100字范文 > 限速合理性 rationality of speed limit英语短句 例句大全

限速合理性 rationality of speed limit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-19 02:57:12


限速合理性 rationality of speed limit英语短句 例句大全

限速合理性,rationality of speed limit

1)rationality of speed limit限速合理性

2)the reasonable limit合理性界限

1.This essay discussesthe reasonable limit about the distance in income.本文通过对当前收入差距现状的分析 ,探讨收入差距存在的合理性界限 ,分析解决问题的关键及着力点 ,说明政府必须积极介入国民收入的再分配领域 ,动用一切可以动用的政策手段 ,在保证社会效率提高的前提下将收入差距控制在社会心理可承受的范围内。

3)limits to rationality合理性限度


1.The Rationality Limit of the Theory Paradigm “Economy Determines Ethics”;“经济决定伦理”理论范式的合理性限度

2.Discussing Reciprocity Principle--The Rational Limitation of Inequality;论对等原则——不平等的合理性限度

3.Disenchantment of Technology and Disenchantment of Ethics: Limits of Moral Considerations in Modern Life Sciences;技术祛魅与道德祛魅——现代生命技术道德合理性限度反思

4.Analysis on Rationality and Limitedness of Limited Liability System;有限责任制度的合理性与局限性分析

5.Teachers Participating in Higher Schools Decision-making:Rationality and Limitation;教师参与高校决策:合理性及其限度性

6.Analysis on the Rationality and the Limit of Anthropocentrism;浅析人类中心主义的合理性及其限度

7.The Reasonable Nature and Its Sound Boundary of the Proof Overlapping of Criminal Evidences;刑事证据相互印证的合理性与合理限度

8.The Rationality of Practice Materialism and the Constraint of Understanding;论实践唯物主义的合理性及其理解限度

9.The Viewpoint of Bounded Rational Trust:an Integration of Rational Calculation with Irrational Attitude;有限理性信任观:对理性计算和非理性态度的整合

10.not within reasonable limits.不在合理的限度内的。

11.II) Limit --- Reasonability of Infinitesimal Calculus.(二)极限----微积分的合理性.

12.A Study of the Validity of Slope Stability Analysis with Strength Reduction FEM;强度折减有限元法分析土坡稳定性的合理性研究

13.The Inherent Reasonableness for Shaanxi to Implementa Limited Protection Policy on Local Economy;陕西实施有限度地方经济保护政策的内在合理性

14.Thus it is most likely to avoid the theoretical extreme and to make the theory of the presumptive legality and the concept of equity and justice match each other.合理的认定是,行政行为的公定力不是绝对的,而是有一定限度的,即行政行为公定力具有有限性。

15.Possibility and Restriction of Coherence in Legal Argumentation;融贯论的可能性与限度——作为追求法官论证合理性的适当态度和方法

16.greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation.远远超出合理或适度界限的。

17.On WTO "Reasonable Period of Time" Arbitration System;世贸组织“合理期限”仲裁制度探析

18.Reasonability of the Legal Provisions on Open-Ended Employment Contract;无固定期限劳动合同之规定的合理性


the reasonable limit合理性界限

1.This essay discussesthe reasonable limit about the distance in income.本文通过对当前收入差距现状的分析 ,探讨收入差距存在的合理性界限 ,分析解决问题的关键及着力点 ,说明政府必须积极介入国民收入的再分配领域 ,动用一切可以动用的政策手段 ,在保证社会效率提高的前提下将收入差距控制在社会心理可承受的范围内。

3)limits to rationality合理性限度

4)Analysis of reasonable limiting合理限定性

5)rationality and flaw合理性与缺限性

6)reasonable limit合理界限

1.However, the legislators should carefully handle thereasonable limits by analyzing people s different interests and mediating clash between the different values.家长式法律强制以设定义务为实质内容而以实现权利为价值目标 ,其合理性在于它正确反映了人性中物质利益与意志自由两个因素的关系 ,但立法者应当在分析被强制者的不同利益与协调法的不同价值冲突的基础上把握好其合理界


