100字范文 > 通信管理机 communication management unit英语短句 例句大全

通信管理机 communication management unit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-21 09:49:07


通信管理机 communication management unit英语短句 例句大全

通信管理机,communication management unit

1)communication management unit通信管理机

1.Design and implementation of one kind ofcommunication management unit based on embedded linux operation system一种基于嵌入式Linux操作系统通信管理机的设计与实现

2.The paper introduced the choice principle of the embedded processor,and analyzed hardware platform and software platform ofcommunication management unit adopting embedded Ethernet technology based on ColdFire in substation.介绍了嵌入式处理器的选择原则,分析了基于ColdFire平台采用嵌入式以太网技术设计的一种变电站内使用的通信管理机的硬件平台构造以及软件平台的设计。

3.Thecommunication management unit for communication networks is a feasible solution, through which the interconnection between low speed serial bus or field-bus and high speed Ethernet is realized and a high-speed, reliable and open communication network can be thus constructed in substations.变电站内的通信网络和通信协议的多样性带来了如何实现互操作的现实问题,而基于IEC 61850标准的变电站自动化系统不可能短期内实现,一个可行的解决方案就是在变电站通信网络中采用通信管理机。


1.Design and Implementation of Communication Manager Machine Based on Windows XP Embedded基于嵌入式WindowsXP的通信管理机的设计和实现

munication management device based on ARM and embedded operating system基于ARM及嵌入式操作系统的通信管理机

3.The Design Scheme of Communication Manager Based on 32-bit Microcontroller基于32位微控制器的通信管理机的方案设计

4.Mobile Phones Terminal Maintenance Information System;移动通信手机终端维护管理信息系统

5.Data Management and Software Design Plotting Device;数控切绘机数据管理与通信软件设计

6.On Improvement of China"s Information Communication Mechanism for Public Crisis Management我国公共危机管理中信息沟通机制的完善

7.Multi-photocal Commuication Machine Design and Implementation of Education Network in Comprehesine Management System;教学通信网综合管理系统中多协议教学通信机的设计与实现

8.On Telecomunication Project Management Mode and Organization Design of Changchun Telecommunication Company;长春通信公司通信工程项目管理模式及组织机构设计

9.Research and Implementation of the Technology of Telecommunication Machine Room Remote Monitoring and Administration;通信机房远程监控管理技术的研究与实现

10.Research and Implementation on Communication Management in MSC;移动交换机中通信管理功能的研究和实现

11.Research of Communication Engineering Management Mechanism and Implementation System;通信工程管理机制模型研究与系统实现

12.The Analysis and Design of the Information System of Nantong Diesel Engine Plant;南通柴油机厂管理信息系统分析与设计研究

13.Research on Data Communication Mechanism in Distributed DSMS;分布式数据流管理系统中数据通信机制的研究

14.The Problems and Solutions of Crisis Management in View of Information Communication;从信息沟通的角度论危机管理的问题与对策

15.The Application of Analysis of ESN of Handset in Telecom Churn Management;手机ESN分析在移动通信客户流失管理中的应用

16.Automatic Manager System Based on the Wireless Communications in Opening Computer Room;基于无线通信的开放式机房自动化管理系统

17.The Analysis of Information Communication Mechanism in College Student Management基于高校学生管理的信息沟通机制分析

18.A Key Management Mechanism for E2EE Communication of MAS一种基于MAS端到端加密通信的密钥管理机制


communication manager通信管理机

1.Application of layered modularized software design in substationcommunication manager;分层模块化软件设计在变电站通信管理机中的应用

2.Hydropower plantcommunication manager based on IEC60870-5-104 protocol;基于IEC60870-5-104规约的水电厂通信管理机设计

3.Development ofcommunication manager with embedded operation system μC/OS-Ⅱ;基于实时操作系统μC/OS-Ⅱ的通信管理机的研发

3)communication controller通信管理机

1.A new designed highly reliablecommunication controller based on Linux operating system without fan and hard-disk is proposed.描述一种基于嵌入式技术、无风扇、无硬盘、高可靠性通信管理机的硬件系统和软件设计。

2.A new designedcommunication controller based on the embedded technology,no fans,no hard disk is proposed.介绍了一种基于嵌入式技术、无风扇、无硬盘、高可靠性通信管理机的硬件系统和软件设计。

4)new type governing machine of communicalion新型通信管理机

5)Tele-Communication Management Device远动通信管理机

6)communication management host通信管理主机


计算机通信网(见计算机通信)计算机通信网(见计算机通信)computer communication networkiisuan}1 tongxinwQng计算机通信网(computer。。mmunieationnetwork)见计算机通信。
