100字范文 > 科学利用 scientific utilization英语短句 例句大全

科学利用 scientific utilization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-02 06:49:33


科学利用 scientific utilization英语短句 例句大全

科学利用,scientific utilization

1)scientific utilization科学利用


1.Application of Scientific Data in Short-term and Close-to Earthquake Forecasting科学数据在地震短临预报中的科学利用

2.Application of fatty acid calcium in cattle feeding脂肪酸钙在牛业中的开发与科学利用

3.Fostering the Students Science Accomplishments by Studying the History of Diological Science;利用生命科学史培养学生的科学素养

4.Take Advantage of Research of Discipline and Develep the Students Practice Ablity;利用学科科研优势 培养学生实践能力

5.The use of electronics to extend man"s intellect.利用电子学扩展人类才智的一门科学。

6.The science and technology that deals with the study and application of ultrasound.超声学超声的研究和利用科学和技术

7.The Role of Environmentally Friendly Society in Scientific Literacy Improvement of High School Students;利用环保社团提高中学生的科学素养

8.The Scientific Management and Utility of Teaching Archives in Colleges and Universities;高等院校教学档案的科学管理与利用

9.Using Physical Teaching Improves the Student Science and Technology Quality充分利用物理教学,提高学生科技素质

10.Scientific Management and Reasonable Utilization of Sci-tech Periodicals in Public Libraries公共图书馆科技期刊的科学管理及合理利用

11.Conference on the Application of Science and Technology for the Benefit of the Less-Developed Areas应用科学技术以利较不发达地区会议

12.a theory derived from or used in science.科学中引导或利用的理论。

13.People use natural science to understand and change nature.人类利用自然科学去理解和改造自然。

14.They made full use of the latest achievements in science and technology.他们充分利用了最新科学技术成就。

15.We took this opportunity to push scientific farming.我们利用这个机会推广科学种田。

16.It provided the basic data for the utilization of these wild plants.为开发利用植物资源提供了科学依据。

17.View of Scientific Development and the Research on Strategy of Western Region s Foreign Capital Utilization;科学发展观与西部利用外资战略研究

18.Probe into Increasing the Utilization Ratio of Instrument and Equipment for Teaching and Scientific Research;提高教学科研仪器设备利用率的探索


rational use of science and technology合理利用科学技术

1.Set in the "entropy" of the world under the guidance of the harmonious development concept and building a resource-saving and environment-friendly society, we must makerational use of science and technology, development of recycling economy, and take the road by entropy.树立在"熵"世界观指导下的和谐发展理念,建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,就必须合理利用科学技术,发展循环经济,走熵减之路。

3)apply science and technology利用科技

4)water conservancy science水利科学

1.This paper expounds the functions of water conservancy history in the situation of deep development of the contemporarywater conservancy science,it also illustrates the main study fields and its approaches.论述了在现代水利科学深入发展的形势下,水利历史研究的功用;举例说明历史研究的主要领域、途径和方法;分析了传统水利科学的不足和优点及其在当代水利科学发展中的价值;阐述了水利历史研究的必要性及其广阔前景。

5)Galileo"s science伽利略科学

6)scientific utilization of fertilizer科学用肥


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