100字范文 > 虚拟空间技术 virtual space technology英语短句 例句大全

虚拟空间技术 virtual space technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-13 08:25:48


虚拟空间技术 virtual space technology英语短句 例句大全

虚拟空间技术,virtual space technology

1)virtual space technology虚拟空间技术

1.The three-dimensional technology of mechanical industry,which is used to builtvirtual space technology,was applied to the research and development of power electronics device.将用于机械行业的三维技术应用在电力电子设备的研发过程中,利用其建立虚拟空间技术工作平台。


1.Research and Development of High Voltage Converter Power Unit by Virtual Space Technology高压变频器功率单元采用虚拟空间技术的研发

2.Research of Texture Mapping in Image-based Virtual Space虚拟实景空间中的纹理映射技术研究

3.The Research and DSP Implementation on Virtual Acoustic Space and Virtual Surrounding Technology;虚拟听觉空间和虚拟环绕声技术的研究及其DSP实现

4.Cyberspace Technique and Its Application in Cybertourism Planning赛博空间技术及其在虚拟旅游规划中的应用

5.Research on Predictive Environment Modeling for Space Tele-Robot;空间遥操作机器人虚拟预测环境建模技术研究

6.The Application and Study of Stereo Image Matching Technology in Virtual Space Teleconference;虚拟空间会议立体图像匹配技术及应用研究

7."Picture Reading Era" in Virtual Space--the Esthetics Reform Brought by Technical Reform;虚拟空间中的“读图时代”——技术引发的美学变革

8.Preliminary prospective study on applications of cyberspace technique and its using in cybertour planning赛博空间技术及其在虚拟旅游规划中的应用前景初探

9.Research on Key Technology of Virtual Reality Human-Scene Synthesis Based on Spacial Multi-Point Information Collection;基于空间多点信息采集的虚拟现实人景合成关键技术研究

10.Dynamic Analysis of Space Precise Deployable Mechanism Based on Virtual Prototyping;基于虚拟样机技术的空间精密展开机构动力学分析

11.Study of CAI Based on VRML and Practice of Space Analytic Geometrv CAI;基于虚拟现实技术的CAI研究及空间解析几何CAI课件制作实践

12.Using Virtual Reality Technology to Cultivate Geometry Spatial Ability of the Kalends;利用虚拟现实技术培养初中生几何空间能力的研究

13.Research and Realization of Several Key Points in Virtual Space Teleconfrencing System;虚拟空间会议系统中若干关键技术的研究及实现

14.Mode selection of virtual R&D of generic technology between enterprises;企业间共性技术虚拟研发的模式选择

15.The virtual orchestra system, which is based on MIDI synthesis and VBAP (Vector Base Amplitude Panning), implements interactive multi-channel virtual spatial sound reproduction.基于MIDI合成技术和矢量基幅度平移技术实现了一个交互式多通道虚拟空间音乐回放系统。

16.Virtual Maintenance and Training System of an Aerial Camera Based on Virtual Emulation Technology基于虚拟仿真技术的某型航空相机虚拟维修训练系统

17.valid user virtual address space有效用户虚拟地址空间

18.Virtual Poetic Habitat--Build the Bridge between Traditional Landscape Civilization and Virtual Reality虚拟的诗意栖居——搭建传统园林文化与虚拟现实技术间的“方案桥梁”



3)wavenumber domain imaging algorithm空间虚拟探测技术


1.The paper also carries out a lot of researches on some key technologies such asVTMS in the desi.针对RFID阅读器和标签的大量出现将要求有专门的中间件来控制阅读器工作并处理采集到的大量数据,在分析了这种需求的基础上,提出了一个RFID中间件的设计方案,并且把方案已经应用在企业信息公共服务平台中,对其在实现过程中所需要的关键技术"虚拟空间存储技术"也进行了分析。

5)virtual technique虚拟技术

1.Application ofvirtual techniques to radar structural design;虚拟技术在雷达结构设计中的应用

2.Application of Virtual Technique in Practical Teaching of Computer Assembly and Maintenance虚拟技术在《计算机组装与维护》实践教学中的应用

3.Therefore, based on thevirtual technique, emergency response procedure for it is put forward; system database, monitoring and pre-warning system is established according to the water quality in this reservoir.笔者基于对库区蓄水后水质状况的分析,将虚拟技术应用到三峡库区应急救援系统的设计中,提出了基于虚拟技术的应急响应流程,建立系统数据库和实时监控及预警体系,并以嘉陵江重庆段事故后污染物质的迁移扩散为例,应用数值模拟软件实现电子模拟演习,加强应急预案的建设和应急反应系统实战能力的提高。

6)Virtual technology虚拟技术

1.Dynamic Analysis of Globoidal Indexing Cam Mechanism Based on Virtual Technology;基于虚拟技术的弧面分度凸轮机构研究

2.Trend of Development and Application Actualities of Virtual Technology in Mechanical Engineering;虚拟技术在机械工程中应用现状与展望

3.The Application of Virtual Technology in the PLC Experiment;虚拟技术在PLC实验中的应用


