100字范文 > 执法系统 Enforcement system英语短句 例句大全

执法系统 Enforcement system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-23 04:30:12


执法系统 Enforcement system英语短句 例句大全

执法系统,Enforcement system

1)Enforcement system执法系统


1.4. Accelerating the Construction of China E-Ports(四)积极推动“口岸电子执法系统”建设

2.The Application of JPDL Process Modeling in Business Administration System;JPDL流程建模在行政执法系统中的应用

3.Law Enforcement System at the Port--Embryonic Form of E-Government;口岸执法系统——中国电子政府的雏形

4.The Design and Development of Business Administration Integrated Management and Execution System;工商所综合监管执法系统的设计与实现

5.The Function System Research for Execution of City Administration Management of Changchun;长春市城市管理行政执法系统运行体制研究

6.Design and Implementation of Statistical Systems for Setting Weifang Urban Management Administrative Law Enforcement Authority潍坊市城市管理行政执法权限设置与执法统计系统的设计与实现

7.System could not perform this operation. The following problem occurred: %1系统无法执行该操作。发生以下问题: %1

8.The system has insufficient memory to carry out the requested operation.系统内存不足,无法执行请求的操作。

9.Cannot perform this operation due to system resource constraints.由于系统资源限制而无法执行该操作。

10.a system for interpreting and enforcing the laws.一个说明和执行法律的系统。

11.The Study on Multi-purpose Computer Aided System;海事行政执法计算机辅助系统的研制

12.On the Systematic Methods of Jiang Zemin Governing Concept;江泽民执政理念中的系统方法论探析

13.The Designing and Development of the Managing System for Urban Management Law Enforcement (File)城管执法(卷宗)管理系统的设计与开发

14.Transport Integrated Administrative Law Enforcement Reform of Guangdong Provincial and Law Enforcement Information System Design广东省交通综合行政执法改革及执法信息系统设计研究

15.On the Network Evaluation of the Quality of Public Security Officer Enforcing the Law from the Comparison of Wan and Zhe Provinces从皖浙执法办案系统比较看我省公安执法质量网上考评工作

16.Study on Approaches of Performance Appraisal for Law-enforcement Officials at Grass Roots in China Maritime System海事系统基层执法人员绩效评估方法研究

17.Reinforcing the Capability Construction of Holding Power According to Law in Judicial Administrative Organs加强司法行政系统的依法执政能力建设

18.Evaluation on Performance Appraisal of Law Enforcement Officials in a Maritime System;海事系统执法人员绩效模糊综合评价方法


supervision and law-executing systems监管执法系统

3)intelligent enforcement system(IES)智能型执法系统

4)the system of public security officer"s enforcing the law执法办案系统

5)executive system执行系统

1.Application of MCGS inexecutive system motion accuracy dynamic measurement system;MCGS在执行系统回转精度动态检测中的应用

2.This paper,based on analyzing the process of Cu-Al pipe butt welding, discussed the design of theexecutive system and control system for PLC controlled Cu-Al pipe butt welder.在分析了铜铝管焊接工艺过程的基础上,重点论述了铜铝管对焊机执行系统和控制系统的设计。

3.In this article according to the experiment ofexecutive system s motion accuracy,the corresponding mathematical model is established by harmonic analysis principle.根据执行系统回转精确度测试实验,利用谐波分析原理,建立了相应的数学模型。

6)Implementing system执表系统


执法1.执行或执掌法令。 2.执法的官吏。王莽时曾改御史为"执法"。 3.星名。
