100字范文 > 并联型有源滤波器 shunt active power filter英语短句 例句大全

并联型有源滤波器 shunt active power filter英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-07 10:16:01


并联型有源滤波器 shunt active power filter英语短句 例句大全

并联型有源滤波器,shunt active power filter

1)shunt active power filter并联型有源滤波器

1.Close-loop control forshunt active power filter based on improved harmonics detecting method;基于改进型谐波检测方法的并联型有源滤波器的闭环控制

2.The authors propose an improved quadratic performance index based simple adaptive control (SAC) algorithm and apply it to the design of a DC voltage controller forshunt active power filter, in which the pulse-width-modulation (PWM) switching signal is generated by hysteresis current control.提出了一种基于二次性能指标的简单自适应控制算法,通过采用滞环电流控制产生了脉宽调制的开关信号,设计了并联型有源滤波器直流电压控制器。

3.Close-loop control forshunt active power filter based on improved harmonics detecting method is introduced.介绍了一种基于改进型谐波检测方法的并联型有源滤波器的闭环控制方案。


1.The Research of Shunt Active Power Based on Advanced-DSP;基于DSP的并联型有源滤波器的研究

2.Analysis and Design of Three Phase Shunt Active Filter;三相并联型有源滤波器的分析与设计

3.The Combined System of Shunt LC Passive Filter and Active Power Filter;与可变参数LC无源滤波器混合使用的并联型有源滤波器


5.Study on a novel parallel hybrid active power filter一种新型并联混合型有源电力滤波器

6.Study and Experiment on Shunt Active Power Filter;并联型有源电力滤波器的研究与实验

7.Research on Control Methods for Shunt Active Power Filter并联型有源电力滤波器控制方法研究

8.Research on Shunt Active Power Filter Based on DSP基于DSP并联型有源电力滤波器的研究

9.Simulation of shunt hybrid active power filter并联混合型有源电力滤波器仿真分析

10.Study on Harmonic Current Detecting and Controlling of Three- Phase Shunt APF并联型三相有源滤波器谐波电流检测控制研究

11.Research on Shunt Hybrid Active Power Filter without Harmonic Dectection无谐波检测的并联混合型有源电力滤波器研究

12.Harmonic Compensation of Shunt Active Power Filter and Simulation Based on MATLAB并联型有源电力滤波器的谐波补偿与Matlab仿真

13.The Research of Shunt Three-phase Four-wire Active Power Filter并联型三相四线制电力有源滤波器研究

14.The Repetitive Control Algorithm Based Current Waveform Correction for Shunt Active Power Filter三相并联型有源电力滤波器电流重复控制

15.Among of them, the three-phase shunt active power filter (APF) is most representative.其中,三相并联型电力有源滤波器最具代表性。

16.Simulation Study of a Three-Phase Parallel Active Power Filter三相并联型有源电力滤波器研究及仿真

17.Study on Control Approaches for Three Phase Shunt Active Power Filters三相并联型有源电力滤波器控制方法的研究

18.The Theory and Application Research of Shunt Hybrid Active Power Filter;并联混合型有源电力滤波器的理论与应用研究


shunt hybrid active power filter并联混合型有源滤波器

1.Based on the past engineering experiences, the influences of background harmonic voltages on theshunt hybrid active power filter are studied by analyzing the current canceling system and active inverters.结合已有的工程经验,分别从整个混合滤波系统和有源部分的电压型逆变装置2个层面开展谐波电压对并联混合型有源滤波器影响的分析,得出谐波电压可能导致系统谐振以及直流侧电压抬升的结论。

2.By the establishment of the universal electric model,this paper carries on an investigation into the harmonic filtering principle ofshunt hybrid active power filter(HAPF)based on several kinds of basic control strategies.针对目前常用的几种典型结构的并联混合型有源电力滤波器,该文通过建立通用电气模型,从理论上对基于几种基本控制策略的并联混合型有源滤波器的滤波原理和优缺点进行了分析;在此基础上,通过比较研究,进一步探讨了不同基本控制策略下电网参数波动对并联混合型有源滤波器工作性能产生的影响。

3.A novel structure of active power filter--shunt hybrid active power filter is proposed to overcome the capability limit of APF.针对目前有源滤波器容量限制,提出一种新型的并联混合型有源滤波器SHAPF的结构,SHAPF结合有源滤波器和无源滤波器,大大减少了有源滤波器的容量,有利于工程实现。

3)shunt active power filter并联型有源电力滤波器

1.Simulation research onshunt active power filter;并联型有源电力滤波器的仿真研究

2.Theshunt active power filter can be used to compensate the harmonics generated by current source.并联型有源电力滤波器可较好地补偿电流源产生的谐波,利用MATLAB中的电力系统仿真工具箱对其进行建模与仿真。

4)shunt active power filter APF并联型电力有源滤波器

1.For short- circuit faults occurring in power system s,the behavior ofshunt active power filter APF is analyzed.对并联型电力有源滤波器 ( APF)在电力系统发生各种短路故障时的行为进行了分析 ,得出了在系统发生故障期间 APF会发生过流现象的结论。

5)compensation/shunt active power filter补偿/并联型有源滤波器

6)shunt active power filter并联有源滤波器


