100字范文 > 交通事件自动检测方法 Automatic Incidents Detection(AID)英语短句 例句大全

交通事件自动检测方法 Automatic Incidents Detection(AID)英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-06 13:37:41


交通事件自动检测方法 Automatic Incidents Detection(AID)英语短句 例句大全

交通事件自动检测方法,Automatic Incidents Detection(AID)

1)Automatic Incidents Detection(AID)交通事件自动检测方法


1.Study on the Methods of Automatic Incident Detection for Urban Road;城市道路交通事件自动检测方法研究

2.Research and Implementation of Traffic Automatic Incident Detection Algorithm for Freeway;快速路交通事件自动检测算法的研究与实现

3.Study on Automatic Detection Algorithm for Traffic Incident Using Neural Network Based on Rough Set Filtration;粗集预处理数据的神经网络交通事件自动检测算法研究

4.Design of the Simulator for Detecting Highway Traffic Incidents Automatically;高速公路交通事件自动检测模拟器的设计

5.Dynamic Neural Network Algorithm for Traffic Incidents Detection;基于动态神经网络的交通事件检测算法

6.Study on Detection Algorithm of Traffic Incidents and Detectors Distribution of Freeway;高速公路交通事件检测算法及检测器布设方案研究

7.An Automatic Traffic Incident of Freeway Detection Algorithm Based on Dynamic Traffic Model and Multi-information Fusion;基于动态交通模型和多信息融合的高速公路交通事件检测算法

8.The Research of the Traffic Demand Forecast Methods of the Large Special Events in City;大型活动事件下的城市交通需求预测方法研究

9.Video Detection Algorithm Research and Practice of Traffic Incident;交通事件的视频检测算法研究与实践

10.Study of the Traffic Incident Detection Algorithm Based on Video基于视频的交通事件检测算法的研究

11.A Method To Automatically Detect Baud Rate Of Serial Communication And Its Software Implementation串行通信波特率自动检测方法及软件实现

12.Approach to Automatic of Highway Detection Incident Based on Fuzzy support vector machine基于模糊支持向量机的高速公路交通事件的自动检测

13.Study on Freeway Traffic Incident Detection Method Based on Multi-Sensor Information Fusion Technology;基于多传感器信息融合技术的高速公路交通事件检测方法研究

14.The Research on Traffic Incidents Detection Based on Hybrid Multi Support Vector Machine基于混合支持向量机多分类器的交通事件检测方法研究

15.An Automatic Incident Detection Methodology for Freeway Using Floating Cars基于浮动车的高速公路交通事件自动判别方法研究

16.The Traffic Data Analytical System Based on the Incident Detected Algorithm基于事件检测算法的交通数据分析系统研究

17.A Study on Image Processing in Video Detection System of Traffic Incident交通事件视频检测系统中图像处理算法的研究

18.Traffic Incident Real-time Video Detection Based on Speed Classification Algorithm基于速度分类算法的交通事件实时视频检测



1.We introduce the long range passive RFID technology, anAID system using RFID as detection means and the selection ofAID algorithm in this system.论文讨论了射频识别技术在交通事件自动检测技术中的应用。

3)Traffic Incident detection method交通事件检测方法

4)expressway automatic incident detection高速公路交通事件自动检测

1.A novel algorithm ofexpressway automatic incident detection based on the ART2 neural networks is proposed.提出一种基于ART2神经网络的高速公路交通事件自动检测的新算法。

5)automatic accident detection交通事故自动检测

1.Anautomatic accident detection method based on traffic flow parameters will be accessed,through simulating the physical environment of urban tunnel with traffic simulation software VISSIM.采用VISSIM交通仿真软件,对城市隧道内的物理环境进行仿真,可设计出一种基于交通流参数的交通事故自动检测方法。

6)traffic incident detection交通事件检测

1.Application of LVQ neural network intraffic incident detection;LVQ神经网络在交通事件检测中的应用

2.Existingtraffic incident detection system is unsatisfactory in practical application.应用数据融合技术的交通事件检测系统能提高系统的有效性,得到最佳协同作用的结果。

3.Several traditional algorithms used intraffic incident detection are reviewed.回顾了几种传统的交通事件检测算法 ,提出从多层前向人工神经网络角度建立模型 ,并运用 BP算法予以实现。


