100字范文 > 广义停车费用 The generalized parking cost英语短句 例句大全

广义停车费用 The generalized parking cost英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-02 13:34:41


广义停车费用 The generalized parking cost英语短句 例句大全

广义停车费用,The generalized parking cost

1)The generalized parking cost广义停车费用

2)Parking fares停车费用


1.The Effect of Parking Fare on Private Car Travel停车费用对私人小汽车出行影响分析

2.The university administration said the car parking fees would help to deal with illegal car parking.大学行政部门认为收取停车费用会有助于解决校内乱停车的问题。

3.Application of No Parking Electronic Toll System (ETS) in Highway Toll不停车电子收费系统在高速公路收费中的应用

4.Any car parked on this side of the street will be towed away at the owner"s cost.凡停在街道这边的车都会被拖走, 费用车主自付。

5."to fix such fees for the use of car parks and parking places, and to collect the fees in such manner, as it thinks fit;"厘订使用停车场及泊车处之收费,及以其认为适当之方式收费;

6.meter parking spaces.给停车处装汽车停放收费计

7.Study and Use of Electronic Toll Collection on the Net of DeYang City;德阳市网络环境下不停车收费系统研究与应用

8.Application of Non-touched IC Card in Parking Toll Collection;非接触式IC卡在停车场收费管理中的应用

9.Monolithic Processor s Application on Expressway s Non-stop System of Fare;单片机在高速公路不停车计费系统中的应用

10.Application of Key Technology of Electronic Toll Collection System(1)不停车收费系统(ETC)关键技术应用研究(1)

11.coin compartment [parking meter]钱箱盒〔停车收费表〕

12.There is ample free parking at the new location.The office phone number will remain.新址有宽大的免费停车

13.parking meter expansion programme增设停车收费表计划

14.Application of Non-parking Charging System to Accommodation Expressway for Xianyang International Airport in Xi"an City不停车收费系统在西安咸阳国际机场专用高速公路中的应用

15.His car preempted the parking space.他的车抢先占用停车位。

16.light, parking, for motor vehicles停车灯,机动车辆用

17.Property Management Area parking fees and use the proceeds are?物业管理区域内车辆停放收费及收益用途是怎样的?

18.Design on the Mixer Applied in the Reader of 5.8GHz System of Electronic Toll Collection应用于5.8GHz电子不停车收费系统的阅读器中的混频器设计


Parking fares停车费用

3)generalized cost广义费用

1.Urban road- side parking planning model based on minimumgeneralized cost;基于广义费用最小的城市路边停车规划模型

2.Multi-user highway network equilibrium model based ongeneralized cost基于广义费用的多用户公路网平衡配流模型

3.Multi-modal UE assignment model based on thegeneralized cost基于广义费用的单货种多方式均衡配流模型

4)generalized running cost of vehicle汽车行驶广义费用

1.Method of setting maximum speed limit based on minimumgeneralized running cost of vehicle基于汽车行驶广义费用最小的高速公路最高车速限制方法

5)generalized cost function广义费用函数

1.The paper selects the economy,rapidity and convenience as evaluation index,sets up ageneralized cost function and decides the model parameters by using maximum likelihood method.根据我国都市圈内城际客运市场竞争日趋激烈的现状,采用改进的Logit模型预测通道上各种运输方式的客流分担率,选择经济性、快速性、方便性为衡量指标,并建立广义费用函数,利用极大似然估计法确定模型参数,并以北京都市圈内京津通道上各种运输方式的竞争为例说明该模型的应用方法。

2.In this paper, the concepts of equity objective andgeneralized cost function on analysis of urban traffic network are introduced; a generalized user equilibrium(GUE) assignment model and a generalized system optimization(GSO) assignment model under environmental are established.首先介绍了城市交通网络分析中公平目标和广义费用函数的概念,建立了考虑环境因素的广义用户平衡和广义系统最优配流模型,并用著名的FRANK-WOLFE算法对所给模型进行了求解。

6)wide crew-related costs乘务广义费用

1.Based on a study of Shanghai urban rail transit,this paper investigates an optimization approach to crew scheduling by adopting the concept ofwide crew-related costs for multiple optimization objectives.在引入乘务广义费用实现多目标优化的基础上,将实际的城市轨道交通乘务排班优化问题分为日班和夜班两部分解决。


