100字范文 > 电力监管 electricity regulation英语短句 例句大全

电力监管 electricity regulation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-03 11:48:33


电力监管 electricity regulation英语短句 例句大全

电力监管,electricity regulation

1)electricity regulation电力监管


1.State Electricity Regulatory Commission (SERC)国家电力监管委员会(国家电监会)

2.The Research of Accounting Regulation on Power Transmission and Distribution Enterprise Enforced by the Electric Regulatory Organization;电力监管机构对输配电企业的会计监管研究

3.Regulatory over grid enterprises in modern industry supervision system;我国电力监管体系下的电价规制探析

4.Review of work on meeting summer peaks and regulation of East China Power Grid in ;华东电网迎峰度夏和电力监管工作评述

5.Transaction Behavior Surveillance and Design of Surveillance System in Electricity Market;电力市场交易行为监管分析及监管系统设计

6.Regulatory Comparability between Electric Power Sector and Gas Sector;从我国的电力行业监管看天然气行业监管

7.Research on Market Order Regulation and Evaluation of Generation Power Market;发电侧电力市场秩序监管与评价研究

8.Electric Energy Management and Electric Power Monitoring System Based on Profibus-DP基于Profibus-DP的电能管理与电力监控系统

9.Government Supervision Capability in Electric Power Market and Its Enhancing Approaches电力市场政府监管能力及其提高途径

10.Theory and Application of Electric Power Market Regulation after Restructure;电力重组环境下电力市场监管理论与应用研究

11.The Evaluation and Surveillance of Market Power in Generation-side Electricity Market;发电侧电力市场中市场势力的辨识与监管

12.Information System of Power Insulation Supervision Management Based on WEB;基于WEB的电力绝缘监督管理信息系统

13.Model of Dynamic Price Cap for Regulation of Electricity Market;电力市场监管中的动态价格上限模型

14.Considerations on construction and regulation of East China power market;华东电力市场建设与监管的几点考虑


16.Research on the Quality Control and Management of Power Construction Project电力建设工程项目质量监督管理研究

17.Research and Implementation of Data Management for Hybrid Electric Vehicle Battery Monitoring System动力电池组监控系统的数据管理开发

18.Ranking the Possibilities of Speculations of Power-Generating Merchants in Power Market Monitoring;电力市场监管中发电商投机行为存在性排序


power regulation电力监管

1.Taking the Vattenfall Europe Company,the third largest electric power company in Germany,as an example,the implementation of German electricity market reform is recommended,as well as itspower regulation organization.以德国第三大电力公司Vattenfall Europe公司为例,详细介绍了德国能源改革法令、电力市场化改革实施情况、以及电力监管关系,提出了对我国电力体制改革的启示和建议。

2.The essential meaning and study perspective of government regulation are expatiated,and study on the compositive factors,basic tasks,main contents and regulatory system ofpower regulation,which is an important part of government regulation are presented.阐述了政府管制的内涵及研究视角,论述了电力监管作为政府管制的重要组成部分的组成要素、基本任务、主要内容和监管体系。

3)electric regulation电力监管

1.On the basis of analyzing system and mode ofelectric regulation,the article applys control theory to demonstrate limitation of open loop system ofelectric regulation which makes the result of electric regulati.我国目前的电力监管方式是由国家电力监管委员会及其分支机构在不同层面对电力市场及其主体进行监管,电力监管机构既具有一定的规章、规则制定权和行政执法权,又具有广泛的电力市场监管权。

4)electric power supervision电力监管

1.Along with the continuous deepening of the reform and the rapid development of the electric power industry, our country s existing laws and systems of theelectric power supervision can t fit in with the current situation and have many problems in their concrete application courses.随着电力改革的不断深入和电力工业的快速发展,我国现行的电力监管法律法规已经不适应当前的形势,在具体应用过程中暴露出许多问题。

2.During the enforcement of electric power law of the People s Republic of China (hereinafter called as Electric Power Law) encounters a series of problems, such aselectric power supervision, electric power market, price and charge of electric power and claims to damages of electricity, all of which should be urgently solved through amendment of electric power law.我国《电力法》在实施过程中遇到电力监管、电力市场、电价与电费、电力伤害赔偿等问题,这些问题亟需通过修改《电力法》加以解决。

5)Electric Power Regulation电力监管

1.A Research on the Legal System ofElectric Power Regulation in China;我国电力监管法律体系研究

6)power market monitoring电力市场监管

1.An important task ofpower market monitoring is to detect and evaluate speculations of power-generating merchants and prevent market members from abusing market power to manipulate the power market and to do harm to other market members, and to maintain the validity of the market competitiveness.电力市场监管的一项重要任务,就是对参与电力市场的发电商投机行为的存在性进行判断,进而防止市场成员滥用市场力,操纵电力市场、危害其他市场成员的利益,维护市场竞争的有效性。


电力系统电力平衡电力系统电力平衡power balance of electric power systemd一onll xjtongd一onJ一Pingher飞g电力系统电力平衡(power ba一anee of eleetriepower system)电力系统中电源与负荷的平衡。根据预测的电力系统负荷来确定电力系统的发电容量。它是电源发展规划的组成部分。电力平衡的内容是:①工作容量计算;②备用容量计算;③水电平衡;④火电平衡。计算结果可用电力平衡表或电力平衡图表示。在编制电力平衡表的过程中,常常要做多个方案,反复平衡,才能得到预期的结果。工作容t计算水电厂、火电厂工作容量分别计算。根据规划期内预测投产的水电厂的保证出力、强迫出力、预想出力及电力系统负荷曲线计算水电工作容量。系统负荷减去水电工作容量即为火电(包括核电)工作容量。(见电力系统工作容童)备用容t计算用系数法或电力不足概率(LO-LP)计算出备用容量并在水、火电厂之间合理分配.求出水电备用容量及火电备用容量。(见电力系统备用容黄)备用容量与工作容量之和是保证系统安全可靠和不间断供电所必需的容量,称之为必需容量。水电平衡水电装机容量与必需容量之平衡。由于水电厂在某些情况下运行水头低于设计水头或其他原因,水电厂的最大出力(亦称预想出力)有时低于装机容量,装机容量与预想出力之差称为受阻容量。在进行水电平衡时,预想出力必须大于水电必需容量,两者之差称为空闲容量。在平衡时可能遇到如下两种情况:①空闲容量过大,此时需研究提高水电必需容量的可能性,如扩大联网或复核水电装机容量.研究减少水电装机容量的合理性;②空闲容量为负值.即必需容量大于预想出力,则应研究降低水电工作容量及备用容量的合理性,或研究扩大水电装机容量问题。火电平衡火电装机容量与必需容量的平衡。在平衡时,火电受阻容量及退役容量应予以扣除。通过平衡,可以确定火电新增装机容量投产的进度。平衡结果应使火电保持盈余。但由于投资或其他原因的限制,无法增加足够的容量使火电保持平衡时,系统将发生缺电现象。
