100字范文 > 疲劳损伤累积模型 fatigue damage accumulation model英语短句 例句大全

疲劳损伤累积模型 fatigue damage accumulation model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-19 07:42:55


疲劳损伤累积模型 fatigue damage accumulation model英语短句 例句大全

疲劳损伤累积模型,fatigue damage accumulation model

1)fatigue damage accumulation model疲劳损伤累积模型

1.Based on this parameter, the relationship between the damage parameter and fatigue cycles is derived, and afatigue damage accumulation model is developed to evaluate the fatigue life using finite element method and numerical simulation.依据该损伤参量 ,利用有限元程序和自编程序计算得出损伤参量和疲劳循环次数的关系 ,建立以这一损伤参量为基础的疲劳损伤累积模型 ,进而估算涡轮盘裂纹萌生寿

2)cumulative fatigue damage model疲劳累积损伤模型

1.Thecumulative fatigue damage model is proposed to describe the fatigue damage level of the strengthened crane beam.建立了碳纤维布加固钢筋混凝土吊车梁的疲劳累积损伤模型,并根据所建立的吊车梁的疲劳累积损伤模型,对本文试件进行了疲劳损伤程度分析。

3)cumulative fatigue damage疲劳累积损伤

1.Based on the damage evolution equation, a complete nonlinearcumulative fatigue damage model (NCFDM) is obtained, which takes the nonlinear effect of damage cumulation in one loading cycle and between two loading cycle into account, and the available partial NCFDM is a special case.用连续介质损伤力学的方法推导得到了一个非线性的损伤发展方程,该方程计及了加载过程应力与损伤的完全耦合效应;又由损伤发展方程得到了一个计及加载循环周内和循环周间损伤积累非线性效应的完全非线性疲劳累积损伤模型,已有的部分非线性疲劳累积损伤模型成为它的特例。

2.A study on thecumulative fatigue damage of plain concrete under biaxial compression is conducted basing on the experiments of concrete specimens subjected to constant and variable amplitude cyclic loading with constant confined pressure.本文在对混凝土立方体试件进行定侧压下双轴等幅与变幅抗压疲劳试验的基础上,研究了素混凝土双轴抗压疲劳累积损伤性能。

3.Analyzing the dependent failure and stepwise computing the reliability of a parallel system,the reliability model ofcumulative fatigue damage of a load sharing parallel system is developed according to the total probability formula and Miner theory.为了有效处理载荷共享并联系统的可靠性问题,首先分析了并联系统的相关失效,并分步计算并联系统可靠度,应用全概率公式和Miner理论对并联系统进行了疲劳累积损伤可靠性建模。


1.Influence of Fatigue Damage Accumulation on Refabrication of Engine Cylinder Head疲劳累积损伤对发动机缸盖再制造的影响

2.Reliability Model of Cumulative Fatigue Damage of Load-Sharing Parallel System载荷共享并联系统疲劳累积损伤可靠性模型

3.Multi-level Amplitude Fatigue Loads of the Fatigue Cumulative Damage RPC Research多级等幅疲劳荷载作用下RPC的疲劳累积损伤研究

4.Analysis for the Resistance Reduction of Structural Members Based on the Theory of Probabilistic Fatigue Damage Accumulation基于概率疲劳累积损伤理论的构件抗力衰减分析

5.Research on Magnetic Memory Effect and Its Counter-question of Fatigue Accumulation Damage Based on Stationary Wave;基于驻波疲劳累积损伤的磁记忆效应及反问题研究

6.Study on Metal Magnetic Memory Based on Accumulative Fatigue Damnification and Application in Engineering基于疲劳累积损伤的磁记忆效应及工程应用研究

7.Cantilever Beam under Alternating Load Fatigue Cumulative Damage Effect of Experimental Study of Magnetic Force悬臂梁交变载荷下疲劳累积损伤力磁效应实验研究

8.Reliability analysis of straight bevel gear transmission based on linear fatigue damage cumulative theory基于线性疲劳累积损伤理论的直齿圆锥齿轮传动可靠度计算

9.An evaluation method of fatigue life under multi-axial loading based on damage accumulation theory基于损伤累积理论的多轴疲劳寿命预测方法

10.Fatigue damage analysis of long span steel bridge welded members using the finite element method and damage mechanics基于损伤力学—有限元法的大跨度钢桥梁构件疲劳损伤累积分析

11.A New Nonlinear Accumulative Model of Damage to Concrete Fatigue一种新的可用于混凝土疲劳研究的非线性累积损伤模型(英文)

12.Hot Spot Stress Analysis of Steel Bridge Components and Numerical Simulation of Fatigue Damage Accumulation;桥梁构件局部热点应力分析及其疲劳损伤累积过程模拟

13.Fatigue Life Estimation on High-strength Bolt Based on Mechanics of Fracture and Accumulated Damage Theory;基于累积损伤及断裂力学理论的高强螺栓疲劳寿命估算

