100字范文 > 智能导航系统 intelligent guiding system英语短句 例句大全

智能导航系统 intelligent guiding system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-25 16:37:01


智能导航系统 intelligent guiding system英语短句 例句大全

智能导航系统,intelligent guiding system

1)intelligent guiding system智能导航系统


1.Deign of City Intelligent Navigation Based on EPM1270基于EPM1270的城市智能导航系统的设计

2.Research on Intelligent Navigation System of BCI Based Bio-robot;基于BCI的生物机器人智能导航系统的研究

3.Digital Library s Intellectual Navigator System Analyse, Design and Implement;数字图书馆智能导航系统分析、设计与实现

4.Study and realization of multimedia intelligent tourism navigation system多媒体旅游智能导航系统的研究与实现

5.Coding Algorithm of Traffic Flow in Intelligence Guidance System Based on Adaptive Switching Mode智能导航系统自适应切换模式交通流编码算法

6.Industrial District Navigation System Based on Embedded System基于嵌入式的工业园区智能导航系统设计

7.Research on Vision Navigation System for Intelligent Vehicles on Highway;高速公路智能车辆视觉导航系统研究

8.Research on Intelligent Query Knowledge Base System of Vehicle Navigation;车辆导航的智能查询知识库系统研究

9.Design & Research in Automatic Fault Tolerance Integrated Navigation System;智能容错组合导航系统的设计与研究

10.The Prototype Research and Design of an Intelligent Transportation Navigation System;智能交通导航系统的原型研究与设计

11.A Research for Intelligent Vehicle Location and Navigation System;智能车辆定位与导航系统车载装置的研究

12.Holistic Design for the Navigating Map System Based on Smart Phone and Its Rudimentary Realization;面向智能手机导航地图系统的设计和实现

13.Design and Implementation of GPS Navigation System Based on Smartphone;基于智能手机的GPS导航系统的设计与实现

14.Research of Intelligent Vehicle Location & Navigation System Based on Multi-GPS Antenna;基于多GPS天线智能车辆导航/调度系统的研究

15.The Research and Making of Intelligent Vehicle Location and Navigation System Based on Computer Vision基于计算机视觉的智能小车定位导航系统研制

16.Research on Intelligence Learning Navigation in Network Learning Management System网络学习管理系统中智能学习导航研究

17.Design of vision guided intelligent vehicle system基于视觉导航的智能车货物搬运系统设计

18.Intelligent Transport Navigation System Based on DTMB基于数字电视国标的智能交通导航系统


intelligent vehicle location and navigation system智能车辆定位导航系统

1.This paper gives a general software design of Intelligent Vehicle Location and Navigation System and an approach to solving high-speed serial port data real-time sampling.本文介绍了一种软件上的智能车辆定位导航系统(IVLNS)总体设计和数据处理体系中高速串口数据实时采集的解决方案。

3)Study on Intelligent Navigation System智能导航系统研究

4)Intelligent Traffic Navigation System智能交通导航系统

5)intelligent navigation智能导航

1.The study and implement ofintelligent navigation for the design of typical components;典型零部件设计的智能导航技术研究与实施

2.The Design and Accomplishment of the Intelligent Navigation Learning System;智能导航学习系统的研究与实现

6)intelligent tutoring system智能导师系统

1.Application and development ofintelligent tutoring system in military training;智能导师系统在军事训练中应用现状及发展


奥米加导航系统(见飞机双曲线导航系统)奥米加导航系统(见飞机双曲线导航系统)Omega navigation systemAomiiia daohang Xitong奥米加导航系统(omeg。。avigationsystem)见飞机双曲线导航系统。
