100字范文 > 道路交通环境 road traffic condition英语短句 例句大全

道路交通环境 road traffic condition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-07 12:43:39


道路交通环境 road traffic condition英语短句 例句大全

道路交通环境,road traffic condition

1)road traffic condition道路交通环境

1.Through the use of advanced dynamic electrocardiogram instrument,the characteristics of drivers\" physical and psychological reaction under differentroad traffic conditions are comprehensively tested.使用动态心电仪作为心生理检测仪器,综合检测驾驶员在不同道路交通环境条件下的心生理反应特征。


1.Grey Clustering Decision-Making Evaluation on City Street Traffic Environment Quality城市道路交通环境质量的灰聚类评价

2.Modeling Pollutant Concentration and Environment Loss Analysis of Urban Traffic;城市道路交通环境负荷预测与经济损失分析

3.The Analysis on Driver"s Fixation Process in Different Traffic Environment Road不同道路交通环境中驾驶员注视行为分析

4.Accessibility,Joviality,Sustainability-On the Value Orientation for De-sign of Road Traffic Environment可达性·愉悦性·可持续性——论城市道路交通环境设计的社会学价值

5.Playing the Insurance s Role in Creating a Harmonious Traffic Environment--A Note on the 1st Anniversary of the Implementation of Mandatory Traffic Liability Insurance in China;发挥保险作用 构建和谐道路交通环境——写在我国交强险实施周年之际

6.Research on Atmospheric Envirionmental Carrying Capacity of Urban Road Traffic;城市道路交通的大气环境承载力研究

7.Study on pollution law of regional environmental and traffic road in Changchun city长春市城市区域环境与交通道路污染规律研究

8.Research of the Impact of Urban Road Conditions and Traffic Environment on Traffic Safety;城市道路条件及环境对交通安全的影响研究

9.Base on Road and Environment Factors Urban Traffic Safety Analyze and Research;基于道路及环境因素的城市交通安全分析研究

10.the Environmental Pressure of Road Transportation in Beijing;北京市道路交通活动对环境的压力分析

11.The Analysis and Restraining Ountermeasures to the Environment of Traffic Noise in the Central Zone of Quanzhou City;泉州中心市区道路交通声环境分析与控制对策

12.Traffic Noise Measuring and Environment ofMain Roads in Guangzhou City;广州城区主干道路交通噪声测量与环境

13.Power spectral density method for impact evaluation of viaduct traffic in surrounding environment高架道路交通荷载对环境影响的功率谱方法

14.Integrated analytical methods for environmental impact forcast of regional road transportation systems区域道路交通系统环境影响预测与综合分析方法

15.Study on the Spatial Environment of the Urban Intersections;城市道路交叉口周围的空间环境研究

16.Environmental Traffic Capacity Model of Highway Section and Its Solving Method路段环境交通容量模型及其求解方法

17.Influence of Viaduct Railway Traffic Induced Vibrations on Surrounding Environment;高架轨道交通对周围环境的振动影响

18.Urban Rail Transportation Station Space Environment Art Design Research;城市轨道交通站场环境艺术设计研究


atmospheric environmental carrying capacity of urban road traffic城市道路交通大气环境承载力

3)traffic environment交通环境

1.Effects oftraffic environmentin urban on roadsidetree leaves" chlorophyll content;交通环境对城市行道树叶片叶绿素的影响

2.Study ontraffic environmental issues in Chinese metropolises;我国大城市交通环境问题的研究

3.The NO_X testing intraffic environment of a city;城市交通环境中NO_X浓度和噪声相关性的探讨

4)Road environment道路环境

1.In order to study accumulation characteristics of PGEs in multimedia from road environment,samples of road dust, roadside soil and plant were collected from five roads in Shanghai,and were analysed by ICP-MS following aqua regia digestion.为了研究道路环境PGEs多介质累积规律,选择上海市5条道路,同步采集灰尘、土壤及植物样品,对其中铂族元素(PGEs)含量水平进行分析。

5)road traffic道路交通

1.The main problems inroad traffic safety management and the countermeasures;我国道路交通安全管理主要问题分析及对策研究

2.Based on the FHWA for the establishment ofroad traffic noise prediction model in Lanzhou city;基于FHWA的兰州市道路交通噪声预测模型的建立

3.Environmental androad traffic particulate pollution principle in Xi′an city;西安市环境颗粒物污染与道路交通颗粒物排放机理

6)road transportation道路交通

1.Creator & Vega and Its Application in Virtual Road Transportation;Creator和Vega及其在虚拟道路交通中的应用

2.This paper analyzes the environmental pressure of theroad transportation in Beijing in a framework,which integrates both material flow analysis [1] and life cycle assessment.本文采用物质流[1]和生命周期相结合的分析框架,对北京市道路交通的环境压力进行了分析。

3.road transportation.本文对中山市中心城区对外交通的方式之一 ,即 :道路交通进行分析研究 ,并提出改善措施。


道路道路path道路l碑tl,::.)’T,,]区}可}0,l〕到拓扑空l’ed(topological sPaee)X的连续映射(co爪“、uousm冲p”、g)厂.点.f伪)和f(l)称为道路./的起点(i亩tiil】point)和终点(如al point).给定厂,由公式t卜./(1一t).t钊0,11定义的道路称为厂的逆道路(path inverse)并记为f一’.给定厂l和厂2若满足厂.(l)二f:(0),下式定义的道路称为道路厂,和.厂:的复合(。olnpOSiteo1’ the paths)并记为厂厂:,r了f,矛、r反1/勺以2(2t一l)。t妻l/2.在带有参考点*的道路连通空间(path一connectedsP淞e)X中,起点为,的所有道路的集合称为x的道路空间(path sPace) .M .H .Bo初exoBcK‘撰价卜注】一般说来,人们对空间中单个的道路并不怎么感兴趣,感兴趣的是道路的同伦类,即相对于乏O,川的同伦等价类、按这个等价关系,上面定义的复合满足结合律,而目.厂一’是f的真正的逆元.见基本广群(fUndalne月tal grouPoid).吏准确地说,可将道路定义为任一连续映射j: 10,门卜¥,其中,·)O称为道路.j的长度(兄ngth ofthcp甜、).如果八的长度为,而且.fZ(o)=fl(;),则厂,和八的复合fl厂2由「式定义 [了,了r、护丈一〔jZ(t一r),,·廷t延:+、,其中/:的长度为、.这个复合满足结合律(而不仅仪是同伦结合律).
