100字范文 > 分级纯化 fractionation purification英语短句 例句大全

分级纯化 fractionation purification英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-01 23:01:02


分级纯化 fractionation purification英语短句 例句大全

分级纯化,fractionation purification

1)fractionation purification分级纯化


1.Polysaccharides from Enteromorpha linza:Purification and in vitro antioxidant activity浒苔多糖的分级纯化及体外抗氧化活性研究

2.Ultrasonic-assisted water-extraction technology and fractionation-purification of Lycium barbarum polysaccharides枸杞多糖的超声波辅助水提取与分级纯化

3.Isolation and Purification of Fucoidan from Laminaria Japonica and Its Immunomodulatory Activities on Broiler Macrophage;海带岩藻聚糖分级纯化及对肉仔鸡巨噬细胞免疫调节的研究

4.System Separation and Purification of Water-soluble Green Tea Polysaccharides and Study on Their Immunological Activities and Scavenging Effects of Hydroxyl Free Radical Activities;水溶性绿茶多糖的系统分级纯化及其免疫活性与清除羟自由基活性的研究

5.Research on the Classification and Purification Techniques for β-SiC Micropowder;β-SiC微粉的分级与纯化工艺研究

6.Studies on Extraction, Purification and Primary Structure of Polysaccharides RSPS1-3 from Rapeseeds Meal and Cake;菜籽多糖RSPS1-3的分离纯化及一级结构研究

7.The Study on the Extraction Process of Tea Polyphenols and Caffeine by 2-stage Resin Method;二级树脂吸附层析法分离纯化茶多酚咖啡碱工艺研究

8.Fungal Secondary Metabolites with Anti-tumor Activity: Screening, Separation and Purification;抗肿瘤活性真菌次级代谢产物的筛选及分离纯化

9.Application Analysis of Purified Water Prepared With Secondary Reverse Osmosis and Distilled Water in Physical and Chemical Test of Liquor二级反渗透纯净水与蒸馏水在白酒理化检验中的运用分析

10.Preliminary Study on the Isolation and Purification of Active Secondary Metabolites in the Fermentation Broth of Embellisia oxytropis棘豆蠕孢菌发酵液中次级活性产物分离纯化初探

11.electronic grade chemica电子工业纯度级化学试剂

12.The Singular Directions and Shared-values of Meromorphic Functions of Infinite Order无穷级亚纯函数的分担值与奇异方向

13.Study on Fermentation Optimization,Purification and characteristics of the Secondary Metabolites of Bacillus sp.CPU2312海滨土壤芽胞杆菌次级代谢产物发酵优化、分离纯化及其性质的研究

14.isolation and purification of microorganisms微生物的分离和纯化

15.The Extraction, Separation and Purification of EGCG3"Me;EGCG3” Me的提取与分离纯化

16.Isolation and Purification of Soluble Recombinant PyNPase;可溶性PyNPase的分离与纯化

17.Study on Purification, Primary Structure, Immunoregulation and Anti-tumor Activity of New Active Component of Trichosanthin;天花粉蛋白新有效组分的纯化、一级结构及免疫调节和抗肿瘤活性研究

18.Study on Extraction, Separation and Fraction of Polysaccharide from Lentinus Edodes(Berk.) Sing;高纯度香菇多糖的分离提取及其分级研究


Isolation and purification分离纯化

1.A preliminary study on the method of extraction,isolation and purification of the pigment in greening garlic;大蒜绿变物质提取及其分离纯化方法的初步研究

2.Isolation and Purification of Glycosaminoglycan from Ruditapes philippinarum and the Analysis of its Chemistry Composition;菲律宾蛤仔氨基多糖的分离纯化及化学性质

3.Characteristic, isolation and purification methods of Lactoferrin;乳铁蛋白的特性、分离纯化方法及特点


1.The optimum techniques ofseparation and conservancy stability were studied,in order to further research enzyme characteristic and technique of resolution.经分离纯化实验后,米曲氨基酰化酶的比活力由3。

2.Objective: To establish a HSCCC method for theseparation of Ginsenoside Re and Rg1.本方法的重现性好,方法简单易行,可用于人参皂苷Re 与Rg1 的分离纯化。

3.To study the situation and character of biopolypeptide and to discuss itsseparation and purification with ion exchange chromatography, gel chromatography, reversed phase partition chromatography and capillary electrochromatography etc.本文综述和分析讨论了生物多肽研究现状和特点及其色谱分离方法 ,包括离子交换色谱 ,凝胶色谱 ,反相分配色谱 ,毛细管电色谱等 ,并对经典液相色谱法与高效液相色谱法进行了比较 ,重点叙述了反相分配色谱法分离纯化多


1.Study progress on thepurification and biological functions of porphyra polysaccharide;紫菜多糖的分离纯化及生物学功能研究进展

2.The autolysis of chymopapain and the effect on itspurification;木瓜凝乳蛋白酶的自水解作用及其对分离纯化的影响

3.Advance inpurification of NAD (P)-dependent oxidoreductases;NAD(P)依赖型氧化还原酶分离纯化技术进展

5)separation and purification分离纯化

1.Research on the application of solid phase extraction technology in theseparation and purification of gibberellin GA_3;固相萃取技术在分离纯化赤霉素(GA_3)中的应用研究

2.Study on the process forseparation and purification of high purity azelaic acid;高纯度壬二酸的分离纯化工艺研究

3.Study onseparation and purification of psoralen from Ficus carica;无花果叶中补骨脂素的分离纯化工艺研究


1.Isolation and Identification of a Lipopeptide;脂肽的分离纯化与结构研究

2.Investigation on Isolation and Purifying of Gardenia Yellow Pigment with HPD100 Absorption Resin;大孔树脂分离纯化栀子黄色素的研究

3.Isolation and Identification of Two Sheathed Bacteria from Activated Sludge;活性污泥中二株鞘细菌的分离纯化及其初步鉴定


分离麻醉分离麻醉dissociative anesthesia使用氯胺酮麻醉时延髓和边缘系统兴奋,丘脑抑制这种选择性的兴奋和抑制作用称为分离麻醉。出现感觉与环境分离,情绪活动与神志消失不符,外观似浅麻醉与深度镇痛作用不一致,感觉仍能传入中枢但不能觉察出来等矛盾现象。