14.A Model Unifying Both Fatigue Nucleation and Crack Growth Based on Continuous Accumulated Damage基于连续累积损伤的疲劳启裂和裂纹扩展的统一模型



17.Fatigue Cumulative Damage Detection and Fatigue Life Prediction on Reinforced Concrete Slabs;钢筋混凝土板疲劳损伤识别及疲劳寿命预测

18.Fatigue Damage Mechanics under Impact Load and Analysis of Fatigue Damage for Hammer-Foundation;冲击载荷下疲劳损伤力学及锻锤基础的疲劳损伤分析


cumulative fatigue damage model疲劳累积损伤模型

1.Thecumulative fatigue damage model is proposed to describe the fatigue damage level of the strengthened crane beam.建立了碳纤维布加固钢筋混凝土吊车梁的疲劳累积损伤模型,并根据所建立的吊车梁的疲劳累积损伤模型,对本文试件进行了疲劳损伤程度分析。

3)cumulative fatigue damage疲劳累积损伤

1.Based on the damage evolution equation, a complete nonlinearcumulative fatigue damage model (NCFDM) is obtained, which takes the nonlinear effect of damage cumulation in one loading cycle and between two loading cycle into account, and the available partial NCFDM is a special case.用连续介质损伤力学的方法推导得到了一个非线性的损伤发展方程,该方程计及了加载过程应力与损伤的完全耦合效应;又由损伤发展方程得到了一个计及加载循环周内和循环周间损伤积累非线性效应的完全非线性疲劳累积损伤模型,已有的部分非线性疲劳累积损伤模型成为它的特例。

2.A study on thecumulative fatigue damage of plain concrete under biaxial compression is conducted basing on the experiments of concrete specimens subjected to constant and variable amplitude cyclic loading with constant confined pressure.本文在对混凝土立方体试件进行定侧压下双轴等幅与变幅抗压疲劳试验的基础上,研究了素混凝土双轴抗压疲劳累积损伤性能。

3.Analyzing the dependent failure and stepwise computing the reliability of a parallel system,the reliability model ofcumulative fatigue damage of a load sharing parallel system is developed according to the total probability formula and Miner theory.为了有效处理载荷共享并联系统的可靠性问题,首先分析了并联系统的相关失效,并分步计算并联系统可靠度,应用全概率公式和Miner理论对并联系统进行了疲劳累积损伤可靠性建模。

4)fatigue cumulative damage疲劳累积损伤

1.Experimental research onfatigue cumulative damage of concrete under cyclic tension-compression with constant confined stress;定侧压混凝土双轴拉-压疲劳累积损伤试验研究

2.An experimental research program was carried out with the aim of investigating thefatigue cumulative damage of concrete in axial tension - compression under constant and variable amplitude cyclic loading with constant confined stress.总结了实测等幅与变幅疲劳应变与变形模量的衰减规律,基于疲劳变形模量定义了损伤变量,拟合试验结果得到了两阶段的损伤演化方程,依据损伤演变与损伤状态、加载条件间的相关性,建立了相应的疲劳累积损伤模型,并给出了利用本文模型进行疲劳损伤分析和剩余寿命预测的方法。

3.In this paper,by simulating the gust force as a stationary random process,using the wind load speci-fied in the code and fatigue experimental results and starting from the random response analysis,an ana-lytieal method is respectively presented for the analysis of factigue reliability and estimation of fatigue lifeof a structure to the wind based on thefatigue cumulative damage mechanisms.本文通过考虑脉动风压的随机过程性,利用风荷载的规范标定方法和结构疲劳试验结果,从结构风振随机反应分析着手,提出了基于疲劳累积损伤机制的抗风结构疲劳可靠性和寿命估计的分析方法,并通过一典型单自由度结构说明了此方法的应用。

5)accumulated fatigue damage疲劳累积损伤

1.The comparison made with the results ofaccumulated fatigue damage under linear waveindaced loads calculated by the proposed method and the conventional method shows the applicability of the proposed method.以线性波浪载荷为例,按严格方法和简化方法计算某舰船疲劳累积损伤,对所得结果进行的对比说明了该简化方法的可用性和简便性,这为该简化方法在船体纵向构件疲劳强度计算中的实际应用提供了可能。

6)fatigue accumulating damage疲劳累积损伤度

1.Based onfatigue accumulating damage concept of S-N curve method, the paper did the fatigue strength check by using the CCS and DNV programs.本文基于S-N曲线法的疲劳累积损伤度原理,根据中国船级社(CCS)和挪威船级社(DNV)的船体结构疲劳强度指南,采用名义应力的疲劳计算方法,对一艘150 000 m3LNG船进行了疲劳强度校核,对计算结果进行 了分析,并提出了合理的建议。


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