100字范文 > 秸秆成型燃料 straw briquette英语短句 例句大全

秸秆成型燃料 straw briquette英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-27 14:37:34


秸秆成型燃料 straw briquette英语短句 例句大全

秸秆成型燃料,straw briquette

1)straw briquette秸秆成型燃料

1.Development ofstraw briquette boiler;秸秆成型燃料锅炉的研制

2.Hybrid life cycle analysis for coal versusstraw briquettes煤与秸秆成型燃料的复合生命周期对比评价

3.According to GB/T15137—1994 industry boiler energy-conservation monitoring methods, tests of the thermal loss of double fire gratersstraw briquette boiler designed by the author have been carried out respectively on different furnace conditions (the smallest, the smaller, the larger and the largest air door).根据GB/T15137—1994工业锅炉节能监测方法,在不同风门开度(最小风门、较小风门、较大风门、最大风门)4种工况下,分别对作者设计的双层炉排秸秆成型燃料锅炉的热性能进行试验。


1.Study on the Characteristic of Stalk Briquette Oxygen-Rich Gasification Producer Gas for Vehicle Fuel秸秆成型燃料富氧气化气作为机动车燃料研究

2.Studies on Scale Business of Straw Densification Briquetting Fuels in China"s Rural Areas;我国农村秸秆成型燃料规模化技术研究

3.Influence Factors and Patterns of Straw Briquetting Fuel Extension in Rural Area;秸秆成型燃料在农村推广的影响因素及模式

4.The Suggestion on Policy of the Rural Straw Densification Briquetting Fuel Shaping Technology in China;秸秆成型燃料技术规模化推广的政策建议

5.Hybrid Life Cycle Analysis for Coal and Straw Briquette煤与秸秆成型燃料的复合生命周期对比评价

6.Observation and analysis on micro-structure of corn straw briquette fuels玉米秸秆成型燃料的微观结构观察与分析

7.Design and experiment of corn straw briquette stove玉米秸秆成型燃料单锅灶的设计与试验

8.The Study on the Problem of Deposit and Corrosion on Heat-Transfer Surface during SDBF Combustion;秸秆成型燃料燃烧过程中沉积腐蚀问题的试验研究

9.Development and Test Study on Biomass (Straw) Briquettes Combution Equipment;生物质(秸秆)成型燃料燃烧设备研制及试验研究

10.Design and Research on Compressing Fuel in Normal Temperature of Plant Straw植物秸秆冷成型固化燃料系统设计与研究

11.Analysis on the factors impacting ignition process of densified straw briquette fuel影响秸秆固化成型燃料点火过程的因素分析

12.Study on Kinetic Characteristics of Biomass (Straw) Briquettes Combution and Improvement Design of Hydralic Straw Briquetting Press;生物质(秸秆)成型燃料燃烧动力学特性及液压秸秆成型机改进设计研究

13.Straw Pellet Fuel Cold Molding by Compression: Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation;秸秆颗粒燃料冷态压缩成型实验研究及数值模拟

14.Numerical Simulation about the Influence of Straw Reburning to NOx Generation;秸秆作为再燃燃料对NOx生成影响的数值模拟

15.Analysis and Research on the Moulding Region of Extruding for Crop Straw;秸秆压块饲料机成型区的研究与分析

16.A potential feedstock for biofuel--stover;一种有潜力的生物燃料原料——秸秆

17.Studies on Processing Technology of Compound Ration Formulated with Complex Treated Maize Stalk for Bovine and Mutton;牛羊全日粮复合秸秆饲料成型工艺研究

18.Simulation analysis on fuel collection,processing,storage and transportation used in straw power plant秸秆发电燃料收加储运过程模拟分析



3)straw densification briquetting fuel (SDBF)秸秆成型燃料 (SDBF)

4)cornstalk briquette玉米秸秆成型燃料

1.Design and study ofcornstalk briquette boiler;玉米秸秆成型燃料锅炉的设计与试验研究

5)straw densiafication briquetting fuel (SDBF)秸秆固化成型燃料(SDBF)

6)stalk briquette gasification producer gas秸秆成型燃料气化气

1.Experimental study onstalk briquette gasification producer gas for vehicle fuel;秸秆成型燃料气化气作为车载燃料的试验研究


核燃料储运(见乏燃料贮存与运输)核燃料储运(见乏燃料贮存与运输)nuclear fuel transport and storage:see spent nuclear fuel trasport and storage核燃料储运(nuelearfuel transport andstorage)核燃料的储存和运输都有严格的防辐射要求。见乏燃料贮存与运输。
