100字范文 > 交通方式转型 traffic mode transferring英语短句 例句大全

交通方式转型 traffic mode transferring英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-16 03:10:13


交通方式转型 traffic mode transferring英语短句 例句大全

交通方式转型,traffic mode transferring

1)traffic mode transferring交通方式转型

1.Taking Guzngzhou city as an example,the paper summarizes major characteristics of thetraffic mode transferring period.以广州市为例,通过分析"禁摩"后摩托车交通量向其他方式转移和居民出行方式的变化,研究"禁摩"后交通方式转型期的特点。


1.Traffic Countermeasures Research for Guangzhou City in Traffic Mode Transferring Period after "Motorcycle Forbidden Ban" Effect广州市“禁摩”后交通方式转型期的交通对策研究

2."Transformational Diplomacy"-New Ways of Output "American-style Democracy"“转型外交”—“美式民主”输出的新方式

3.Barrier-free Left-turn Traffic Design for New Type Sunken Intersection新型下沉式交叉口无障碍左转交通设计

4.Method of LOGIT Model in Traffic Mode-split;交通方式划分的LOGIT模型方法

bined modal split and assignment model for passenger transportation of economic circle in China经济圈客运交通方式分担与交通分配组合模型

6.Study on the Combined Multi-Mode Split and Trip Assignment Model;联合多方式划分/交通分配模型的研究

7.Economy Globalization and Transition of Chinese Traffic Transportation Growth;经济全球化与中国交通运输增长方式的转变

8.Research on Solutions of Communication Industry in Telecommunication Transformation;电信转型背景下的交通行业解决方案研究

9.The Strategy Research of the Transport Enterprises’s Transferring to 3PL;交通运输企业向第三方物流转型的战略思考

10.Traffic Modal Splitting Method for Economic Circle Based on Nested-Logit Model基于Nested-Logit模型的经济圈交通方式划分方法研究

11.Research on the Combined Modal Split/Trip Distribution Model and Software Design;交通方式划分——交通分布组合模型研究与软件设计

12.Culture of Security and Diplomacy in Southeast Asia: Transition of the "ASEAN Way";东南亚的安全和外交文化——“东盟方式”的转型

13.a mode of life, living, operation, thought, transport生活模式、 生活方式、 操作方法、 思想方法、 交通工具类型

14.Study on the Disaggregating Model of Traffic Mode Split and Application;交通方式划分的非集计模型及应用研究

15.Research on LOGIT Mode-split Model Based on BP Neural Network;基于BP神经网络的LOGIT交通方式划分模型研究

bination of Underground Traffic Space and the Surrounding Estate Development;交通型地下空间与周边物业开发结合方式研究

17.Decision model based on entropy for transpatation projects fund collecting;基于熵的交通运输项目融资方式决策模型

18.A Bi-Level Model and Solution Algorithm for Airport Access Mode Choice机场旅客进出场交通方式选择的双层规划模型


traffic mode transfer交通方式转移

1.On the basis of the background of motorcycle restraining policy and the data of the current resident trip survey in the city of Changzhou, this paper proposes a rational framework of motorcycletraffic mode transferring.根据常州市“限摩”背景情况和常州市居民出行调查数据,提出合理的摩托车交通方式转移结构。

3)transformation of traffic mode交通方式转换

4)travel mode交通方式

1.Based on real-world survey data with a focus on urbantravel mode shares, and starting with an analysis of economic factors, such as individual income tax, vehicle-purchase tax, and vehicle/ship use tax, this paper investigates the road-resource sharing of different user groups, and allocates road-resources among all of thetravel modes.以实际交通调查数据为依据,以城市交通方式结构为切入点,先从个人所得税、车辆购置税、车船使用税等经济指标入手,把城市道路资源分摊到各种交通方式上,计算分析各种交通方式群体享用的道路资源情况。

5)traffic means交通方式

1.According to the concept of sustainable development, during theconstruction of China traffic and transport system, the priority shall be given tothetraffic means that have less harm to environment, consume less energy andhave large transport benefits.依据可持续发展的理念,在建设我国交通运输体系时,应优先发展对环境危害小、资源消耗少,而运输效益大的交通方式。

2.Regarding the limitation existed in traditional Optimization Approach oftraffic means, combining with the characters of traffic and transportation, this paper recommends grey-conjunction optimization approach to choose traffic and transportation mode.针对传统交通方式优选方法中的不足,结合交通运输方式自身的特点,提出灰关联度进行交通运输方式优选的思路和方法。

6)transport mode交通方式

1.Influence oftransport mode choice on evacuation time in mixed traffic flow evacuation simulations城市混合流疏散中不同交通方式配比对疏散时间的影响

2.The selection oftransport modes is critical in constructing of the system.面对城市化与机动化的挑战,为实现优先发展公共交通战略,对公共交通需求变化进行分析,提出构建功能完善、层次分明、统一协调的综合公共交通系统,并对系统构建的关键问题——交通方式选择,从技术适应性、经济效益、社会效益、可持续发展四个方面,采用网络评价法建立评价模型进行决策支持。


