)closed transmission style封闭形式

5)closed form闭形式

1.The Z-P method is given to study the problem whether a kind of combinatorial sum fp,r,s,x(n)=∑ from k=0 to rn 〔pn k〕s xk has aclosed form.提出研究形如fp,r,s,x(n)=∑ from k=0 to rn 〔pn k〕s xk的组合和的闭形式问题的Z-P方法,并利用此方法得到了如下结果:1)当s=1,p=2r时证明了对未定元x,∑ from k=0 to rn 〔2rn k〕xk无闭形式表示;2)对p、r、s及x取特定的值,借助计算机归纳出几个值得探索的猜测。

2.In this paper,by using Gosper s algorithm,I studied the problem whether a kind of combinatorial sum f_(p,r,x)(n)=∑_(k=0)~(rn) (?)x~k hasclosed form.本文由Gosper算法研究了一类形如f_(p,r,x)(n)=∑_(k=0)~(rn)((?))x~k的组合和是否有闭形式的问题。


1.Perpetual Options and Optimal Stopping for Mixed-Gamma Distributions;永久期权价格的闭形式解和最优停时

2.wedge breech mechanism楔形炮闩,楔式闭锁机

3.Door Shaped Three Lines Based P3L Problem"s Closed-Form Solution基于门形三条直线的P3L问题的闭式解

4.Try closing your eyes. This is a dead giveaway as you cannot close your eyes in astral form.尝试闭上眼睛。在星体形式中时你不能闭上眼睛,这一试便知。

5.Teachers may assign detention tasks as they wish and some detentions have been actually dangerous.老师可能随心所欲指派关禁闭的形式,有些禁闭事实上很危险。

6.How to Select the Main Parameters of the Grooved Ball- Chamber of Closed Valve Bonnet on Sucker Rod Pumps.抽油泵闭式阀罩槽形球室主要结构参数的选择

7.Application of Simplicial Depth Median in Closed Fund Ranking;单形深度中位数在封闭式基金排名中的应用

8.How to conduct the restrained management of fire forces in the present situation;如何搞好新形势下消防部队的封闭式管理工作

9.Boundary Behaviors for the Integral of B-M Type on A Closed Piecewise Subsmooth Manifold;闭逐块次光滑流形上B-M型积分的Plemelj公式

10.Research on the Key Technology of Near-net Shaped Forming for Gears Used in Car轿车齿轮闭式冷精锻近/净成形关键技术研究

11.Simulation of Half-closed Extrusion Process for Steering Knuckle转向节的一种半封闭式挤压成形工艺模拟研究

12.Brief introduction of the wind load analysis software for the enclosed circular coal yard"s latticed shell《封闭式圆形煤场网壳风荷载计算软件》简介

13.Optimization on the Process of Large Titanium Bulkhead Isothermal Closed-Die Forging大型钛合金隔框等温闭式模锻成形工艺优化

14.Analyzing Discount of Closed-end Fund on the Basis of Value Formation Mechanism基于价值形成机制的封闭式基金折价问题探析

15.Numerical Simulation Analysis for Closed-die Forging Process of Hub Bearing Rings轮毂轴承套圈闭式锻造成形数值模拟分析

16.Modeling Tasks Temporal Relations Based on Transferability Closure任务时序关系的形式化和传递闭包建模算法

17.closed circuit system闭式循环系统闭路制

18.The condition of the stability of closed-loop system is finally listed as linear matrix inequation.闭环系统的稳定性条件最终是以线性矩阵不等式的形式给出的。


closed-form solution闭合形式解

1.This paper analyses the geometry and principle of distributed InSAR(Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry) geolocation,and provides a completeclosed-form solution to the geolocation problem.本文对分布式InSAR(Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry)目标三维定位的空间几何关系和工作原理进行了分析,给出了完整的目标定位闭合形式解;对闭合形式解进行灵敏度分析,给出了定位精度指标与系统参数精度指标之间关系的解析表达式;分析表明目标定位几何结构的好坏主要取决于视线矢量、基线矢量和主星速度矢量的空间角位置关系,其中视线、基线平面与视线、速度平面间的二面角是一个关键参数,该二面角越大,几何结构越好。

3)closed forming闭式成形

1.Gear forming by traditional process of cold extrusion andclosed forming are introduced.介绍了应用闭式成形方法的齿轮成形,同时对闭式成形模具结构、缓冲装置、液压系统等进行了阐述。

2.The principle and process of spline gearclosed forming based on exchanging axles on the common hydraulic press are introduced.分析了精密圆柱齿轮的冷挤压成形特点,介绍了在普通液压机上基于芯轴交换的圆 柱齿轮闭式成形的基本原理与工作过程、模具结构设计以及模具缓冲与卸荷装置液压系统的 工作原理。

4)closed transmission style封闭形式

5)closed form闭形式

1.The Z-P method is given to study the problem whether a kind of combinatorial sum fp,r,s,x(n)=∑ from k=0 to rn 〔pn k〕s xk has aclosed form.提出研究形如fp,r,s,x(n)=∑ from k=0 to rn 〔pn k〕s xk的组合和的闭形式问题的Z-P方法,并利用此方法得到了如下结果:1)当s=1,p=2r时证明了对未定元x,∑ from k=0 to rn 〔2rn k〕xk无闭形式表示;2)对p、r、s及x取特定的值,借助计算机归纳出几个值得探索的猜测。

2.In this paper,by using Gosper s algorithm,I studied the problem whether a kind of combinatorial sum f_(p,r,x)(n)=∑_(k=0)~(rn) (?)x~k hasclosed form.本文由Gosper算法研究了一类形如f_(p,r,x)(n)=∑_(k=0)~(rn)((?))x~k的组合和是否有闭形式的问题。

6)a closed 1-form闭1-形式


