100字范文 > 芳纶纤维增强水泥砂浆 aramid fiber reinforced concrete英语短句 例句大全

芳纶纤维增强水泥砂浆 aramid fiber reinforced concrete英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-03 22:44:12


芳纶纤维增强水泥砂浆 aramid fiber reinforced concrete英语短句 例句大全

芳纶纤维增强水泥砂浆,aramid fiber reinforced concrete

1)aramid fiber reinforced concrete芳纶纤维增强水泥砂浆


1.Properties strengthening of cement mortar with moderate moderfied aramid fibers filling表面改性芳纶纤维增强水泥砂浆的性能

2.Flexural Strength and Plastic Shrinkage Cracking Resistance of Aramid Fiber Cement Mortar芳纶纤维砂浆的抗折强度与抗塑性收缩开裂

3.Shrinkage of extruded fiber reinforced cement mortar board挤压成型纤维增强水泥砂浆板材的收缩性能

4.Research on Properties of Polyvinyl Alcohol Fiber (Vinylon) Reinforced Mortar聚乙烯醇纤维(维纶)增强砂浆性能的研究

5.The crack-resistance and toughening mechanism of fiber-enhanced mortar are analyzed.对纤维增强水泥砂浆的抗裂增韧机理进行了初步分析。

6.Experimental Study of the Mechanic Performances of Hydrosoluble HP Fibre s Reinforcement to Cement Mortar and Concrete;水溶性高分子纤维增强水泥砂浆、混凝土力学性能试验研究

7.Study on Aramid Short Fibre & Pulp as NR Composite Reinforcing Filling Used in Tyre;芳纶短纤维/浆粕增强轮胎用天然橡胶复合材料的研究

8.Studies on Impact Strength of Friction Materials Reinforced by Aramid Pulp and Copper Fiber铜纤维/芳纶浆粕混杂增强摩擦材料的冲击性能研究

9.Surface Modification of Polypropylene and the Study of Application Property of PP Fiber Reinforced Cement Composite Material;聚丙烯表面改性及丙纶纤维增强水泥基复合材料应用性能的研究

10.Effect of Cellulose Ether on Cement Mortar mechanical properties纤维素醚对水泥砂浆力学性能的影响

11.Study on heat stability of carbon fiber conductive cement mortar碳纤维导电水泥砂浆热稳定性的研究

12.The Study of Polymerize Fiber Mechanism Mortar and Fine Sand Cracking Resistance Plastering Dry-mixed Mortar;聚合物纤维改性水泥砂浆及干拌特细砂抗裂抹灰砂浆研究

13.Study on the Smart Properties of the Graphite Slurry Infiltrated Steel Fiber Concrete (GSIFCON);石墨水泥砂浆注浆钢纤维混凝土智能性质研究

14.Experimental Study on Graphite Slurry Infiltrated Fiber Concrete Slab for Snow Melting石墨水泥砂浆注浆钢纤维混凝土板融雪试验

15.Studies on Property and Design of 3-d Braided Kevlar Fiber Reinforced Resin Composites;三维编织芳纶纤维增强树脂基复合材料的性能研究与设计

16.Study of Interface Bond Performance of Steel Fibers Within Cement Mortar;钢纤维与水泥砂浆界面粘结性能的试验研究

17.Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Reinforced by Steel Fiber Ferrocement Mortar钢纤维水泥砂浆加固RC梁受弯性能试验研究

18.Study on wave-absorbing properties of cement mortar with wave-shaped steel fiber波浪型钢纤维水泥砂浆吸波性能的研究


fiber reinforced cement mortar纤维增强水泥砂浆

3)steel fiber reinforced polymer cement mortar钢纤维增强聚合物水泥砂浆

1.A feasibility argumentation of usingsteel fiber reinforced polymer cement mortar as a rigid waterproofing roof;钢纤维增强聚合物水泥砂浆刚性屋面防水层的可行性论证

2.In order to solve the roof leakage problems now widely existed in buildings at home and abroad, this paper proposed the using ofsteel fiber reinforced polymer cement mortar /concrete (SFPCC) as a rigid waterproofing roof material to substitute at the conventional flexible one.针对目前国内外普遍存在的屋面防水问题 ,依据聚合物与水泥复合有利于改善材料内部结构密实度以及聚合物和钢纤维能改善材料变形能力的特性 ,提出用钢纤维增强聚合物水泥砂浆作为刚性屋面防水材料的设想 ,通过对钢纤维聚合物水泥砂浆的韧性试验 ,论证了此种材料在技术上是可行

4)steel fiber reinforced cement(SFCEM)钢维增强水泥砂浆

5)fiber reinforcing mortar bar纤维增强砂浆筋

1.As the main bar,fiber reinforcing mortar bars were braided and laid in many ways.模拟钢筋混凝土配筋方式,用纤维增强砂浆筋代替传统钢筋增强水泥砂浆。

6)steel fiber-reinforced mortar钢纤维增强砂浆

1.Direct tensile damage mechanic model ofsteel fiber-reinforced mortar;钢纤维增强砂浆的轴拉损伤力学模型


芳纶纤维 芳纶纤维的国外商品名为Kavlar纤维,简称K纤维,国产牌号芳纶1414,化学名称为聚对苯二甲酰对苯二胺(p-phenyleneterephthalamide),相对密度1.43~1.45,无熔融温度,500~570 ℃时分解。芳纶纤维的最大特点是密度低、强度高、耐高温,密度比碳纤维低17%。单丝强度可达3850MPa,比强度约为钢丝的5倍。冲击强度为石墨纤维的6倍。有较高的断裂伸长率,没有碳纤维那样脆。芳纶纤维具有良好的热稳定性、耐火性、耐疲劳性、耐泊性、耐醋碱性。体膨胀系数较小,尺寸稳定性极好。使用温度-190~260 ℃。溶于98%的浓硫酸。 用作树脂高强、耐高温纤维增强填充剂。
