100字范文 > 程控数字滤波器 controllable digital filter英语短句 例句大全

程控数字滤波器 controllable digital filter英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-22 01:15:00


程控数字滤波器 controllable digital filter英语短句 例句大全

程控数字滤波器,controllable digital filter

1)controllable digital filter程控数字滤波器


1.Research on the Implementation of Embedded Controlled Digital Filter Based on FPGA基于FPGA的嵌入式程控数字滤波器实现研究

2.The Study of Digital Control System of Active Power Filter;有源电力滤波器数字控制系统的研究

3.The Design of The Digital Wave Filter in the System of Observation & Control of One-chip Computer;单片机测控系统中的数字滤波器设计

4.An FIR Digital Filter Design Based on Comb Filter基于梳状滤波器的FIR数字滤波器设计

5.digital comb filter数字式多通带滤波器

6.digitally synthesized amplitude filter数字综合振幅滤波器

7.Digital Filter Desinging on Star Image and FPGA Realization星图滤波的数字滤波器设计及FPGA实现

8.The Digital Control on Current of Parallel Active Power Filter;并联型有源电力滤波器的电流数字控制技术

9.Hardware Design of Active Power Filter Based on the Full Digital Controlled;基于全数字控制的有源电力滤波器的硬件设计

10.Software Design on the Full Digital Controlled Active Power Filter;基于全数字控制的有源滤波器的软件设计

11.Digital programmable universal biquadratic current-mode filter数字可编程的电流模式通用双二阶滤波器

12.GPIB Programming of TDS 210 Digital Oscilloscope用GPIB接口编程控制泰克数字示波器

13.Research on a Simple Transform from Analogue Filter to Digital Filter模拟滤波器到数字滤波器简单变换方法

14.Applying Lagrange Half Band Filters in Digital Decimation FiltersLagrange半带滤波器在数字抽取滤波器中的应用

15.Design and Realization of Digital Filters Based on High-speed DSO高速数字存储示波器的数字滤波器设计与实现

16.Study on Harmonic Detecting and Control Method of Digital Active Power Filter;数字式有源电力滤波器谐波检测和控制方法研究

17.Optimum design of half band filters for multi-rate narrow band digital filtering;多速率窄带数字滤波中半带滤波器的优化设计

18.Digital Filter Design for Sigma-Delta Converter;基于Sigma-Delta转换器的数字滤波器设计


digital filter数字滤波器

1.Checking remains of cottonseed husk on cotton fabric faces using adigital filter;用数字滤波器对织物表面棉籽壳残留情况进行检测

2.Efficient weighted-least-square design and realization of FIRdigital filters with variable bandwidth;可变带宽FIR数字滤波器的高效加权最小二乘设计及实现

3.Application ofdigital filter in tracker coordinator nutation frequency testing system;数字滤波器在位标器章动频率测试系统中的运用

3)digital wave filter数字滤波器

1.Design and simulation ofdigital wave filter in the power system;电力系统数字滤波器的设计及仿真

2.The paper is mainly aboutdigital wave filter used to process real-time collected signals and the algorithm to measure the interval between R-R electrocardiograms.并且重点介绍了实时采集信号的数字滤波器和提取心电图R-R间期的算法实现。

3.On the basis of traditional simulation wave filter,the paper proposes the algorithm of thedigital wave filter.在传统的模拟滤波器基础上,提出了数字滤波器的新算法,并根据单片机测控系统在受到不同干扰时,提出了数字滤波器的设计步骤和设计思路。

4)digital filters数字滤波器

1.Relevantdigital filters used according to the.讨论了某型航空发动机试车计算机辅助试验系统的开发;采用模块化的VXI总线仪器和外挂式控制方式开发了数据采集系统;采用对基本试车状态进行组态的方法实现了对发动机试车程序的灵活编辑,使系统可以同时满足常规生产试车和定制科研试车的需求;针对发动机试车信号的特点,采用了不同的数字滤波器进行滤波,有效地滤除信号中的干扰,有助于从信号中提取有用的信息;系统工作稳定可靠,操作简单,维护方便,能够完全满足发动机的试车技术要求。

2.Moreover, in this paper,digital filters and algorithms of microcomputer based protection in power systems based on non-dyadic wavelet transform are presented by using non-dyadic wavelet transform theory.此外 ,文中利用非二进小波变换的原理 ,提出了基于非二进小波变换的电力系统微机保护数字滤波器与算法 ,这对于提高电力系统微机保护的可靠性具有重要意义。

3.Butterworth-approximation based design method for recursive complementarydigital filters is presented, giving the filter function implemented by a cascade-parallel connection of component all-pass sections.给出了一种基于巴特沃斯逼近的递归互补数字滤波器的设计方法,得到了由基本的全通节级联、并联构成的滤波器函数。

5)digit filter数字滤波器

6)digital filtering数字滤波器,数字滤波


