100字范文 > 慢灰 slow ash measurement英语短句 例句大全

慢灰 slow ash measurement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-12 00:07:52


慢灰 slow ash measurement英语短句 例句大全

慢灰,slow ash measurement

1)slow ash measurement慢灰

2)slow slaking lime慢化石灰

3)slow-ashing method缓慢灰化法

parison betweenslow-ashing method and improved fast-ashing method in commission test;委托检验中运用改良快灰法与缓慢灰化法的比较


1.Study on characteristics ofash and slag from two kinds of hospital waste incinerations;两种医疗垃圾焚烧炉的灰渣特性研究

2.Progress of the study on the characteristics ofash from co-firing of biomass and coal生物质与煤混合燃烧成灰特性研究进展


1.Wet plaster, mortar, or cement.灰泥湿灰泥、灰浆或水泥

2.killed lime消石灰, 失效石灰

3.Of, relating to, or covered with ashes.灰的灰的,关于灰的,或用灰覆盖的

4.Grayish or flecked with gray.浅灰的、有灰斑点的浅灰或有灰斑的

5.He tapped his ash into an ashtray.他把烟灰弹落到烟灰缸。

6.Of a pale grayish or bluish green.淡灰蓝色的,淡灰绿色的

7.a shower of stones, arrows, dust, ash一阵乱石、 乱箭、灰尘、灰烬

8.limed juice pump石灰混和汁泵,加灰汁泵

9.Streaked with or partly gray.有灰斑的,部分灰色的

10.identification of podzols and podzolised soils鉴定灰壤土和灰化土

11.lime slaker石灰熟化器, 石灰消和器

12.A grizzled animal.灰斑毛皮兽,灰色兽

13.A medium to light gray.铂灰色亮灰色的媒质

14.A receptacle for tobacco ashes and cigarette butts.烟灰缸,烟灰盘装烟灰与烟蒂的容器

15.A dark grayish brown to black or dark purplish gray.炭黑深灰棕色至灰黑色或深紫灰色

16.A wild gray goose(Anser anser) of Europe.灰雁欧洲的一种野生灰雁(灰雁)

17.The color of a grizzled animal.灰色,灰斑色灰斑动物的颜色

18.A yellowish or light brownish gray to grayish yellow or light grayish brown.灰色的黄灰色成亮褐灰色以及灰黄色或亮灰褐色


slow slaking lime慢化石灰

3)slow-ashing method缓慢灰化法

parison betweenslow-ashing method and improved fast-ashing method in commission test;委托检验中运用改良快灰法与缓慢灰化法的比较


1.Study on characteristics ofash and slag from two kinds of hospital waste incinerations;两种医疗垃圾焚烧炉的灰渣特性研究

2.Progress of the study on the characteristics ofash from co-firing of biomass and coal生物质与煤混合燃烧成灰特性研究进展

5)Slow charging and discharging慢装慢出

6)Slow/slow form慢慢型


